AR15 for HD...what condition?

chris in va

New member
Reading a few posts on the subject has me thinking my AR would be a good HD gun.

So those 'in the know', what condition works best for the platform...

1). Mag inserted, empty chamber, bolt closed
2). Chambered, safety on
3). Empty chamber, bolt open
4). Other?
I'd go with one, personally.

If I have time to retrieve a rifle, I almost certainly have time to pull a charging handle.
My AR 15s are my third option for HD. Something terrible happened and my pistols and shotguns have not done the job. That said, I keep mine in the safe, mags out and bolts forward. It if becomes my primary, it would sit next to my bed in condition 2.
Yeah, mine is normally in the safe, as well. Mags out but on the shelf next to it.

Wife prefers a shotgun for the bedroom long gun.
My personal preference, Condition 4 with a mag next to it. I would reach for a handgun if the bad guy was at the foot of my bed, if i need a rifle I've got the distance and time to load it and chamber a round and am probably under siege.
I think it depends on how you intend to use it. Are you going to keep the AR close at hand where you can respond to a threat immediately? If not, then the extra time you spend charging the weapon is probably negligble compared to the time you spend going to get the weapon.

I think it makes a lot more sense to keep a pistol in condition one because it is easier to keep a pistol close-at-hand for a situation that requires the type of immediate response where you don't have time to charge the weapon.
normaly bolt closed on an empty chamber, 1 loaded mag on shelf close by another in pouch on stock. Right next to the AR there's a cruizer ready 1897 Chinchester full of g00dness. However right now my AR is locked up waiting for a trip to the range to sight in the new EO-Tech and my M1 carbine is standing guard 1-15 round mag on shelf 2 more in stock pouch.:D
As a side note to the above posts, I think your personal circumstances dictate the answer better than anyone else's advice.

Are there children in the home? What kind of neighborhood do you live in? Do you live in apartments? What barriers are in between you and retrieving your weapon in a defensive situation?

I keep my primary home defense weapons with a round in the chamber. That's just me though.

What do you do with your firearm when you leave the house? Leave it the same way? Lock it up? Empty the chamber? Its just my personal opinion that your situation should dictate your answer.

As added food for thought, in the event of a fire, the rounds that are not chambered are not serious threats but a round that is chambered is a loaded gun in a ghost's hands. In a semi-auto this could result in a cook-off situation involving multiple random shots(in theory, not always the case). If you do keep a round loaded in a firearm that is not attended (put in a safe place but prepared for a defensive situation) be mindful of the muzzle direction and notify any emergency response personnel of this in the event of a fire.
I've considered this samething when I was deciding to use my AK for home defense. I was going to leave a loaded magazine in it with an empty chamber. But the gun is just too loud to even consider shooting without earmuffs.
I plan to count on the sound of the charging handle and bolt racking to scare the bad guys away, just like my pump shotgun.....

ok, seriously, mine is a secondary weapon. Mag in, bolt forward, spare mag on the stock. I have 55gr JSP in it, 55gr FMJ in the mag. Outside I use 64gr JSP and M855 in the spare.
"cruiser ready"...

If I owned a M4 or AR type rifle for home protection, I'd have it; "cruiser ready": empty chamber, safety(ambi) on, 10/15 round rifle mag(PMAG or the cool type that shows the remaining magazine rounds: red/yellow/green ;) ).
Unless I expected armed threats or death threats, a limited AR magazine would be okay. I might keep a loaded Cmag or Beta rifle magazine close by, ;).

Unlike Hollywood, you are HIGHLY unlikely going to get into a major shootout. 2/3 rounds may be expended total in a home protection event.

If I was going to use my Mini 30 or AK, they would be chambered with the safety on.
My guns are locked up during the day,but when I'm home I have pistols and shotguns at the ready.
It is my second line of firearm defense.

Mag in, chamber loaded, safety on, standing next to my night stand if my wife is at home.

If she is away for any reason, . . . it is laying on my bed, . . . in her spot.

May God bless,
My home defense is different than most. I live in an isolated/remote location in eastern AZ.

My primary threat is varmints (coyotes or cougars) going after my livestock.

I keep my AR in my cabinet chamber empty firing pin down with a ten round mag inserted. (Can't close the door with a 20 or 30 round mag inserted) I have a jump coat with three 30 round mags and a flash light.

In the house I allways have a 1911 close at hand.