Are you better off now than you were 8 yrs ago? (wtf!)


New member
Just finished an interesting discussion with a few people in the office conerning this..

WTF is this kind of question for most people?

Now, I notice.. this might not apply to everyone, but in the case(s) I observed..

A co-worker and I started up on our Clinton-bashing rounds as soon as another employee mentioned how much she distrusted Clinton. :D At any rate, we're rambling on for God knows how long.. (of course, we've got that much dirt on him..) When another co-worker puts in his two cents. Of course, if it adds up to two cents, I don't know or not..

Are you better off now than you were 8 yrs ago?

I thought about it for a second.. Hell yes I'm better off now than I was eight years ago. The more I thought about it, the more it was a stupid question. If my life isn't better after eight years.. then I must be doing something wrong.

But wait a minute! Eight years ago, I was still in high school making minimum wage! :( Looked at my fellow co-worker who looked at me and said "me too." The gal we were yappin' with said she had just started college. Several others exclaimed that they were doing this or that, but through their own struggle they made their life better by some means..

Then the guy with the "Clinton-is-God" frame of mind seemed to think that we should thank Clinton for all that prosperity. I'm thinking, thank him for what?

Thank him for making <$4.25 an hour?
Thank him for graduating high school?
Thank him for going to college?
Thank him for a booming IT market that started before he got elected?
Thank him for excellent interviwing skills that got me a nice paying IT job?
Thank him for bustin' my arse around here to get a raise?
Thank him for takin' my money so he could debate what the definition of "is" is?

Thank him for what? Thank him for being crafty enough to lure America into believing that they are doing much better than they were eight years ago? -- and he had everything to do with it. I can't help but wonder how many people think their current monetary status in life sucks.. and then in eight years (after its their turn) thank the next president (or two) for all the hard work they did to get there. I mean really.. its through my hard work that I've done this well.. not that by him magically helping the economy that it happened.

For the love of God man!

So, are you better of now than you were eight years ago?? :D

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!
Eight years ago I lived with my parents, only owned one gun, had no car and only a crappy part-time job. Of course, I was 14 years old.

You are absolutely right. Name one thing Clinton did that is responsible for my getting my job--he isn't the one who pays the taxes in this district that pay my teaching salary. He didn't get me through school--hard work and generous parents did that. He didn't work several jobs or drive crappy cars or put in all-nighters--I did. If I owe my success to anyone, it goes:
1. Mom and dad
2. Melissa (the wife)
3. Me

Clinton ranks about 50th. For reference, my dog Misty is around 5th.
Let's see, 8 years ago I was:

<LI>Working for American Rifleman magazine
<LI>Making about $28,000 a year.
<LI>Very much in love with a woman I married the next year.
<LI>Had a TON of faith and confidence in my President and government.

Since that time:

<LI>I got laid off from American Rifleman, and went almost a year before finding work in my field.
<LI>Now I'm working at a high-tech consulting company making close to $50,000 a year.
<LI>Now I'm very much divorced from the woman I loved.
<LI>I have absolutely NO faith or confidence in the Clinton administration. The biggest reasons?

Ruby Ridge.

Economically I may be better off than I was 8 years ago.

Spiritually (as in faith in my country and government, and the people who live in it)? You're joking, right? I've actually considered leaving the United States to work at one of my company's offices overseas.

I'm simply shocked, disheartened, and disgusted at what the people in this country are willing to accept anymore.

Every great nation spends a period of time at the top of the heap, and then inevitable decay starts to set in.

The Roman Empire, the British Empire, etc.

I'm firmly convinced that the United States greatest days are far behind it, and that the Clinton administration is just an indication of how quickly this nation is falling.

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.

[This message has been edited by Mike Irwin (edited August 17, 2000).]
In most ways, I am better off, but if I didn't have to work till June to pay my taxes, I'd be better off.

And when it comes to the types of firearms I can purchase: NO I'M NOT BETTER OFF!!!!! Thank you Brady.
Financially I am better off today than 8 years ago, BUT 8 years ago I was better off than I was 12, 16, or 20 years ago too!! I heard Jimmy Carter on TV one morning this week giving Clinton credit for the strong economy because Clinton had Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. GIVE ME A BREAK!! Clinton was just smart enough to not break anything economically that the previous administrations had already put into place. If you want to see the economic boom on the stock market, go look at a Dow Jones Industrials chart. It was climbing in 1994, then in Nov 1994 the chart angles sharply upward. What happened in Nov '94 to make that happen? The Republicans were elected control of congress!!!
I'm much better off, but only because I've worked my butt off. Get this: Gore is proposing tax cuts for "the right people". Of course, you are excluded. Sorry.
Great thread! These are the kinds of things I wish the media would point out but of course we know that will never happen. I am not better off than I was eight years ago.
Eight years ago in April of 92 I joined the Army. I had planned on making it a career and was looking forward to the whole thing. In June of last year I seperated after deciding that the military had no future for me any more because klinton had destroyed the retirement for military members and had made a mockery of us. So last year I got out and found a job at a collection agency and it went bankrupt, after a buyout fell through, before I was even there for two weeks. So I found another job that was at a non-profit organization as their business manager. We lost our state government funding because the gov't decided that we weren't necessary any more, so I had to look for another job. That's where I'm at now, The pay is so low that I have to work 2 jobs and my wife works so we can make ends meet.

