Armed Neighbor Joins in Gunfight to Save Neighbors

Under most circumstances, I wouldn't do anything but protect my own family and dial 911.

But, in the townhouse I currently live (but only for a couple more weeks! :D), I share a wall with a nice woman I might consider risking my life to help.
Her soon-to-be ex-husband was violent and abusive, and recently threatened to shoot her AND all of their kids.

If I heard gunshots in her unit, I just don't think I could sit back and wait to see what the end result would be.

I don't know. It would be a tough call.
Sort of like Hebrew National company...

I answer to higher authority.

Having said that, I won't blindly run into just anything. However, I have good neighbors I know (if they're trying to shoot someone, it's a good shoot) and can discern 'us' from 'them'. I have some other neighbors I don't know as well and would hesitate to enter, simply because I don't know all the players.

I don't live in PDSR California anymore, where commoners are expected to die as victims rather than inconvenience either an attacker or the police (in sorting out the bodies after the fact). I'm in Nebraska, outside the big city mentality of Omaha and Lincoln.

Yes, I would be answering questions for an extended period - which is normal. The police really have a 'bug' about figuring out what happened when shots are fired and people are injured. Sort of an occupational idiosyncrasy. So an informed citizen - even an armed one - expects to answer lots of questions.

I still will not knowingly stand by and allow evil to operate with impunity.
bit biased as the neighboor is the son. Someone else shooting at my family woult want to make me take my own gun out of the safe
dial 911

Two different situations, two different responses. My family doesn't live next door, but if they did and I heard shots I'd be there in a heartbeat. But then I'd know the "good guys" from the bad. And since I don't know the majority of my neighbors, and don't have any way of separating the wheat from the chaff in a moments notice, I'd call the police. If the shtf and a good guy is shot by the police, they have the benefit of legal protection that I probably couldn't afford.
In the context of the story, it's totally cut and dried. The son did the right thing, and no charges are expected to be filed.
If it happened here, next to my apartment, I'd grab the G19 and the phone, and hit the floor, laying as flat as I could make my fat self. I don't know any of my neighbors beyond pleasant greetings in passing. I don't know if one of the husbands is sick of the wife, or vice-versa, er wut.
If I felt the need to play sheep dog, my intent in intervening would be to try and put a stop to the altercation, but I'm not that civic minded.
OH, and by the way. Be really careful of this one twist on things when it comes to family members shooting at each other. Sometimes, it's ok as long as they are the only ones doing the shooting but the minute a stranger shows up and wants to play, he becomes everyone's enemy.

It's like that old saw, breaking up a dog fight is a good way to get bit, twice ;)