Are we honest in all our Statements Here?

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New member
This is just a survey and I am very sure each and every one of us are very careful in jotting any word hereon.

This topic might be irrelevant and I'll be lambasted of being ignoramus in asking this type, but I have seen that it looks like there is no ending of the numbers of firearms owned by many posters of the same personality.

In your respective states, how many firearms really allowed for licensing and up to what caliber in pistol/revolver/rifle or of any kind.

Am I correct if I say that mostly if not all of us here have also loose firearms, I mean not licensed or registered but well kept. Be it an active, retired LEO, Mil, or Civilian, I think they have unlicensed firearms also but not for carry.

There are questions hereon also, sometimes that I am hesitant to answer as it is an indirect question with the purpose of soliciting and answer, and many has no true identity. Just to cite an example, like "18908148" he has these answers in another post and I qoute "I would have to say either my ruger mk II bullbarrel or my usp40, because I can call most of the shots AKA cross t's and dot i's my savage preditor chambered to 223/12 or a mossberg 12 and a bolt action .308/7.62 * 51"

Then in his authored topic he asked DA/SA meaning which look inconsistent to his knowledge in in firearms as shown in his statements. But to my mind he is more experienced than me or the rest in types and mechanics of guns. This is just my obervation.

Just like me, formerly I owned several unlicensed firearms in relation to my former work, but now I disposed them all. Currently, I have only two pistols licensed or registered firearms.


[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited November 15, 1999).]



Like texas-Florida dosen`t require gun registration. I also question some posters.One comes to mind,this person has posted 335 threads,is listed as a senior member, but claims to be still looking for their first handgun ----go figure?
Just a few answers but very well stated.

If I had the chance to migrate in US I would prefer to reside this states (Texas and Florida) you've mentioned as their laws give more leeway to their citizen in owning guns as a basic rights. I could purchase the best pistol and rifles that I want without so much legal impediments.

Yeah! I am observing some post that some guys here they look experts in some threads but if in the other thread they seems novice and contradicts of what they have previously stated.

Just an observation only.

Indiana is one of the most lenient states as far as concealed carry is concerned. They will honor any other states carry permit as far as I know.
P.S. I believe that most of us are honest in our responses here...

What reason would we have not to be?

I don't think any of us can be classified as experts. I for one have never claimed to be such!

We can however share our experience and opinions with others. We have here a forum that we can ask certain questions and others based on experience can share what they have concluded or learned!

This can be potentially very beneficial to someone who has little to no experience with firearms.

Lots of people don't know SIG from HK, or SA from DA... or DAO from BOLT ACTION for that matter! So why not ask someone who does...

I do not think anything negative should be taken from this forum. There are enough of us with some knowledge to basically come to the same conclusions based on our combined personal experience. Do we know it all? Of course not! But our combined input is definetly a step in the right direction...

T-wheel, I thought that number of posts looked familiar. :)
Well, there's a very simple explanation--I'm an HCI plant. As I type this, BATF Agents working with elite units of the Vatican's Swiss Guard are en route to your house in black, unmarked helicopters. BWAHAHAHAH!

OK, if anybody's still reading, I've already explained this several times. To be honest, I'm not sure what's happened here lately. Maybe I just ask too many questions, but it seems the attitude around here has become frosty. I think this is still the place to ask, but I am a bit concerned. I have fairly thick skin but I hope TFL doesn't give off the impression of being too tough on beginners.

As for the number of posts, I wasn't aware that newbies were limited to a given amount. Somebody better check on Miss D--she's still waiting to get any kind of firearm and yet she just keeps posting and posting. BTW, I don't know about here but at Bladeforums you're a Senior Member after 30 posts. Most people just ignore the Senior Member status. I have NEVER claimed to be any kind of expert, but it sounds as if you're implying that I'm not really "still looking for his first handgun." Why on earth would I lie about that? Remember, questions count as posts and that's where most of that number comes from. Also don't forget that I don't have 335 posts in handguns, I have 335 posts on all of TFL. Not everyone who shoots has to shoot handguns, you know.

To explain once again, I am no longer looking for my first handgun, having purchased a Ruger .22. I'm looking around at defensive arms now. I've been shooting since I was a kid but in my family, shooting meant hunting. Some of us live in Illinois, which means hunting involves almost exclusively shotguns and carrying a handgun is illegal. So I know a little about shotguns, very little about handguns, and next to nothing about rifles any larger than .22. I think many members are also aware that I didn't turn 21 until March and, quite frankly, not all of us have the funds to simply go out and buy guns. I had thought this was the place to learn but it's become apparent that a very few members don't like questions from beginners. Of course, others have been very helpful.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

[This message has been edited by Gwinnydapooh (edited November 15, 1999).]

