Arizona joins the club today?


New member
Hello folks, from what I've heard Arizona joins Vermont and Alaska today as states that do not require a permit/liscense to carry concealed.

Can anyone confirm that the law takes hold today 7-29-10?

Also does this apply to other non-firearm weapons?
although over shadowed in the news by the illegal allien law, today is also the day that everyone who can legally own a gun can also cc without a license. to celibrate i purchased a new taurus 709 slim and a don hume iwb holster and i'm packin.
Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear! The desert will run with blood! There'll be gun fights over parking spots! Dozens will die over fender benders! Cancer rates will climb sky-high! The sky is falling! Only more government can save us!

Oh. Wait. Sorry. I think I'm having a crackers attack. I'll be human again in a couple minutes.
CCW No more

True, no CCW as of today, one exception to that is that you still must have CCW if going into restaurant that sells alcohol, and you must abstain from drinking alcohol (DUH).

Arizona's CCW is still available for those that want interstate reciprocity.

Congrats to you in Arizona... Would you export your law to Idaho? Please!!!
Do I have to carry my papers the next time I go to Arizona in case the police stop me?

A snip to avoid a divergence - GEM
Yep. It starts today.

I just received my new AZ CCW test copies for CCW instructors to be used effective today.

Another reason to have a AZ CCW is to bypass the NICS background check when purchasing a firearm. Many FFLs charge for this service, I'm not sure why since the FBI provides it free and usually only takes a few extra minutes.
Jealous in the Land of 10K Liberals.

Though we moved in the right direction a few years ago with the Minnesota Personal Protection Act or MPPA, which is basically a "shall issue" concealed carry permit law, us Minniesotans have cause to be jealous of you folks in Arizona.

Will the anti gun rights liberals run away to California now, since they'll consider themselves to be safer in CA than AZ? Doesn't California ask you for "your papers" if they see you with a handgun in public? Or is that only if they suspect you of being in the country illegally? Wait. Some cities in California are sanctuary cities where they will protect you if you've snuck into the country. So, if an illegal is carrying and it's found out that he/she is, will they just take the gun away and say, "Have a nice day."?
n7qvu, I never found any FFL charging for the NICS call, worked for a few, as well. Whoever is doing that to you needs to be taken off of your "shop here" list!
Nope, STILL no blood in the streets, but plenty of protesters still raging agai9nst our now neutered illegal invader law.
BlueTrain, license, registration, proof of insurance, just like any other driver fr many many years. Same as if 1070 had gone into effect without interferance, nothing would have changed.
Cali may still have "sanctuary cities", AKA federal law free zones, or we-wanna-be-an-independant-city/state, but as of the 29th, AZ doesn't, that part did go into law, as well as making it a state crime to harbor or transport an illegal invader. Wait, there was a story from Cali that called one such person, a "displaced international traveller" or some nonsense like that.
But, back to the OP, absolutely, carry openly or concealed, just as the Founding Fathers intended.
For the record, I have had a policeman ask for my driver's license (which is about the only thing in the way of "paper" there is around here) when I was in front of my own house, not even in the car. That was in response to my calling the police. Not sure which side the police are on now.

Would it have sounded better if I'd said "state police?"
I have had a policeman ask for my driver's license (which is about the only thing in the way of "paper" there is around here) when I was in front of my own house, not even in the car. That was in response to my calling the police. Not sure which side the police are on now.

Ummm..........maybe the cop was doing his job. You called the police, the police need to make a report. They need a complainant's name & other information to put on that report. Since you called to make a complaint, it would stand to reason that you would be the one listed as a complainant. Now the officer could asked for all the information, taking the chance of misspelling, mis-hearing, or what ever. Wouldn't it be more practical to just ask for some ID so he can copy the information he needs for the report.

Which side are the police on? Your's since you called, they responded and use your information for the report.

A bit off topic, but I had to chime in on this part.

Anyway I believe Wyoming is soon to follow, we almost got the "no cc permit required" last session but they ran out of time with being a budget year and suck. We did get our Made in Wyoming" law passed, I'm sure no CC will follow next session.
I guess Arizona just got an F on the brady grade...

Sounds awesome, and I am jealous. i think that if you can legally own a gun, you should be allowed to at least open carry the damn thing! i wish every state woke up to this!
I suppose the policeman was doing his job the way he had been told to. I hadn't exactly complained so much as I had merely called them to let them know there was an abandoned moped in the woods beside the house. Nevertheless, I was surprised that he asked me. I never carry such things around the house anyway and I had to go inside and get it. The point here is that anything like that will make you think twice before calling them again. And that is bad for community policing. In communities where there are not good relations between the police and the rest of the community, the police are somewhat handicapped. Naturally, there's another side. Some folks don't take kindly to having their neighbors inform on them.

Now, as regards to open carry, I rather think that might be your right (in most states; Texas?) but it may not be the right thing to do.
That is outstanding news........ although, I'm sure that "blood will run in the streets" according to our friends at the Handgun Control Inc. / Brady Campaign.
An "F" from Brady is the same thing as 5-Star, 2-thumbs up, Attaboy, Blue Ribbon at the county fair, Smiley Face, etc.
Don't you think that if there really was a good reason to carry a gun, blood really would be running in the street? Conversely, the more you might need a gun, the less likely it will be that it will be legal!
Now you good folks in Arizona can ask the violent criminals, when they attack you, "What do you want on your Tombstone?" :D
QUOTE - Do I have to carry my papers the next time I go to Arizona in case the police stop me?

Naw, Virginia is OK.... but here in Arizona, we WILL hassle people with New York accents :)

BTW, another law which went into effect 7/29 - Firearms Freedoms Act - firearms which are manufactured in AZ, and kept within AZ, shall be exempt from federal controls..... feds don't like it, so things might get interesting....