Oh yeah it's just gotten better and better and on top of that the clown wants to take my favorite sport and hobby, guns, away from me. I'm so fortunate to have that scum for a president.
Lets see. 8 years ago, I was on my first ship. And yep I do have to thank Clinton for something. Because of him, the decided to decom my ship instead of putting her back out to sea, so I got an extra 6 months in the yards. Oh and he decommisioned my next ship too, so I could get out 2 months early, so I do have stuff to thank Clinton for, and making my life better :P
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike Irwin:
Let's see, 8 years ago I was:

  • <LI>Working for American Rifleman magazine
  • [/quote]

    Mike, ever run into a guy at AR named Scott Rupp? I went to college with him, and would like to locate him...
Yeah I'm better off then I was 8 years ago, and Klinton and company had nothing to do with it :rolleyes: I'm better off because I have a good job and work for a good company and I go to work every day as does my wife ;)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.
A better question would be : are we better off as a NATION than we were 8 years ago ?

Lets look and see:

Our education system is turning out college grads that can barely read or write. The education system cares more if you are "politically correct", and "social issues" than it does about education.

How is our military doing ? Ive heard that the moral has been ranked at it lowest since Vietnam.

We have greatly reduced our numbers and our capabilitys and can no longer sustain a two ocean front...

NAFTA, GATT AND AFTA have reduced our manufacturing base and made it more economical for our factorys to relocate to foreign countries and pay much cheaper wages, while laying off thousands of Americans from their jobs.

We have a presidential administration and a congress that care more about the "global" environment than the needs of its own people.

Homosexuality, abortion, divorce, drug abuse, and TAXATION is at an all time high.

We've yielded much of our national sovreignty to unelected officials in the UN in the name of "globalism" and making the global community a "better place to live".

Our military has been engaged in unconstitutional police action in Bosnia , Haiti, Somalia, Irag, and various other escapades deemed important by the commander in heat.

There are more government alphabet agencies armed now than ever before...

Our national parks and forests are becoming UN "Biosphere Preserves" with an ultimate goal of EXCLUDING human intervention. NO logging, hunting ,fishing, hiking ,camping.

"GUNS" are the new evil of society. We've got to do something to make America SAFE for our kids ! Lets get rid of them guns ! Or at least register them so we can do it later...
I could go on and on but whats the use ?

Bottom line...

Do we have MORE confidence in our government or LESS ?
Do we feel good about the future or apprehensive ?
Will our children enjoy the same level or better of prosperity ? Or will they be forced to live in mobile homes or substandard housing because they cant afford to live ?

Will our children have the same opportunitys that we enjoyed ?

What do ya think ?

[This message has been edited by Watchman (edited August 18, 2000).]
You see, this the democrat mindset. They think it's the governments job to run our individual lives.

The President runs the government, not our individual lives.
Re-phrase the question to:
Is the Country better off than it was 8 yrs ago.

Now I can asnwer that one.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
NRA lifer
Listening to bits and pieces of the demo convention, it appears their goal is to have but one job in America, the president's. Everyone else will "sponge" off of him.
I’d say that morally and spiritually, we are much worse off than we were 8 years ago. The majority of today’s children don’t know right from wrong or reality from fantasy. They have no role models to pattern themselves after and most are being "educated" by the liberal establishment to follow the teachings of Hanoi Jane, Ellen, and Rosie.

Financially, we should all be much better off since we’ve had eight years to build up our investments, play the stock market, add to our stash, etc.
Here is where part of the problem lies. . . . .People are willing to overlook the lying, the corruption, the treasonous acts, and even the ‘inappropriate behavior” of the Democrats in office simply because the people are making money on the stock market. They fail to realize that some of the ‘economic upturn’ we are presently enjoying can be attributed to action taken by Bush and even Reagan during their administrations. Slick Willy's birds won't be home to roost until the next adminsitration or two.

If you try to point out the shortcomings of the current liberal, socialist administration, the average person will counter with “but look how well the economy is doing”.
The short-sighted fools either don’t see or don’t care to see the effect (moral decay) this is having on our nation.
We are a nation of fools being led down the path of destruction by perverts and wackos. We don’t even dare pray to our God in public for fear of making some atheist or other wacko uncomfortable.
We are selling our liberty and our souls for the almighty dollar.
Aside from that, everything looks great.
Well, I've got more s...

Yes, personally, I'm better off but this country as a whole is most definitely NOT better off. And yet there is hope.


Sic semper tyrannis