Are full size 9mm 10-round guns worth it?

Glad to see you recognize intelligence

Many guns with decockers can't be carried cocked and locked (Rugers etc.) That's a big one right there for me.

Another reason is that some decockers push up and some push down. Makes me schizo. I like traditional 1911/cz75 controls period. Up safe Down fire.

Yet another reason is that every decocker I've owned or carried (not concealed) snags on vegetation and clothing. Often times stripped the leaves off a branch in heavy brush to leave a little bouquet of vegetation hanging on my gun. Don't like that either. I know there are some that are lower profile(berreta) but even your mighty SIG's have room enough for stuff to get in there. I'm sure that being the rocket scientist that you are your reply will be "It's never happened to me". That must mean it can never happen.

I hope this reply satisfies your expansive god like intellect. -ddt


It is nice to know you speak for all SIG owners. I can just come to you when I have a SIG question.
The purpose of the thread was to find out if "full size 9mms 10-round guns are worth it?"...not "is arguing with an idiot worth it?" I already know the answer to that one.

Thanks to everyone for the responses (except for that guy giving away free DDT). I will seriously consider adding the CZ-75BD to my long as I can keep the shrubbery away from the de-cocker.:rolleyes:
