AR's stolen from police cars my town

Obviously a unattended cop car with weapons in plain sight presents plenty of opportunity, but I wonder if its the lesser of evils vs constantly handling and moving the guns around?

Cops manage to have their fair share of ND/AD's with their holstered pistols.
Looked at in a big picture kind of way, adding constant daily handling/carrying of exposed trigger ARs and shotguns seems like it may generate a overall hazard that exceeds the risk of them being stolen from a locked rack inside a locked car?
Looked at in a big picture kind of way, adding constant daily handling/carrying of exposed trigger ARs and shotguns seems like it may generate a overall hazard that exceeds the risk of them being stolen from a locked rack inside a locked car?

Looking at the big picture, even if your cops are five thumbed apes with no clue (and they are not) I'd say the risk to society from then having an accidental discharge (and what long guns are stored chamber loaded, anyway?) is less then the risk to society from criminals getting functional AR-15s (or M16 variants) in their hands.

And the criminal's discharge(s) aren't as likely to be accidental, either.
AR15 was stolen from a local state trooper's patrol car. Found the kids who stole it, but they had sold it to a fence who left town. Every trooper in the state beat the bushes for the guy, including the state bureau of investigation. When the crook found out what he had, the rifle mysteriously appeared in the trooper's front yard. Yeah, they arrested him anyway.
"...Seems negligent..." Cops are good guys for the most part, but the absolute most negligent firearms users anywhere. They get away with stuff that'd get anybody else thrown in jail.
Like Dashunde says, they have AD/ND's regularly. Up here several "SWAT" type cops have been killed by other "SWAT" type cops playing 'quick draw'. No consequences either.
"...MAYBE they got a better rack...." That'd be blaming an inanimate object for the irresponsibility of a highly paid civil servant(nearly 100 grand per annum plus benefits after only 4 years TI, up here). Maybe the cop should be held responsible for his/her negligence.
Newspaper said leaving the weapons in the car was per policy,so IMO,its (probably) not right to fault the officers.
IMO.its questionable policy.
I wonder if they are more careful with their computer.
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Are AR receivers the only part required to have a serial number?
Do the barrels have (matching) numbers if the gun is bought whole?

Depending on how the stolen guns are stamped, buying a legit receiver and building it up with stolen parts would be a cheap way to get a gun to keep or sell openly.
Given,this is darn near Mayberry,pop 150,000, are AR's racked in the car any more justifiable than carrying an AR into the local K-mart?Seems the same mindset,different venue.

"It's OK, though: they are with the Government!"


"...Seems negligent..." Cops are good guys for the most part, but the absolute most negligent firearms users anywhere. They get away with stuff that'd get anybody else thrown in jail.

There may be a correlation there .....

That'd be blaming an inanimate object for the irresponsibility of a highly paid civil servant

"Highly paid" ..... not everywhere .....