Are we paranoid? Or is it just me?

:) 'Paranoia', (1) a perfect perception of reality. (2) necessary for prolonged survival. (3) a form of mental perception, which unlike other personal abilities, tends to improve with age.

It's not a disease unless you harm others in, either, a wanton or random manner. :D
You're paranoid dude

Why don't you carry the kitchen sink? You could slam them in the head with it. Lots of good advice on here. Especially the focus post. ;) How many knives on your person? I would say 2 is plenty. Unless you need to backup the backup of the backup. Guns in cars, a definite no, no. All it takes is one speeding ticket and they see something pertruding....

I hope you don't let any shorties run around in your house. They'd be hurting you or each other within five minutes.

My advice, pare it down. Concentrate on what you can really use and feel the most comfortable with.
I hope you don't let any shorties run around in your house. They'd be hurting you or each other within five minutes

If by "shorties" you mean children, then, no, there aren't any in my house. Never will be. Buf if there were, I can guarantee I'd train them the way my father trained me. The first time I shot a pistol, I was five years old and I haven't stopped yet. I would hope that my children, after prolonged training, would be able to be in the same room with a gun and not be tempted to injure themselves or others.

But, as of now, the only person in my house is me.
So tell me Fyrestarter, how do you get around all the metal detectors in NYC???

I swear I once had to go through one to go to the men's room in a manhattan building.

If you think a jury will not convict you, just remember Bernie Goetz. Ed Crotch put him in jail for a firearms violation after he was acquitted of the shooting.

But then, if you must live in NYC, then you are not paranoid to carry all the ordinance you claim you do.
How do I get around metal detectors? Simple -- I don't go into any buildings that have them. I've seen the Empire State Building, I have no reason to go back. I was once stopped while walking through Central Park because some Jewish Group was having a concert or meeting or hoedown or something, and anytime any group over five members has an event, the mayor calls a state of emergency and anyone with a badge is harassing everyone else. The cop doing the searching waved one of those Garrett wands over me, and it went off the chart. Luckily, the guy behind me started flipping out about how he refused to be a "subject of the Zionist police state", and they had to subdue him, so I was able leave without further scrutiny. We really need to tighten up the hiring standards of the NYPD....
1. Bernie got convicted because he could NOT keep his mouth shut. If he had turned himself in, and then lawyered up, lots of folks think he would have gotten off. But whenever you talk about "those people", you lose.

2. Consider what is known as Bianchi's Law: "Beware of the man who only owns one gun - he probably knows how to use it!"
Jesus, if thats what your armed with.....where do you live? Eagles Nest? on top of Hill 67. - Naturally equipped with laser quided guard dogs that explode and fart napalm. Surely a Delica and a pistol should be enough?- you must run a fortune on ammo and new guns.
Actually by shorties, I was referring to little people. (You knew there had to be a midget joke in there somewhere. )

Um, you're paranoid. Did 9/11 do it to you? If NYC is such a sh*thole, why not just move? If you feel so endangered, that you have to carry more knives than a West Side Story gang, why stay there? It can't be for the quality of life.

At noon of 9/11, I drove to my local gunshop and purchased an M1A. I wanted some extra stopping power. Living roughly an hour from Mahattan, I felt a certain amount of unease with the carnage these vermin caused that day, but I also knew that the Garden state probably was not high on their list of high profile targets. And certainly not the bodunk town that I'm working and living in. But I did feel better getting some more stopping power. Within a day, I had a USP .45 Compact for whatever.

Then we had our own little piece of Terrorism. Our post office was hit with the Anthrax mail. Living only 3 to 4 miles from this site, and having purchased my latest weapons directly across the street from the Post Office, I began to make a realization. #1.) Al Queda was not going to roll down the streets of Robbinsville NJ. #2.) Was I going to shoot the Anthrax?

So I began to think, hey with 20 plus guns under my ownership, maybe I'm a little paranoid. But as I see it and a lot of people probably do, there are real dangers of which we should all take heart. When Al Queda strikes our shores again, there will be a certain amount of apprehension among the public at large. If they are successful in distrubing the power grid, detonating some WMD or Nu-q-ler device, then there will be possibly Marshall Law or a mania within the citizenship that has not been witnessed in our lifetimes. It will be at this point, when the water doesn't flow, the AC doesn't work, the milk isn't being delivered when people will start to freak out. IMO, it will be someone nearby who intentionally or unintentionally does you harm over a loaf of bread or a gallon of gas. Until order is restored, we'll be on our own. Of course the hierarchy of the gov't will be safe, but you and I will be looking out for ourselves. At this point, all that planning and stuff you've spent your good money on, will pay off.

Maybe if I lived in NYC these days, I put a rocket launcher in my car to bring down the next mode of attack. I'm not sure. I'll tell you this. I was at Reagan's funeral procession on Constitution Ave and the Capitol police told everyone to move away from the street at once for their own safety. At the Capitol Bldg, they were running for their lives. A small plane belonging to the Gov. of Kentucky had a bad transponder and was considered an imminent threat. They were about three seconds shy of having a F15 vaporize them. IMO the next target will be in the DC vicinity. Those bastards came back for the WTC twice until they got it. They'll be doing the same to our seat of gov't. And I don't think they'll repave the same pavement, so all this airsafety stuff probably won't stop it from happening.

Anyways, I have gotten off the track of your question, but I think it gets to the crux of why all of us are paranoid, and why we will be looking over our shoulders for some time to come.
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Some people think I'm paranoid for the simple fact that I ALWAYS carry when legal to do so.

There's only two times I don't carry: 1) At work, because I'd probably get fired if the slim chance occurs if some anti-gun liberal freak figures out I'm carrying :rolleyes: . 2) When traveling to somewhere where my firearm is not permitted (out-of-state, courthouse, school building, etc.). However, due to the high rate of shady characters at my job (I work around dockworkers) I at least carry some sort of weapon, such as my Kershaw folder.

But let's be realistic here: Fyrestarter, you've gone over the limit, and I think you need to pay very close attention to the advice given in these posts. The other advice I'm going to give is this: Keep training and keep practicing. Your best weapon is your brain - then gun or knife or OC spray is only a tool. If you can use that brain properly and tactfully in self-defense, your chances of winning the battle in an armed confrontation is very good.

The fact of legal reasons is something I didn't even think of until I read this post, but it's a very good point.

Tone it down a very good bit. A handgun with you at all times is good, as well as another gun or two in the home on standby, but for the rest get a good gun safe and consider them your "range toys".

Matthew Webb
Franklintown, PA
You may be paranoid, but you're not alone. While my "set up" is not quite as extensive as yours, I too, have weapons placed throughout my home and vehicles as well. (I live alone - no wife or kids).

While the probability of a terrorist attack happening in my hometown is pretty remote, we are, after all, a nation at war. Being a former Boy Scout, I choose to be prepared.

Plus, I work in a prison and never know when I'll run into a former "client" in the mall or on the street somewhere. I'd much rather be considered paranoid than an easy mark...