Arisaka type 38


New member
Got my grandfather's bring home type 38. He brought it home in pieces and idk what happened to the inerds of the bolt. I need a firing pin, spring and safety to complete the bolt. I am seeing complete bolts go for around ~$120 on eBay and just the 3 parts I need going for about the same.

Do you guys have any advice concerning this? Financially it makes sense to just buy the complete bolt but should I be using the bolt that came w the gun. Or it doesn't matter? Will all of the slightly different safety styles fit in the bolt I already have?

I've been waiting for good deals but it seems there is none to be had.
These parts will only get more expensive the longer I wait so should I just get them now?
These parts will only get more expensive the longer I wait so should I just get them now?

You answered your own question.

Financially it makes sense to just buy the complete bolt but should I be using the bolt that came w the gun. Or it doesn't matter? Will all of the slightly different safety styles fit in the bolt I already have?

I am no Arisaka expert, but I would say that your best bet is to get a complete type 38 bolt and use the guts out of it. Type 99 bolts are different so make sure that you get the right one.

Instead of relying on others to do your research, use Google to determine which style safety is correct for your series rifle.
Thanks for the attitude. I guess you could answer the same snarky way to everyone that posts a question on this site. Thanks for the non answer.
Personally, I'd buy a complete bolt and salve what I could then sell the rest. If prices keep going up... buy them. Dies can be hard to get.
go to they will have everything you need and it shouldn't cost you much more than 30 dollars for those 3 parts. sometimes they'll get original parts in and will marked as such but for the most part they are new so slightly less value on the collectors end.
Thanks guys. At gunpartscorp the firing pin alone is like $65. Safety is ~37, spring is like $5. When I first got it I thought the parts would be around $30. Those parts are like half the cost of a complete rifle
Replacing the parts would be less likely to cause headspace problems than replacing the whole bolt. Unless the bolt body is defective in some way, I would replace the parts.

Keep looking. I've seen a couple bringbacks locally for a hundred bucks or less.

A 'Wanted to Buy - $50' ad in local paper may get you one.
Thanks for the attitude. I guess you could answer the same snarky way to everyone that posts a question on this site. Thanks for the non answer.

I wasn't trying to be snarky. What I was trying to convey was that there is a ton of info out there. Arisakas were made in a dizzying variety of series and models besides the Types 38 and 99. and depending on when and where yours was made, it may make a difference in the type and style of bolt that is correct for yours.

As for my answers, there is a ton of information out there. If you would have bothered to take a few minutes to research "Type 38 Arisaka", you would have found out a great deal about your rifle. Instead, you chose to let others do the research for you because it is easier.

The only problem with taking the easy path is that it can and often does lead to conflicting and erroneous "facts" by those replying. By doing your own research, you will be better able to separate fact from fiction.

Oh and by the way, you really did answer your own question.
Hmmm. Since sites are rated based on the number of "hits", telling folks to do their own research instead of coming here might not be a good idea from the viewpoint of the site sponsor.

I didn't know that Jim. Sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes.

OP, I am sorry that I offended you.

I guess an example of what I was trying to say is this:

What if the only reply that the OP got said that all Japanese bolts are the same? Without further research, he might then go out an buy a Type 99 or Type I bolt thinking that they would address his issue, only to find that he has spent money on something that won't work.

I personally like doing research on the guns I have, or ones that I am considering buying. Then if I have further questions on something, I have the knowledge to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Sorry, if I offended you. You are perfectly correct that people on sites like this can (and do) pass on bad information, but that is part of the problem of "the net", where it has often been said that advice is worth exactly what one pays for it.

Unfortunately, erroneous information is not limited to general interest sites; I have seen people on specialist gun sites (Colts, Lugers, etc.) put out wrong, sometimes ridiculous, information and then use their position as "experts" to insult people who try to correct the error.

In your example, I would hope that, even if such advice were given, that it would be corrected before the OP acted on the erroneous information.

(On the subject of Type I bolts, it has sometimes been said that they are identical to the Carcano bolt; that is not true.)

isnt this site for doing research and asking knowledgable gun owners questions that they probably know they answer to? This IS a place to do research.

I didn't ask about type 99's or other Japanese rifles. I think I was pretty clearly asking about type 38's.

"I personally like doing research on the guns I have, or ones that I am considering buying. Then if I have further questions on something, I have the knowledge to separate the wheat from the chaff."-you

That's exactly what I was doing but you still think I'm taking " the easy path, letting others do research for you." I guess it's only ok when you're the one asking questions.

if everyone responded to questions like you did the site would sure be lousy.
if everyone responded to questions like you did the site would sure be lousy.

Actually, I tried to apologize if I hurt your feelings.

I see you completely managed to miss my point and are more interested in acting like a petulant child. However, I am done with this and will not feed the thread anymore.
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"However, I am done with this and will not feed the thread anymore."

Too bad you didn't feel that way before your original post. You added absolutely nothing except for your condescending attitude towards the question.

I'm going to suck it up and buy the parts online. Might as well turn it into a working rifle.
alright gentlemen, lets not turn this into a full fledged argument. all that serves to do is get threads locked and nobody comes away from that happy except maybe the person that got the last word in before it was locked.

as for research and such, this is my view. this site is no more or less credible than an online blog or a youtube clip. there are only a couple really good websites for researching any given model and I am only aware of a single site that has good, solid information about the Arisaka and even that is horribly incomplete and vague in one area or another. the information from that site was cut and pasted from another site that just mysteriously disappeared one day. if the OP is interested here is a link to said page. now suggesting that a person that doesn't know how to separate the wheat from the chaff or even what they are supposed to be researching in the first place, is pretty egotistical. telling somebody to google it pretty much leaves wikipedia as their only hope of learning anything useful and that's only if somebody hasn't decided to deface the wikipedia page to say the arisaka is an antique sex toy that was originally invented by george lucas.

now, how about turning this thread back to it's original purpose? did OP succeed in finding and ordering parts for a type 38 bolt?
EDIT: if not, here is an auction for a turned down bolt that's only up to $67. you could pick this up cheap, swap parts over and then sell or throw away the turned down bolt body.
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Thanks tahunua: i actually am watching that auction. I hope to win it. Hopefully it goes for less than $100. If not I'm going to buy the individual parts for about that price. I just have to buy some ammo. For around $40 for a 20 round box!! Crazy.