Are Rugers that bad?

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I own Ruger P95s and Glock G19, among many others. I would trust my life or yours with either gun. In fact my 2 handy guns (accessable and loaded all the time) are P95s.
The first handgun I ever bought was a P90. I have fired several thousand rounds through it without a single malfunction. That includes everything from +P factory loads to my reloads. I could jam a rock into a .45 case and my P90 would probably feed it without missing a beat. It is bulky, but for affordable reliability you can’t beat it. If danger looms my Glock 21 is my first choice due to mag capacity. The P90 is a close 2nd, and would come into play before any of my other handguns.


Having owned 1/2 dozen or more Ruger pistols over the years, IMO they are well built accurate very reliable and will take a beating. They are very well known for rugged dependability and live up to that reputation. Two of my Ruger products are over twenty years old and both still do field work often and well.
Every manufacturer has tossed out some lemons, it's unavoidable with a production environment, I judge a company by how well they stand behind a product they have their name on. I judge individual weapons on their individual performance, and I don't judge any weapon as good or bad until I've personally pulled the trigger a thousand times. Doesn't mean I don't have "Opinions" though. :)

One of my accounts is a Ruger police distributer. He states the Ruger will shoot with any of the more expensive factory guns head to head. Also in three years of demos'
The Ruger has out shot several more expensive duty guns on a consistant basis.

My only problem is like so many of the other "new design" autos is they are so thick through the slide. This casues me problems with itb carry.

Rugers have always been an excellent buy for the money.


Over the years I've owned several guns from several companies.I've slowly been buying more Rugers and selling the rest.Soon They will all be Rugers,and I've been shooting for 20 years.I like them best.
If you like the trigger pull on a Daisy, you'll love a Ruger. Also, the product warnings all over the gun add a nice touch...

In short, they probably aren't that bad, but they really aren't that good, either, imho... Regards, BigG

Yankee Doodle

I was considering buying a P97.

Is the slide trimmed down on this new model as compared to the P95? I thought the frame was slimmed up a bit with the new polymer frame.

Also, how is the single action trigger pull; is it crisp?


DDS, The p97 is a little bit shorter than the p90, and it is a lot more rounded. I wouldn't call the single action pull "crisp" thats a relative term, its certainly better than the pull on any earlier Rugers that I've shot. Still has some take up, but I don't find that to be any kind of liability when shooting.
And I do really like Ruger pistols, the p91, was the first handgun I ever owned, and I still have it, and love it. Big, ugly, and you can't hardly make it jam.
I've owned 2 Ruger handguns. The .357 Blackhawk I purchased about 1974 was a solidly built and accurate piece. I am truly sorry that I sold it some 15 years ago. I bought a P89 circa 1994. It is nothing to get all cooey over, but a good piece. I do not find it to be as accurate as I would like but for some reason my wife, who does not even like DA semiautos, is able to shoot as well with it as any other handgun we have. FYI, she is a much better handgun shot than I will ever hope to be. I have previously posted here that the only malfunctions I experienced in over 2500 rounds were from one particular brand (15 stoppages of various kinds) and a single bad reloaded round. Other than those, the pistol has chambered and fired anything I fed it. I have had no problems with aftermarket magazines, either.
In my opinion if your talking about rimfire, Ruger would be fine.However my experience with Ruger centerfire stuff has been extremely negative.I must mention that I have not owned or fired any of their CF auto loaders(pistols).The problems I had were with Redhawk SS.44 and M77 .308,accuracy with both was atrocious.In fairness,I may have had a lemon Redhawk,but I have seen numerous occasions of crappy accuracy from Ruger bolt action CF rifles.So for me I will stick to S&W revolvers and Remington 700 bolt guns.The only consideration I will give Ruger is if I'm in the market for another .22,unlikely.
Just my .02 worth.
Jeff A.
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