Are you a Radical under this profile?


New member
In the paper the other day was a story that showed what police look for on a vehicle to determine if they are a "radical".
1) NRA sticker
2) A copy of the Constitution
3) A Bible on the dash

Boy howdy, I guess I am a true radical. I only got one of the three on my truck but I'm gonna see what I can do to fix that....Let's see, I know I got a bible, but where can I get a copy of the constitution that would stick to the window? :p

Until the antis put a sign in their front yard that says they don't own guns, they are riding on the shirt-tail of the safety that we provide by owning them.
I have the NRA sticker and a pro-gun bumper sticker in the back window of my truck. Plus a few shotgun shells rolling around under the seat. I guess I'm a radical. Does the dog box in the bed count for anything?
Man, I'm hosed. No bible (from any religion), no copies of the Constitution, and no NRA sticker...

Instead, I have copies of the El Paso County carry laws, a Rocky Mountain Gun Owners sticker, a Libertarian Party sticker, 2 from CCRKBA ("No gun pulls its own trigger" and "Criminals prefer unarmed victims"), and usually a shot-up soda bottle or three rolling around in the back.

Just put the cuffs on me now...
i prolly have the only VW new beetle with an NRA window sticker.

Didja know you can't get a gun rack for the NB hatch?

Right now in the car, i have a copy of gun truths, a shotgun news, some coopies of G&A and some copys of RKBA art i have been working on plus the dreaded Benelli catalog.

I have a bumper sticker which says, "Is your church BATF approved?" Disturbingly, a large number of people have to ask me what "BATF" means. Even more disturbingly, they still have a blank stare on their face when I explain it means Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

Oh well, I knew I was getting old when a young gum-popper asked me when I was buying a book titled, "Inside the VC and NVA," what are the VC and NVA.

[This message has been edited by bruels (edited April 26, 2000).]
Who thinks this stuff up????

Obviously = someone with less than, nothing to do

Who buy's into this nonsense... I'll let you figure that one out.... :(

[This message has been edited by 12-34hom (edited April 26, 2000).]
Just a Glock sticker on the outside (took my Alan Keyes sticker off the back window) and a copy of the Illinois statute on transportation of firearms and the McDade decision on the front seat, just in case.
Hm. I'm likely to have a 7' spear in my "land yacht". I think the LEO could potentially find that radical...I suppose...

Long as they don't look in the trunk, I suppose they'll just think it messy!
I guess I'm S...O....L...!! ;)
I've got my NRA sticker stuck right above my Sons of Confederate Veterans sticker, which is right beside my Pride in Tobacco sticker!
All in the rear window of my gas guzzling 440+6 'cuda. :D
Boy, that Constitution sure is a subversive document. Power mongers from King George to Clinton sure are convinced.
Can't remember where I read it. Think it was here on TFL, but some of the things that the feds consider one a radical (only that is not the term used) was:

1. Membership in a radical organization such as the NRA.
2. Over 1,000 rounds of ammo.
3. More than a couple of guns.
4. Copies of the constitution and or other radical publications such as the federalist papers.
5. Religious material, including the bible.

Way I have it figured, I don't need to save for retirement. The government is going to give me a nice little 9x9 room to retire in. And heck I won't even have to break any laws.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Wasn't there some FBI bulletin to LE agencies to be extemely cautious when approaching vehicles which have, in combination, stickers which are Religious Oriented and Pro-Gun. Would "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" satisfy the criteria?

Jeffer - Dennis gives sage advice. We all know where her lips were. Yuck!
How about these bumper stickers?

"Happiness is a belt-fed weapon"

"Keep honkin' while I reload"

I don't have these -- just wonderin'. :D

Hell, I used to be a cop. I had my NRA sticker, another that said "Fight Crime Shoot Back" and the latest copies of verious gun rags in the car (don't waste my money on the gun rags anymore). That coupled with my right wing politics must have made me one heck of a threat. I finally got tired of the direction the PD was headed and Quit. If you get pulled over by a cop, I hope it's an older one. The new ones coming out of the academys are being brainwashed. Can you say S-T-O-R-M T-R-O-U-P-E-R. Remember, anyone who has a firearm who is not a law enforcement officer is either a criminal or a right wing radical.

Glad to say I got rid of that truck with the sticker that said "any problem can be solved with the proper use of high explosives"! Yall think that I should call the fellow that bought it?
Religious bumperstickers....hmmm...I have one that says:


Does that mean they definitely *won't* search my car?

On the other hand, I have a window decal of Thomas Jefferson's alma mater (today's trivia question) so I may as well consider myself constitutionally radical.

Don't have a Bible. Will a Muslim Hadith do?

Also present in the car, one will usually find some form of firearm (12-gauge pump or mini-14 if we're going to the range; .357 or .45 if we're just gallivanting about town), various belly dancing costumes and accoutrements, a coterie of rubber ducks and numerous empty Starbucks cups.

Of course, by Bookkie's list, I am 100% raging radical.
