Arkansas CHL permit holders outed

The Memphis "Commerical Appeal" newspaper just did the same thing, though they scrubbed the addresses of the permit holders.

One thing these nitwit "journalists" forget is that there are people out there with CCW's who don't want to be found out. People such as victims of domestic violence or those who have testified against hard-core criminal elements in the past.

It's tough enough to be forced to move to another city or another state to avoid life-threatening violence. It's even worse when the media exhibits callous disregard for your safety by publishing your name (and in some cases, address). I wonder how many people will attempt to sue these newspapers for the cost of moving (yet again).

Editors like it when their reporters jam up to some Politico and ask "did you know the risks when you made the decision and when did you know it?" But when it comes to journalists and Editors... ethics is something others should have.
I am an Arkansas CCW instructor.

Here's what I have done tonight.

I have emailed the link to Max Brantley's little temper tantrum to every single email address I have for folks who've taken CCW classes or done renewals with me.

I've urged them to go to the Arkansas Times web site, and note which businesses advertise there, and then contact those businesses and tell them that they will get no more money from any of us so long as they advertise in Brantley's rag.

I've also urged them all to forward the same email to ever single person they know with a carry permit.

I've sent over 200 emails tonight alone.

Hit the Arkansas Times where it really hurts. Right in the pocket book.

I know it's a matter of public record but I plan to speak to an attorney tomorrow to see if there is any avenue leadng to legal standing for a suit against all involved. This is a damn shame. Some on that list have ccw due to domestic violence or stalking incidents. Now the people they are hoping never to see again have a road map to their house. I also have forwarded this to several AR legislators. My ccw instructor and 5 students are onboard with me for a suit if we feel we have legal standing, which we will know after speaking with some pro 2a lawyers.
I, too, have sent email to several state reps, pointedly asking them what happens if a woman who got a permit to protect herself against an abusive ex-husband or boyfriend is hurt or killed because the abusive ex found her through the published list.

If there's standing, let me know, please.

This one means war, boys and girls. Total war....metaphorically speaking, of course.

I would neeeeeeeeeeever advocate anyone break any laws.

But whatever legal means we have, we need to use on Max Brantley.

Possum, check your pm
Please, no one is calling for any violence against this is jackass. If we find that we have standing, on any level, we plan to sue the reporter, the AR times, owner and board of directors of the times, ISP that hosts the times and blog and maybe the ASP. Someone had to give this retard the excel list.
That still doesn't mitigate the problem. Who knows how many people have already seen that list? He should be sued into oblivion.
The list may be gone, but an "anonymous" source now has a website where one may search the entire list by name, city, or zip code. The data to which Brantley referred is still also available online. Even if the link is gone, the information is not.
Being outed

The way I look at it,by putting gun permit holders info in the local rag is abuse of power,pure and simple.That guy would be doing the same thing no matter what job he had.He needs to be spanked.Outing his personal info is a good start.I also agree on contacting folks that buy ad space in that newspaper and telling them just how you feel.I say it's time we gun owners stop complaining and start fighting back.We must all work to get rid of politicians that screw with us.How much more can we take?Maybe someone should make signs and picket Mr. Newsmans home?Gun owners as a group have been silent too long.That's why we are always targeted by the loony left.
As far as taking any action- I would suggest first waiting to see if there is any legal recourse here. Gun owners need to take the high road on this one. Whether we like it or not, the reality is that CCW permit holders will likely be demonized for the slightest impropriety in action and Brantley will be defended for his.
First- explore the legal avanue. Then seek some fix through the legislative process.
As much as I chuckled when I saw the author's home address, personal phone number, property tax records, and google maps image of his home posted on the web, I think we can do better than stooping to his level. And, as much as posting that info might make a point, I doubt it would bring about any real change.
Just my .02. I'm all for recourse, but let's do it the right way.