Articles of Confederation

Jim V, bless you. I do need to find the other books you mentioned.

Stoic, I don't think anyone here is talking about anything other than change through the ballot box, but I do think the Russian military (among others) would disagree with your take on what determined resisters can do with small arms.
(Nose way up in air, hurt look, whimpering) No, that's okay. Doesn't matter. Couple thousand rounds per minute. Nothing significant. Only last a minute or so anyway, I suppose. (sniff, wiping imaginary tear)
I would vote right now to revert to something like a Articles Of Confederation System.Just think of the advantages. No more HUGE Federal beast system with its oppressive tax system , no more,phoney money systemof fiat currency backed by huge national debt, no more tons of Federal laws which are basically tied into control and revenue pickpocketing, no more huge oppressive military system which oppresses not only foreign countries but could oppress US citizens,and no more supporting that crooked Senate, House, Supreme Court, and Dictitorial Presidents present and future. I could add further to the list,but it might take weeks
Ipecac< Have you read PALLAS by L. Neil or his new one THE MITZVAH? I have the second one on order from the JPFO.

Which edition of THE PROBABILITY BROACH did you read? If it was the first edition, get the reprint. The picture painted of Win Bear's home was much more bleak than in the first edition.

I think that we are not looking at the big picture. We keep saying that the Libertarians don't have a chance to get elected. Well you are right if you are talking about President, but what could a President do if the majority of the House and Senate were Libertarians?

I don't totally agree with all the Libertarian ideas but, I am getting closer to their way of thinking everyday. I really like the idea of not initiating force, that does not mean you can not resist force initaited against you with what ever means you have.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
My "Probability Broach" is a 2nd edition. I have "Pallas" liked it very nearly as much as TPB, and I am going to order "Mitzvah" as soon as my wife gives me some money. ;)

Smith's work, especially TPB and his essays, were major influences to make me think libertarian. Plus, they're fun reading. You gotta love a guy with as much passion as El Neil.