Are we honest in all our Statements Here?

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Everybody, I'd like to apologize for the tone of my earlier post. It's been a long weekend, no excuse I know but I was not in the mood to respond the way I should have. I tried to keep it light and humorous and failed. Sorry.
Walter and Twheel, no hard feelings. If you want to discuss this any further please email me.
That said, I will not stop asking questions. Most have been asked in my own threads, so if you don't like 'em and don't want to help out, skip my threads.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

[This message has been edited by Gwinnydapooh (edited November 15, 1999).]
I take a back seat to no one in my knowledge and admiration of firearms. If any of my posts contain a factual error, I don't mind being corrected here or by e-mail. Please do, I am always learning. As for differences of opinion, well, that's what makes the world go around, no? Finally, as others have noted, we in the U.S. still enjoy (for the the most part) the freedom to have a fine collection of firearms. I belong to the NRA (despite some issues I have with them) because I would like to see that freedom endure.
There is no registration in Minnesota.
But, like every other state in the Union, if you buy a gun from a licensed dealer you fill out the 4473 form. This form stays at the gunshop for as long as the store is in business. At that time the store will send all the 4473's to the BATF. At that point I would consider them "registered".

As to the other part of the question, honesty. I think most folks here are truthful. Sure, there may be the occassional thirteen year old wannabe BADA$$ that claims to have a double-barreled, fully automatic, muzzleloading, laser sighted, grizzly-killin', heat-seeking, 38Special Millimeter Revolver, but they are pretty easy to pick out.

You gotta take everything you read "with a grain of salt". If english is not your first language you may not understand that saying. It basically means that you can never really tell if what you read is true, so keep it in mind that it may be untrue.

Just 'cause it's on TV or in the newspaper or in a textbook doesn't automatically make it true. Even if you are told something by a representative of a company doesn't mean they are telling the truth.
Case in point: This spring the Colt's rep came to our gun store to show us the latest "goodies". I had heard a rumor about Colt not selling the AR to civilians anymore, and that Colt may be drastically reducing the gun types it sells to civilians. I was "assured" that that was just a rumor and Colt had no intention of trimming the line. Well, lo' and behold Colt IS reducing the models available to the public, and although the AR is still available the price has risen considerably and I don't expect them to be on the market for more than a year.
Hello all- I have to agree, other than the occasional screwball, these threads are the most informative place I know of to find the real deal about a particular gun. I don't really trust gun mags, as they will usually give rave reviews to whichever company is giving them the most advertising dollars. And gun stores will try to sell you what they have in stock, or what they will make the most profit from.(I know they are not all like that, no flames, please. But I have met a few who don't care about the customer, just selling a gun.) Usually, many people post answers to a question, so you can see a good selection of opinions, good and bad, and make your decision accordingly. And the people here have nothing to gain by giving false opinions. We just like guns, shooting them, and talking about them.
As far as registration, I never knew anyone in the US had to "register" their guns until I got on these boards. Although, Kframe has a valid point, BATF simply has to check records to find out who has what. Kind of scary, huh?
No registration in Montana. Also no CCW required if you are outside the confines of a city or mining camp. Also no paperwork need be filled out at all on private sales. I have several no paperwork guns and a few I bought on 4473 forms. Even if I lived in a state that requires registration I would not do it since it is unconstitutional. Therfore I could legally ignore the requirement. I am a police officer here and I will quit the day they require me to check anybodys guns or serial numbers. I think many of my collegues will do the same. Some of my police friends are buying up as many non paperwork guns as they can get.
I dont know about the other people on here but i dont feel at all silly for posting 10 questions in a day. I have been burned buying guns that left me broke and frustrated and it wont happen again. Ive searched all over the net to find a place where i can ask people that have had experience with the gun im going to buy for an honest up fron answer. And i feel that im doing a newbie a favor by pointing him/her in the right direction if they have a concern. just because someone posts a whole slew of questions on diffrent subjects does not mean hes an idiot. it means he dont want to blow his paycheck on a useless arm. call it what ya want. i welcome any questions. and i feel most of the good people here do the same.

P.S. I became a senior member in 1 week. how? i dunno. i would rather be called a junior member. Im no pro. just a guy with alot of questions and maybe a few answers.

TIM : )
I must tell you guys that i am awed at the amount of firearms you are allowed to own.

In South Africa the following legislation will come into effect very soon:

1 handgun per person (must prove your need for self defence)
2 hunting rifles per person
1 shotgun per person (no pump-action)

It typically takes 8 - 12 weeks to get a firearm license approved, (background checks, fingerprints)once approved this allowes you concealed carry.

The law requires full registration.

The new law was driven by a organisation called Gun Free South Africa, with help from Caroline McCarthy as well as funded by Tony Blair.

Please beleive me that these people will turn to your country next.


 I am very much educated with all your answers and comments.

 It is only now that I came to know that it looks so easy to acquire firearms in your country and not being questioned by the Authority even they are not licensed or registered. And there is no limit as to the numbers of FA to purchase as long as you have the green bucks.

