Arming Pakistan

Side note: TOW missiles are big medicine against any type of bunker or built-up position. I bet that use of the weapon system is helpful in "anti-terror applications".
OK, which terrorists are out practicing maneuvers in their fleets of ships and columns of tanks?

Hezbullah has tanks and artillery, and has inflicted serious damage to an IDF warship in the last war.

The Tamil Tigers have an air force.

The article states that they are buying the F16s and implies that the other deals are being done under similar terms. How is the US taxpayer paying for it again?

My bad, should have provided another article.

At the end of March 2005, President Bush reversed 15 years of policy begun under his father by offering F-16 fighter planes to Islamabad. Initially, Pakistan plans on buying two dozen of the Lockheed Martin manufactured planes, but Bush administration officials note there would be no limits on how many could eventually be purchased.[76] Pakistan’s economy is not strong enough to allow Musharraf to purchase the $35 million per copy fighter planes, and so the deal will be accompanied by about $3 billion in military aid.[77]

Now, how did their need become the US taxpayers' responsibility?
And as long as I'm adding articles...

The Pakistani government gave substantial military support to the Taliban in the years leading up to the September 11 attacks, sending arms and soldiers to fight alongside the militant Afghan movement, according to newly released US official documents.

Sure, let's give them better hardware to share...
Side note: TOW missiles are big medicine against any type of bunker or built-up position. I bet that use of the weapon system is helpful in "anti-terror applications".

And in knocking out OUR tanks and bunkers, when the Pakistanis share them with the wrong people, or "suddenly" become the wrong people themselves...
Was it a good idea long term? Who knows. Short term it worked. When your immediate concern is stopping a nuclear confrontation you tend to discount the future.

No one stopped us from having a nuclear arms race with the USSR, and there were some scary moments, but we haven't melted each other yet.

Your point is a valid one, and one I actually made in this same discussion on another forum. If Pakistan thinks they're going to lose another war to India, they might just decide to melt a few cities. Our weapons can even out the conventional weapons situation, possibly avoiding that scenario, while buying us some sort of support from Pakistan, at least in the short term.

But if all of it works, the long term will also happen...