Around here, 20 ga. and 12 ga. shells are the same price. Of course, there is more variety in 12 ga loadings but I reload both so it really doesn't affect me on way or the other. In fact, reloading the 20ga is a little cheaper.
I inherited my love for the 20 ga. from my father and grandfather. They both hunted everything from doves to ducks and never saw a need for a 12 ga. (pre-steel days) When I started hunting, a 20 ga. was the natural choice since I was young and we wanted to be able to share ammo. They have both since passed and I have inherited both of those guns.
Like many young men before me, I grew up and bought a 12 ga. I've been happy with the switch but I often go back to the 20 ga for doves, rabbits and squirrels. When my own son is old enough to hunt, he will go afield with a 20ga. and I'll probably be carrying one too. There is an 1100 LT-20 in my safe just for him.
This past dove season, I was promised a seat on a really hot field. Just minutes before the hunt, I was cleaning the gas rings on my 11-87 and I dropped one. It hit the concrete floor in my shop and broke! I thought about it for a minute and picked up my Dad's Winchester pump. I got a decent spot on the field and proceeded to put on a clinic. I killed a 16 bird limit in under two hours with 27 shells. This year, it will be the gun I reach for first.
I inherited my love for the 20 ga. from my father and grandfather. They both hunted everything from doves to ducks and never saw a need for a 12 ga. (pre-steel days) When I started hunting, a 20 ga. was the natural choice since I was young and we wanted to be able to share ammo. They have both since passed and I have inherited both of those guns.
Like many young men before me, I grew up and bought a 12 ga. I've been happy with the switch but I often go back to the 20 ga for doves, rabbits and squirrels. When my own son is old enough to hunt, he will go afield with a 20ga. and I'll probably be carrying one too. There is an 1100 LT-20 in my safe just for him.
This past dove season, I was promised a seat on a really hot field. Just minutes before the hunt, I was cleaning the gas rings on my 11-87 and I dropped one. It hit the concrete floor in my shop and broke! I thought about it for a minute and picked up my Dad's Winchester pump. I got a decent spot on the field and proceeded to put on a clinic. I killed a 16 bird limit in under two hours with 27 shells. This year, it will be the gun I reach for first.