AR15 for Home Defense?

Hello all,

I'm new to this forum, not to guns by any means, and I hope to make some new friends. I am married with two young, beautiful toddler girls and I often struggle with the liberals and gun control groups who say "You don't need an 'assault rifle' to defend your home" ... well, I pose this question to you all:

What if you're me, two tiny toddlers, home alone. Multiple intruders, with guns, break into your home at 2 am ... is my Glock 26 with 10 rounds going to get the job done? I don't think so ...

Let me know what y'all think!? :)
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All one has to do is envision a scenario were you would need to suppress the two out side after dealing with the ones in the house.

If one round from a 30 round mag gets the job done. Great now you have 29 left over.
But if you need the 30 to get to a safe location. 15 wont get it done.

I dont usually grab my AR when I hear a bump in the night, But it is not far away and a couple 30 round mags are near by.
I believe each person needs to make their own decision, so select what works best for you. I generally prefer a larger semi-auto like a HK USP with fifteen rounds for home defense. A rifle may have more power/capacity it’s also more difficult to maneuver inside of a dwelling. While I realize the best strategy is to hunker down and wait for the Police there may be scenarios where you need to move around. Obviously we all face different risk and can imagine any number of scenarios, so again select what you feel comfortable with and move ahead.
I changed from having a 9mm pistol w/ a light on it being my HD weapon, to my AR15 (w/ a light) based on the FBI's determination that 9mm's will penetrate standard building materials to a greater degree than 223's. I don't want bullets hitting people I don't intend to hit, in my home or in neighboring homes. I use Vmax hp's for HD.

I've read a few posts that indicate that some SWAT teams have come to the same conclusion, in terms of decreasing the chance of their gunfire hitting their own personnel in other rooms.

Also, AR's tend not to have as many stoppages as handguns, 30 is better than 10 or 15, and a 223 hit is probably more disabling than a handgun caliber hit.

In my own case, I seem to be able to quickly point shoot at short distances more accurately w/ my AR than w/ a 9mm handgun - other people might be different.

>The FBI study clearly demonstrates the following: (1) that .223 rounds on average, penetrate less than the hollow point pistol rounds evaluated, (2) concern for over penetration of the .223 round, at close range, has been greatly exaggerated, (3) with the exception of soft ballistic garment penetration, the .223 round appears to be relatively safer for employment in CQB events than the hollow point bullets tested. >
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My biggest concern with a rifle is over penetration, you may kill the bad guys efficiently but wound or even kill your children or wife by accident when the wall doesnt stop your round fired. There are options for the .223 like low power jhp or sp that might not go through your walls but it still seems risky. Maybe get something like a high capacity 380 acp or 9mm with Jhp , maybe even a 9 shot semi auto 12 gauge loaded with goose or duck loads.
Just load it up with 30 rounds of 55 grain Hornady TAP. (Tactical Application Police)

No danger of over penetration, and stops a man like he was pole-axed.

That's the stuff the SWAT teams use.
Well, for starters you can get a 33 round magazine for that 9mm Glock. that more than triples your immediate access to ammo and costs only $10. Should be legal in nearly every state.

For noises in the night, a handgun is sufficient. Earlier this week I was awoken at 3am to my downstairs TV coming on with no rational explanation. I laid awake with handgun by my side, as I tried to rationalize how it could turn on. Well, after I became lucid, I realized I had paused Netflix and turned off the TV but forgot to turn off the receiver/speakers. So it automatically turned back on. I've also been awoken to a loud crash, that was simply a poorly mounted item that fell and broke glass.

However, if I heard footsteps, talking, obvious signs of unwanted intruders in my home, I'd go for either my AK, AR, or 12 gauge with buckshot. Suddenly you've got serious firepower. I want to outmatch my opponents' firepower or numbers. The may have handguns, knives, clubs... but it's unlikely they brought longguns on the breakin.

Therefore, an AK or AR or 12 gauge is going to offer serious firepower superiority.
"You don't need an 'assault rifle' to defend your home"

Let's begin by saying that an AR 15 IS NOT AN ASSAULT RIFLE. Assault rifles have select fire capabilities.

I keep a loaded AR 15 as a "home defense" firearm because I live in the country(far out in the country) and I may need to address problems both inside and outside. The AR is not my primary HD weapon but it IS an option if needed.
The AR is a wonderful weapon but let me ask you - have you trained with the Glock or with an AR?

I really don't buy that you can't protect yourself with a handgun. One could replace the 26 with a 17. Then you have 18 rounds.

If you have kids, you may have to wrestle them, a phone, a light, etc. That is hard with a long gun.

As far as accuracy - train. I shoot handguns or ARs in household distances and you can be equally accurate at these distances - if you train.

The penetration issue has some validity.

However, folks looking for a gun based solution often ignore the hard work of training solutions.

So, have you tried to navigate through a house with a long arm and herd your kids?

I have a good to go AR with an Eotech but it's a hunker down gun.

Folks argue that if you think you may be faced with a rapid home invasion, you need to carry the gun.

Where is the AR stored, can you get it in real time? Look at the Petit family, would they have had time to get a gun from the safe? Those poor folks should have had one of the adults carrying.

