Are Rugers that bad?

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Greg Bell

New member

During the great P7 v. Glock debate, some Glock people tried to insult (***In a joking manner***) the HK by comparing it to the Ruger centerfire guns. Are the guns bad? I have a friend who has 9 and 45 versions, and he says he has never had a glitch. I have shot the guns and they are accurate, at least as accurate as the guy's 45 Glock with competion trigger (he says it is a competition trigger, feels a little spongy to me). I will say that the Rugers look cheap, but that should hardly bother a Glockophile. Honestly, are the guns bad or is this just more elitism?

[This message has been edited by Greg Bell (edited July 23, 1999).]
Like the Ford v. Chevy v. Chrysler or Bud v. Coors v. Oly debate, I think its a matter of opinion.

There is one definite advantage of the Ruger over the Glocks: second strike capability. Since Rugers are hammer operated guns, as opposed to the striker fired Glocks, a misfire may be handled with a second pull of the trigger. Not to get into a flaming war with our tacticians out here (No! You're suppose to use "Tap! Rack! Bang!" instead of pulling the trigger again.), but its just an option to consider.

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Hi Greg,

I have an old Ruger P-90 from the time when the slide was really wide. It was my first auto as college tuition ate up much of my disposable income.

Nowadays I own many different guns, but that old Ruger still rides in a fanny pack under the driver's seat in my car. The only time it has jammed was due to crappily loaded ammo. Otherwise it has performed without a hitch. Accuracy has been excellent as well. It makes a great car gun becaused it's rugged as anything, cheap, and BIG so it looks rather threatening.

One stranger who was following me noticed this when he had been tailing me very closely for some unknown reason. After about five miles of this, he refused to break off after about a dozen turns. So I pulled the Ruger out and held it muzzle skyward for him to see. One look and I got an "I'm sorry" wave followed by him driving away in a hurry never to be heard from again.


- Anthony
Rugers are darn good guns. They are heavier and bulkier than needed for a given caliber, but that is a problem with a whole bunch of the modern guns.

I for one didn't mean any insult by ranking the P7 only above the Ruger. I just don't like Rugers at all. That doesn't mean there bad. I only like P7s slightly more. It's just you don't like Glocks so you stated that they weren't top drawer. Well that's your opinion. In my opinion the P7 is definitely not top drawer.

I'm sorry about using the word "insult." I kind of meant "jab." I just thought this was an interesting topic because of the Ruger's generally poor reputation--a reputation I'm not sure they deserve. I talked to a buddy of mine who owns a gunshop and he said that they were honestly very good guns. He said that their bulk and low-cost gave people the impression that they weren't any good. He also said that they were quite reliable, if not the most accurate guns availible. He said he would rate them just above the Glock in terms of value. However, he said that the Glocks were better "feeling" guns.
My personal method of rating handguns goes by feel (assuming that they are reliable and decently accurate) and shootability. My personal preferences go something like this.

8:Beretta 92 7:Ruger 6:HK P7 5:Sigs 4:Beretta 50 3:1911 3:S&W cocked and locked slim nines 2:HK USP cocked and locked 1:Glock FG&R small frame
I haven't seen any Ruger autos that didn't
shoot well. Just the most user unfriendly weapon I ever held. Of course may be a little spoiled having carried a Commander for so many years.
best bang for a buck, I own allmost all
models, did'nt want a new caliber so no .40s
P-93 and 89, 95. 9mm models are some the most
reliable 9mm I've shot, you could buy 3 P-93s
for the price of a SIG, plus have money left for exra mags. I never understand why the
most expensive gun is the best? Glock and
Ruger are close in simplicity , and need I
say more when you think of Red Hawk, GP-100,
stainless and half the cost of S&W, solid frames,
I went to my range yesterday and read some "Gun Test" magazines on the Rugers. For the most part, they gave the gun positive reviews (although I have seen them do a switcheroo on the Sig/Glock debate). For the most part, their accuracy was rated only so-so, but the overall quality was good--especially for the price. I have often wondered what Sig/Hk/Glock/Colt/Smith/Walther could sell their guns for if they just tried harder. To pick on the P7, I understand that it would cost somewhat more than a plastic gun, but $800-1000? My guess is that a Glock/USP ought to sell for about 375 and a P7 (with all its forged parts, CNC machining, etc) ought to cost about $650. It looks like Ruger may be one of the few companies taking a full-bore volume approach to sales. To be fair, Glock/Hk and now Sig have taken the middle ground on their more popular guns. Still, who am I to judge? Glock has sold about a Zillion guns and HK hasn't done too badly.

I am flatterred that you pay so much attention to my posts, I just wish you understood them better.
I was not trying to insult the P7 by comparing it to a Ruger auto. I was pointing out that I would put them about equal to one another on my list of carry guns. IOW, I would be about as likely to carry a Ruger as I would a P7. They are both "good" guns, but not among what I consider to be the top choices.

As has been pointed out, ad naseum, this is all really just a matter of preference. I haven't seen anyone advocating the carry of Ravens or Llamas....

I have shot a P89, P90, P95, and I currently own and carry a P97. This is one sweet gun. Accurate as can be and at 27 ounces it's light enough to carry. I went to a range last week and a friend of mine, who owns quite a few guns, wanted to try my P97. After a clip of Cor-Bon 200 +P was empty he turned and said "wow". He said it was very smooth for a large caliber gun. When we went down range (25yds) the proof was on paper. 9 rounds, dead center, with less then 3 inch spread. What I like the most (besides it only cost $380) is how easy it is to field strip. After one time I could do it with out looking.
Glocks are good but they're not worth what they charge.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
I had an associate of mine how puchased a new Ruger Auto. The first time he pulled the slide back - it broke.
He took it back, and they replaced it under warrenty.
We went to the range, he put a 1/2 mag full of rounds down range when al the sudden the Bobbit-lever popps off and falls on the other side of the hot line. We ceased fire so he could recover the decock lever and he was able to refit it. fired one more shot and this time it went flying.

He packed it up. Now he has a USP.40c. He has had no further problems to my knowledge.

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Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Excellent tools; they work! Kinda ugly, clunky, and bulky, but different strokes for different folks.

The P95 does NOT work for me; every one I've fired was a single shot pistol in my hands; I suspect the P97 would be the same? I know it's me, not the gun, but I don't have that problem to that degree with anything else, so why bother?

Must be my "limp wrists"? The same ones that do 30 pull-ups and 100 push ups! :)

Gosh I hope not!!!! I have a P-90, it was my first handgun, In my inexperience, I wanted to trade it. As I have learned more, I have come to like it very well. Its fairly simple to use and strip. It has digested every factory and reload ( I was just learning to reload at the same time) that I have put through it. I just traded a Taurus 606 .357 for a GP-100 4" .357 Please tell me I didn't make a mistake. All the research said that the GP-100 was very comparable to the S&W 686 in durability and accuracy. Tell me i didn't get reamed!!!1

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
-Ronald Reagan
Not in my opinion, MO... I thin kyou'll be very happy with the GP-100.
My wife and I keep an older Ruger revolver, the Speed-Six, handy in our home.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited July 23, 1999).]
I carried a stainless SuckSix (just kidding, Security Six) for years and was happy with it. It takes more abuse than either a Smith or a Colt and you don't worry about its look. One tough revolver.

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