That "frostiness" might thaw a little if you'd mainline a little testosterone before you crank up your keyboard. Your posts give one the impression that you either just like to see your words jump out at you on your monitor, or you just aren't capable of cogent thought and decision making.

A couple of years in the real world will probably cause your posts to be concise, to the point, and relevant.
I seem to have stepped in it. I was only answering the post with my own questions. I was carefull not to mention names , i did not mean to offend. I hope you do let us know your choice in purchasing a handgun,because im intrested in your choice, and why.--by the way,the helicopters are painted a very dark flat grey,and are marked. I know because i have busted many a knuckle repairing them. best to ya Gwinnydapooh
It could be that some of these guys are doing some serious research before investing a half-grand in something that they can hold in the palm of their hand.

I did LOTS of research first, a lot of online discussion, and read a LOT of magazines. When the Ruger P-95 came out on the cover of every magazine and they showed the MSRP, I was sold. It makes the perfect first gun.


AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
Jeez, cool your jets guys (not you Ben). stdalire's question is a legitimate one since he is not in the good old US of A and is obviously astounded at the numbers of guns he is reading about. The simple answer is that guns are, in general, not registered in most states and you can own as many as you want. There are exceptions to both the types of guns (machine guns, short shotguns, etc.) and the states, some are communistic than others. Here in VA, I do not own any gun that is "registered". I did have to sign a few forms when purchasing some of them to certify that I could legally own them. Hope this help answer your question.

By the way, stdalire I see that you have the Philippines as your location, but your email address is aramco. Are still in the Philippines, or are you in Saudi Arabia or where? Just curious.

I live in Kansas and registration is not required. On the downside, we do not (YET) have a CCW law in this state. Hopefully, that will be changed soon.

None of the weapons I own are registered in any state, as I have not resided anywhere it was required. Only had to fill out the BATF paperwork when purchasing new ones, and that applies in any state of the US.

I think that many of us are probably quite knowledgable about PARTICULAR types/brands of weapons, but few are actually expert in the overall field of firearms.

For me, a weapon is merely a tool. I know quite a bit about the ones that I own, and when still on active duty in the Army, I was knowledgable about the capabilities and limitations of the weapon systems at our disposal AND those of potential opponents. But I really don't know much about weapons that I don't personally own, or was not likely to face in the hands of an opponent during some armed conflict.

As to how many BS'ers we have on the Forum, who knows...I pay attention to the people whom I consider to be knowledgable and ignore the rest...I probably fall into the one of those two categories for other TFL'rs and that's to be expected.

Hope this helps...just my read on it.

I 've been shooting since I could keep the barrel out of the dirt and really enjoy reading and learning about different guns. I knew what single action and double action were I just unaware that DA/SA was how they were refered to. I've run acrossed it a couple of times but until now had nobody to really ask when the urg to know hit. Also as to honesty, I speak from experiance, specify that I heard it or not at all.

[This message has been edited by 18908148 (edited November 15, 1999).]
no registration required in colorado. No limit on how many weapons you can own.


"why do you have so many guns?"
"well I'm a sportsman"

(Goin' South)
I currently own 4 shotguns, 4 rifles (including one in blackpowder), and 7 handguns. I consider this collection to be very small, compared to many of the collections I've witnessed. One doctor I know owns about 10 large gun safes full of firearms, each holding about 20 rifles and shotguns and several handguns... one contractor I know has his own "gun room" ...maybe 200 rifles and shotguns, smaller number of handguns (maybe 30), and a lot of knives (about 100).
I live in a fairly gun-restrictive state (California), but there is no limit to the number of guns you can purchase or own.
To continue with Dr Rob's train of thought...

"Why do you have/need so many guns?"

"Why do you need so many golf clubs? Each gun/club does a specific thing better than the others."
Just yesterday I was random chatting on ICQ with a citizen of the Netherlands. We were talking guns, and he asked me why I needed two AR's, a shotgun and a pistol.

I told him here in the United States, we have the second amendment. That amendment gives the population the power to protect the other amendments, enumerated rights and the constitution itself. I told him I would be a negligent citizen if I did not own guns.
All my posts have been completely accurate. With regard to the questions of registered versus unregistered and the number of weapons owned, in Virginia -- and many other states -- there is no registration per se, although one does have to comply with "instant background check" laws to purchase handguns at stores.
I live in Utah, no registration required. I have 5 guns. (oh, there will be more, many, many more) And I've shot a bunch of other people's guns. I don't claim to be an expert, just opinionated. I've asked tons of questions about other guns that I wound up never buying. Personally I love this forum. It is the best source of gun information and opinions that I have ever seen. With TFL I can get more opinions from educated folks in one day than I could in weeks of talking to people locally.
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