Are Conservative Pundits Traitors to the RKBA?

RKBA and CCW is becoming more of a women's empowerment issue every day, so I don't think anyone with any knowledge on the subject can classify it as "too male" anymore. Out goes that arguement.
One danger for the Republicans will get in after Hillary (or Obama) is that the antigun laws will stick.

Remember that Dole screwed up Newt's attempt to undo the AWB.

Bush said he would sign a new AWB. The now out of the game Mitt was for it also.

If a new AWB (for instance) was established, I have no doubt the DOJ research of the AWB's lack of effect will shape the new one. It will be tough, confiscatory and NO sunset.

A new GOP administration later would probably let it stick - especially with it fighting probably to undo tax programs, etc. Won't even bother with gun rights.

I think the NRA might get on the horn to some of these folks and clue them in that they are screwing us for their own ratings (my cynical view of talk hosts).

I once heard a CW host who sounded like a Deep Southerner talking about how he had a gig as a Classical Music host on PBS. His voiced changed and he was so cultured and erudite.

If liberal radio sold, I have no doubt some of these folks would be shilling for them.

I also remember Coulter posing at a range with a Beretta 92 to show her gun whazzo. So no eye protection and thumbs crossed in back of the slide IIRC.

I see she shoots alot.