Are folks on insane or dumb? Or both?

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But I see guys drive all over town to save $ 30 on a gun too .....and that makes no sense either.

I somewhat resemble that remark. I don't drive all over town comparing prices. But, I will see what I can get a gun on gunbroker for and then check one or two of the local gunshops. If the net saving to me is $30+ (after accounting for transfer and shipping), I'm going to buy the cheaper gun. About 50% of the time I'll buy a gun online. 25% of the time I'll get one at a gun show and about another 25% I'll buy it from a gun shop.

I have no problem telling gun dealers that I shop price and if I'm paying more than $30 over and above my net cost of a gun via internet the convenience factor just isn't worth it. It's just as easy for me to purchase a gun over the internet - done it a dozen times with not one hiccup.

Believe me, these gun dealers know the drill - they're all over the internet selling their guns too.
I just window shop on GB. While looking for my first BP pistol (sidelock .50 cal) i kept seeing kits going for more than they sold for at Dixie Gun Works & Cabela's & such. GB was completely relegated to "looking only" after i saw a police trade-in .38 spl that was described word-for-word (with some added BS) the same as a bunch being sold at J&G sales; i think the picture might have even been copied from J&G. The trade-in was over double what J&G was asking, i bleve.

Now, i use it as a place to look up unfamiliar brands & such.
I just hate having to wade through all the spam of dealers New in Box guns and try find the good stuff in between it all. Kind of aggravating. Makes me want to go to a good pawn shop. That is where you can find the good cool old politically incorrect guns.
I just hate having to wade through all the spam of dealers New in Box guns

Use "advanced search". Also, putting a "-" in front of a word will delete any ads with that particular word in it. Also, sort from highest price to lowest. There's ways to get past most of the anoying new guns, or at least get what you want to look at down to one page
It is free to list on gunbroker and the auctions can be automatically re-listed. Allot of people put stuff on for more than they would if they wanted to sell the item quickly, and just wait to see what happens.
Sold 6 and bought 6 on GB last year and happy with every deal. Selling end where more collectors and buying was everything from CZ 9mm's to Keltec SU16.

I also do a lot of selling and buying on ebay (FB over 2000).

Like any auction (web site or actual) you need to do your homework etc.
I believe it an auction frenzy thing,,,

Chuckle at this if you so desire,,,

But I was raised by parents who made their living buying and selling used "stuff",,,
Mom and Dad always told me that auction was best because people got caught up in the frenzy.

Dad still sells a bit of stuff on E-Bay and I have watched the "frenzy" happen in the last 30 minutes of a particular auction,,,
People just seem to go crazy trying to "win" the auction.

From my anecdotal experience of growing up in that used-resale environment I think this phenomenon is unique to auction fever,,,
I do not believe you would ever see the same items going for those prices at a regular sale or gun show.

Just my humble opinion,,,

Sometimes an auction site is the only place to find a rare or unusual item. You could spend your whole life waiting in vain for a nice Webley-Fosbery semiautomatic revolver to pop up in your local shop, for example.

You can also see that Gunbroker is largely populated by folks with an optimistic misapprehension of their gun's true value. Their autions repeat for months with zero bids.

Then there are the real ones, where you can sometimes get a bargain, if your fellow bidders re broke that week; if they're flush, you won't get a bargain, but if you know your market, you might get a fair price.

Ask questions, don't bid on fuzzy photos, and be careful. I've scored some nice firearms there, but it takes time.

Hello Mossy500Camo,

I couldn't help but notice your post above about our website ( I thought it best that I share a little bit about our company since it appears you have visited us before.

Our staff does its best to provide our customers with the products that they request. We have been working very diligently to find better and better sources of supply at better and better prices. This has become very important as the handgun ammo market in particular has been difficult to predict. We have expended a tremendous amount of energy sourcing product from all over the United States in an attempt to offer the best selection that we can to our customers. Our goal is to continue to find better and better supply sources as the months go by so that as the market changes, our customers are the ones who have the most direct access to the few prices that are reasonable these days.

I hope that you will visit us. I noticed that your signature includes a comment about primers. We do have a decent selection of primers at this time that you can view at Just be sure to notice that our prices INCLUDE the $22.50 HazMat fee that would otherwise be charged to you.

We are not crazy. We are just dedicated to serving our customers and keeping their shelves stocked for their weekend fun.

When you see that "Gotta Have" gun on Gun Broker and none of the online stores or local dealers have it in stock, some people don't have the self control to wait until one can be found at a more reasonable price and hit the buy now button and pay that outrageous price just to have it at be able to say to their buddies " look what I got and nobody else does. "
Sometimes an auction site is the only place to find a rare or unusual item. You could spend your whole life waiting in vain for a nice Webley-Fosbery semiautomatic revolver to pop up in your local shop, for example.

I agree. And as Steam Boat points out above, it is really easy to pay too much when an unusual gun does show up.

Sometimes, but not always. I found this S&W pre-10 Transitional model K Frame (made in '47, I believe) with numbers matching diamond magnas, a hammer block safety and a pre-war long action. As an added bonus, this one was fine tuned by the very well respected Deane W. King sometime before his death in the early 50s. This gun also has the "Cockeyed King Hammer" - King welded an extension on to one side of the hammer to ease thumb cocking and recheckered it by hand. His craftsmanship was so good that it looks like the hammer was forged that way at the factory.

Paid $300 for it.



Its been several years and we have gone through sandy hook and now prices are way down. But I see GB sellers are still trying to get way high prices. Try to find a TRS25 for less than 80 bucks. I can buy them all day long new for around 60. Once prices go up people think they will go up for ever. Not the case. They do go down and have. I don't even look there anymore.
If I'm selling, I can ASK any price I want.

If you're buying, you can either pay it, offer less, or move on.

Ain't freedom wonderful?

(I have never bought or sold anything on an auction site.)
Its kind of a badge of honor of your thread is resurrected, especially after 7 years.

One of the hardest things for me to get my mind wrapped around in college business classes is that consumers don't act rationally. I didn't believe it. I have the same mindset as you guys.. shop around a little and save.

Eventually I learned my professors were right and I was wrong. The older I get the more blatantly obvious it is that I was wrong and the professor was right.
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