April Gunshow in Utah: Anybody going?

Sorry George, my wife and daughter are flying back in on Saturday after being gone for a whole week. That's gotta take precedence. But if you are doing it every Sat. I would love to hook up for another game. Even though it sounds like my little old pro-lite is going to be out gunned. :D
Naw - we have to Pro-Lites in our group and they do just fine.
They might be old - but like an FAL, they do just fine thank you! :D

I'll call ya for next weekend... We have the SWEETEST field to play on that is open for free. Not a commercial field or anything - just a place where all the players like to play with out having to buy field paint or pay fees.
Sounds good to me. I hate payings fees, thats why I prefer to do my shooting in the desert as opposed to at a range.

I consider the Pro-Lite kind of like the AK-47 of the paintball world. Not the most accurate, not the prettiest, but damn tough. Have to be if that is what you rent out to dorky teenagers. :)

Hmm... I may have to go spring for a new mask. My old one is an el-cheapo, and when I get hot that thing fogs up bad. I borrowed a friends super-duper spectras with the built in fan. Man those were nice. May have to do some shopping.
Hey - I actually have a brand new mask that I never used I could give ya for 25 bucks. Its a JT Nvader system that has a visor and can take the Cross Wind fan system... It a cool mask - and I got it in my package I bought. I dont use it cause I needed a bigger goggle system to wear over my glasses.

If the Tippmann is the AK (and I agree with that) then the Autococker is the 1911 of paintball. There is a whole industry set up around the Cocker! I was so confused when shopping for the one I bought... but I studied the matter as careful as a I would climbing a barbed wire fence nekked.

Have you guys thought about getting into the Airsoft game? The guns are more realistic and I am set up as a dealer for 747 imports so I get them at a pretty good price. They hurt about as bad as a paintball does but the training benifits of having the same operations and mag changes as the real thing is what attracted me to it.

It looks pretty good, Eh?

Airsoft? Problem with those is that they dont leave visible marks on every hit.
Oooohhh... That looks pretty. Hang on to that, I'll try and see if I can make it down to Provo canyon weekend after next.

Airsoft? Never tried it. Do they really hit like a paintball, I thought they were just little yellow b.b.s. I've been hit by some paintballs that really hurt. (Got hit once in the forehead directly over my mask/under my hat from about 10 feet away. Left a silver dollar size bleeding welt for about a week) :D

That reminds me of a real nasty one. My wife was playing with us, and she was shot from behind in the base of the neck just under her ear. It was the nastiest paint wound I've ever seen, cracked the skin open, blood gushing out. When I saw my wife after that I asked how far away the person who shot her had been, thinking that it had to be like contact distance. Nope, forty feet! We checked the gun that she had been shot with, and sure enough it chronoed at over 450+ f.p.s.!!! :eek: The moral of the story, don't screw around with a regulator if you don't know how it works!

Funny, my wife hasn't paintballed since...
Yeah - we had a guy blasting over 400 as well. Thats why someone brings a chrony and we speed test before we play. It's honor system, but everyone is pretty honest.