Are 4 legged critters a consideration for your daily self defense carry?

I live in the Piedmont region of NC

When folks visit us from up north we always warn them, the biggest threats you're likely to encounter down here are Fire-ants, Hornets, and Yellow-jackets.
ha! Any asian hornets there yet?

You have to use a 44 mag or better for those!



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ha! Any asian hornets there yet?

You have to use a 44 mag or better for those!
Nope, I ain't ever seen any that big, yet.

But don't underestimate the smaller ones, they hide in places that are quite unexpected...
Like when you're fishing on the lake and one climbs in to your beer can or your beer bottle (Yellow-Jackets love beer!).
You take a sip and the next think you know, your tongue is swelling and you're have a hard time breathing.

BTW, this happened to me.
Luckily, my reaction to the bee venom was not too quick or too severe.
I carry an epi-pen these days.
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Yes. People with evil intent or contaminated thinking are always a concern. So are animals. Honestly, aggressive dogs are probably more of a concern where I live. Coyotes and black bears tend to stay away from people. I rarely see them but when I do, quiet observation is usually enjoyable. If you need them to go, shouting usually works.

The issue is if it doesn't. Given the size of black bears I've seen, .40 S&W is probably fine. Solids in .357 Sig or .357 magnum could be better, though a full barrel length would be wise in cases where those calibers are the right choice.

Curiously, most of the animals I've "faced" would probably have fallen to a .380. One was a coyote that snarled a little before deciding to turn tail and run. One was a gray fox with cubs in her den. She barked and stood her ground, but knowing the situation, I backed away and let her be. Another was a foolishly aggressive goose. I say "foolishly" because a boot would have sufficed. It was on a friend's land though and he asked that I back away and give it space.