 It is really quite different than to my country. I would say that, Phils is far 100% more strict in regulating gun ownership. But how come they are so strict in CCW laws in some states in your great nation, and they can check someone if they want to, as being discussed in my other post.

 Yes, I am not aware that someone can collect as many guns as he wants in your states even not legal. So, that made me wonder how come this guy is talking more than what he legally owned or allowed by his government, and in some threads -- many just could buy as much as he wants in just few days like changing clothes. So, I was puzzled – if that is how easy to purchase legal firearms in USA. I wish my country will open also this method that a person can buy as many as he wants.

 As being stated, we instantly get an answers to our query here in TFL and I thanks everyone for the very informative and educational feed-backs from everyone.

 For my other friend who keeps noticing an English deliverance of a non-English speaking country like me if I understand it or not. Ask first yourself if you have a perfect grammatically correct or constructed sentence. As to myself, I don’t contest with any one nor I never claim I am a good English speaker, I am only doing my best. For your information I am a native “ILOCANO” speak Ilocano dialect, not tagalog. I may not understand your slang and you may not understand my learned English well, so just bear with me and you don’t need to pinpoint anymore my deficiency in English. I understand what every one is saying and I can read between lines.

 Mr. Mal H, I am still here in KSA for the next 4 months and after that, my tour of duty (I mean hard work) in the desert will be over soon. Just kidding using tour of duty as an spice of my sentence. I can’t wait to have my 9MM & .45 to be in action again, as I only fired my gun every 9 or 10 months on my vacation, but I make it twice a week for my firing schedule also for every vacation I had. My email in Phils is "" I’ll update my TFL email once I am home already for good.

 189908148, I just take your statements as an example of comparison, as I feel bit ashamed of giving an advise on your SA/DA inquiry, although I have second thought when I am about to post my reply, because I know you know very well of that matter. I am very sorry for that.

Thank you again for this good info from all of you, and I’ll continue learning from your advices.

[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited November 17, 1999).]
God I love this Forum...
For what it is worth, I have recently become a senior member and I only own one gun. A Ruger 10/22 (darn, that's a great gun for the money). However, in looking for a new gun, I have become a big fan of Beretta(as my name might suggest). I recently turned 21, I've tested one, and if all goes well, I will be purchasing a 92FS tomorrow... (I am sure some of you may remember my posts on this gun)My friend has given me a hard time about me refering to this gun that I don't yet have as "my gun".. Well, I didn't mean to be misleading, but when I said that... I just meant that it was what my heart was set on, and I have planned on buying one as soon as the cash came in... That gun was as good as mine. Anytime I posed questions in these threads, it was to reassure myself from your replies that I wasn't goofin up big time in my choice.
My point is this: Sometimes there are misunderstandings... and sometimes there are dishonest people (not saying any of you are). and there are lemon guns of the best brands out there. Even with those factors taken into account, that's the beauty of this forum. You get opinions from everyone! Don't take one persons advice (who may have been one in a million to get a lemon)! Build a knowledge base from several people and develop your own opinion. Like someone said earlier, different guns work for different people.
All in all this is the most mature, honest, friendly and knowledgable group I've ever met on the web. I find your opinions invaluable. It's wonderful to be reminded that a group of people with similar interests can coexist so well. Let's keep it that way.

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?

As for your English. I highly commend you for speaking/writing so well. I, personally, would be thrilled to be able to converse in your language as well as you do in ours. The English speaking world is very fortunate to have English as practically the standard 2nd language of the rest of the world. Sometimes we take this for granted and we shouldn't.

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited November 17, 1999).]
For one thing, many of us talk about guns we no longer own. (big sigh here). In my own case I've been buying and selling guns most of my life, but for many, many years it was a case of having to sell one in order to get a new one. I'd venture to guess that alot of TFLers have done the same. Most people think I own alot more guns than I accually do. Truth is I have a fairly small, but nice collection.
The up side of all that trading is that I've had a great deal of experience with many different guns. All of which have added to my knowledge. And I suppose I'm as guilty as any of speaking of past guns as if I still owned them today. This could be the source of some of the confusion.
Yeah, wanna bes show up every now and then. But they are pretty easy to spot.
As for newbies or folks just looking for info, I feel that those of us who have been around the block, so to speak, owe it to our sport to give them all the answers they seek. This is the best way to expand the shooting sports and thus help support the second ammendment.
BTW: I've never claimed to be an expert. I ask questions too. There are no stupid questions.
I read this thread and thought about commenting and then I passed, but I decided to come back and put a little Texas perspective on this thread.

I would comment on life in Texas. Texas is a CCW state with no registration of firearms. As a result of getting CCW permits for my wife and I we have purchased 6 pistols. Fortunately we live in a free state and we are both professionals so we can afford to buy pretty much whatever we want. Let me explain and I think you will understand why to some observers this may seem odd or "less then honest".