So carry a pistol, have the AR as back up and train the heck out of learning to use both.
i have gone back and forth between several guns for "home defense" duty. started with a bedside shotgun, then to 357 lever action and have now settled on an "AR type" short abrel in 300BLK. i think any of the gun would probably do just fine, but my issue was my bedroom doors gos into a small hallway with the basement door on one side and a bathroom on the other, leading into an open floor kitchen and living room. i couldn't exit the hallway without being exposed to the back door to the ppatio in the kitchen or the front door in th living room. the lengthy barrels of the shotgun/lever were to cumbersome to maneuver in the small space and i feel very confident with the fast follow-ups of the 30 cal light rifle cartridge. what do i grab from a bump in the night? depends on the "bump", but usually it's just a 9mm cz that sleeps on the bedside.

does one really "need" an ar/ak/semi-auto for home defense? i doubt it, but i think people are totally missing the point of the 2A when they bring up that question. the 2A in written so solidly and plain-english that anyone who reads it knows right away that they wanted "we the people" to be armed equally as our government is. people try hard to twist the simple words around to mean something else, but deep down they know they are lying to themselves. the ar15 is the only easily accesible and affordable weapon left to give the people a fighting chance against tyranny, and we al know that there are those out there that can't stand that.
Yes, I completely agree; if this were a 2A argument, it would be no more!

To Glenn E. Meyer - great questions/comments. I have actually trained with both, pretty equally, which is why I confidently can handle both regardless of the situation. But you're right, with my children, I wouldn't take my AR to go get them, I'd take my 26, run down the hallway, grab them and throw them into my bathroom, locked. Then grab my AR and 'hunker down' with the sights at the staircase ready to defend.

Our home is perfect for that set up. But you're right, ushering two kids, a phone, light, etc, and a long gun - not realistic...

And yes, I do think everybody need to think about and 'train' in what if scenarios so they are aware of what could happen and can possibly be more prepared for them :)
Infinity +1 for MOBUCK

Let's begin by saying that an AR 15 IS NOT AN ASSAULT RIFLE. Assault rifles have select fire capabilities.

I get so tired of hearing the news media and anti-gun politicians calling the Ar's that an ordinary American can obtain and own, "assault weapons"

Thanks MOBUCK for making clear the distinction.
Why do people post things that they know less than nothing about? The Glock 26 can NOT use a 33 round magazine. I tried mine with all 5 of my 33 rounders, and it jams with all of them. These are real live Glock mags. Putting this out as sound advice is worse than STUPID. The 33 round mags only work reliably with the G17 and the G19. I paid $45 each for mine. DO NOT waste your time and money on that Korean garbage.
The G26 can use a 15 or 17 round mag reliably. A problem with the 26 is that it has no rail to mount a light. I have the Gen.4, and there is no rail. It can be fit with good tritium night sights though. Your call.
Having trained extensively in close quarters combat, I do not prefer the Ar in its 5.56 chambering as my close quarters weapon. Your two toddlers face serious risk of being hit by the bullets you fire. Unfortunately, home invaders do not always stand where we need them to stand. Sub-gun version of the ar, example 9mm is an excellent choice. Shotgun with #4 buck is an excellent choice. 5.56 nato? Overpenetration is a real issue to consider.

Don't ever let The Second Amendment become a discussion about need. It is not about need. It is about rights. I have the right to keep and bear arms, REGARDLESS of whether or not I NEED them. "Need" can fast become a slippery slope we fall off of.
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Cowboy Mo, where do you get your definition of an "assault weapon?" BATFE seems to have a slightly different definition than yours. Assault weapons were legally redefined during the Clinton years. The legal definition is really the only one that matters.
Does this happen often where you live?

Once is enough.

I have also considered using my AR as a home defense tool, because I have read that frangible (varmint) loads will not overpenetrate nearly as severely as common handgun rounds...
My biggest issue is the muzzle blast...I imagine it would be horrendous.. possibly permanently deafening. Yes, it's better to be deaf and alive, yes, I could apply for, and probably get a permit for a suppressor (probably the best option).
I won't be herding kids anywhere, the only one is upstairs with her mother. I'm downstairs, where the intruder is...

I would be perfectly happy with any of my handguns, also, but the question was about the AR..
Home alarm system. Gives you piece of mind knowing your house is monitored when the alarm is set. No surprises.
Design/remodel a safe room meeting the capacity to hos the entire family.
Bed side weaponry >never rifles. They penetrate walls. Good possibility of wounding or killing a innocent family member or a neighbor in the heat of the moment. Be assured being caught-up in that nasty situation you'll most likely hear the prison door slam behind you (before) the perpetrator/s experience the same.
Why do people post things that they know less than nothing about? The Glock 26 can NOT use a 33 round magazine. I tried mine with all 5 of my 33 rounders, and it jams with all of them. These are real live Glock mags. Putting this out as sound advice is worse than STUPID. The 33 round mags only work reliably with the G17 and the G19. I paid $45 each for mine. DO NOT waste your time and money on that Korean garbage.
The G26 can use a 15 or 17 round mag reliably. A problem with the 26 is that it has no rail to mount a light. I have the Gen.4, and there is no rail. It can be fit with good tritium night sights though. Your call.

That's a pretty bold statement. Care to elaborate? Glock mags are designed to be interchangeable for the same double stack calibers. I've never had any problems interchanging mags of similar guns in various sizes.
Let's just say that every situation is different. There ARE .223 ammo types that have less penetrative tendencies than other types. That disadvantage can be remedied. A bigger disadvantage(or advantage depending on your personal conditions) is the muzzle flash and noise. One must take these factors into consideration. If you're "gun timid" so much flash and bang may be of such distraction as to limit your effectiveness. I'm nearly deaf so I'd expect the intruder to be at a bigger disadvantage than myself.
I keep a light and laser equipped AR "pistol" at my bedside. With these options and an AimPoint, this firearm is good to as far as I feel the need to defend myself and property(in the immediate sense) or at across the house distance(daylight or dark).
It's there if needed but not my first choice.