Are you sure you want a flat tax?!

I personally would prefer a User Tax if we are going to change, seems to me to be the fairest tax, and does not descriminate agianst anyone, Rich, Poor, or Middle class.
The only reason we have witholding is that the Government knows the taxes are onerus and unfair. Would you, without question, write a check each month for 25-30% of your gross?
Yeah, just like you would let your utility or phone company confiscate $200 -$300 per month and then wring it out at the end of the year.
Supposedly, something like 65% of the taxes collected go to pay for the tax collection process (like IRS salaries, etc.)

So yes...I would vote for something simpler
Yes, I would support a flat tax.

On the one hand, on the lower end of the spectrum, those who are not currently paying anything would then be paying something, albeit not a whole lot. This would be positive, in that it heads off the tendency for those on the lower end of the spectrum to vote for "bread and circuses" types of wealth transfer programs -- the sort that has doomed democracies and republics since that sort of government first came about so long ago. By making it clear that they do have some stake in keeping costs under control, they are that much less likely to want to vote themselves largesse from the public treasury, and that much more likely to want to get rid of the politicians who try to buy their votes with the taxpayers' (now, their own) money with socialistic schemes.

On the other hand, a flat tax does away with the legal loopholes that allow the super-rich to avoid paying much in the way of taxes at all (which is repugnant), all the while lowering the top tier marginal tax rate to something reasonable -- since the net effect of high marginal taxes is the drying up of investment capital: investment capital that provides the impetus for new business startups, business expansion, etc. All of which means that high marginal taxes mean less new jobs for everybody.

Those in the middle remain largely unaffected.

I, for one, consider a flat tax (perhaps, or maybe preferrably, a sales tax on consumption) to be a fair tax.
Consumption or Sales Tax.
It's a "fair" tax, in that it encourages savings; however, it's extremely regressive, placing the poor and middle class into a much high tax/gross-inc category than the wealthy who tend not to spend their entire income on necessities.


On the Fair tax the one proposed by Linder and Boortz won't the taxes collected on necessities be refunded each month based on the poverty level for the household. Or i'm i mistaken?
Unknown Rapier....I'm not familiar with the proposal, but it sounds like another bureaucratic nightmare. A more fair way to implement a national sales tax is to exempt by item:
No taxes on food, medicines, housing, rentals, etc....very high taxes on jewelry, cigarettes, alcohol and the like......but I still like the Constitution Party approach the best.