When we decided to get CCW licenses I went to a gun dealer and bought a md96 for her and a P9 for me, both 40s&w. We wanted guns to shoot and for our cars. No big deal. In fact my wife used the 96 for her shooting test. I had not shot handguns in nearly a decade and really got back into the sport of it. So by the time we took the test I had picked up a Les Baer 45 to take the test. So, now that we had the licenses, I wanted something more powerful for the car, enter the EAA 10mm. But neither of us likes to carry such big guns (concealed) in the heat of the summer so we got a MD84 beretta. Nice gun, but turned out the grips were to fat for my wife so we bought a PPK/s, but it broke ejectors and we then bought a colt government 380. So now we carry the 84 and the colt for day to day carry. As I look back on it, it is an example of not knowing what we needed or wanted when we started. Now it is just a question of why sell of a gun?, they do not depreciate significantly, I am just keeping the ones I do not use.

So, the decision to get a CCW brought on 6 handguns in less then 1 year. 10 years ago if someone told me I would do this I would have said they were lying flat out, who would buy that many guns in one year (not including the M1A NM, 7-08x700 and 9422 rifles or the other Les Baer 45 I bought last year or so).

We are all fortunate enought to live in a free country and I am fortunate enought to have the finances and the support of my spouse to buy these guns.

Some may say I am a rich jerk or whatever, no I work a 6am to 5 pm job at an oil company, and I do not feel rich. There are many guns I would like to own, a barrett 50 cal comes to mind, along with a good 222 target rifle or a competition H-Bar .223, but I save and I will get them some day.

I guess what I am leading up to is perspective.

I read this thread and saw that there are places where we would be limited in what we can own. In the US there is a continum of collections. By some examples our collection is a pitiful example of only a few dozen guns, yet to some I have talked to they think we are lying when we joke about having to pick a gun for the outfit we are going to wear to dinner.

We are lucky to have a site like this were we can share and learn from others. I have taken alot of advice from this site, and I tacitly take poeple at their face value.

Just a bit of Texas perspective.

You will often see me talking about various guns, and I do so as accurately as possible. But I rarely say what guns I own or even that I own any guns. Draw your own conclusions.

Greetings To All, My friend I do not believe
that ANYONE on this forum is trying intentionally to mislead you or ANYONE
else. You have some of the most intelligent
handgunner's in this group that I have ever
seen; and my friend I have been around a lot
of them!!! Here, the novice's can come for
advice; and even expert's can share their
opinion's. I have in recent day's responded
to post that you had submitted; and really
enjoyed doing so. If for any reason you might
think that I am being untruthful about ANY
statement that I may post to this forum please feel free to e-mail me at my address
listed in the profile; and I will be glad to
hash over the issue with you.

As for your question regarding CCW laws, here
in Alabama ANY caliber is permissable to meet
the requirements; from the "tiny" NAA .22LR,
to the Desert Eagle, to the Thompson Center
Contender w/ 14" barrel. Hope this helps
some; and don't take my comments personal.

Message edited by Dan H. Ford 11-16-99
N.R.A. Life Member and Defender of 2nd Amend.
as well as 20+ year veteran LEO

Ala Dan
May the Peace of God be with us all:

To recapitulate of what I had previously asked above. This is just a survey and to know information’s from all of us here to answer my doubts and filling up my shorter knowledge on a particular subject.

Having well answered on different views and perspective in connection of the issue, I only not able to know the answers of the simple questions and observation that I brought up, but you also injected good issues which I am not well informed.

Ala Dan, I love of your being so active in digesting it well on any raised issues or subjects. If you comments or answer to me 2 to 3 times I feel great, because I am being attended or you are really aware on the issues. That is what I am here for -- to ask things that I don't know or if I know some of it and I have doubts then I need more information’s about it. That is how TFL is so attached to me, because even I am not posting I am reading great Questions and Answers from every one. The Internet is so vast source of info but why do I give more time here, because I believe in all your professional know-how even my handful of English dictionary is almost exhausted.

I listen to all and observe to all.

May peace be always in our hearts and BIG THANKS to all again.

I say welcome to all, liars and buyers.

Many questions means much to be learned, and if I don't ask I won't know.

I've been wrong before..........

Please have a sense of humor; we are all on the same side, right?

ps no point in me prevaricating, there's enough BS from the Whitehouse for a lifetime

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
Weshoot2: You lost me on that last post. Do you mean DETECTIVE, DORK or the TRICKY that matriculated from the White House?
Personally, I don't think you sounded like any of the above and no self-recrimination is necessary. It seems to me that you are among friends, the same as if we had all congregated down at the end of the firing line.
As somebody mentioned way back above, there are some kids who invade once in a while. On another forum, I was carrying on a conversation with somebody I thought was a lawyer in England. Finally he blurted out that he was a teen ager. But, that didn't ruin my week. I rather enjoyed some of his insights. I think that we can learn something from everybody.
Mrs. sbryce here. I'm honest in my statements in this forum. I also very much appreciate this forum and the participants thereon. One of my highlights today included getting the cat's blood out of my daughter's heirloom quilt. It's nice to visit this forum and think of other things besides laundry!! :)
I'm always honest here, I really am a model-surgeon-genius-millionaire-playboy... honest... :)


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
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