April 20th Approaching: What Will Happen This Time?

April 18, 1994 Former President Nixon suffered a stroke and dies 4 days later
April 19, 1965 At a cost of $20,000, the outer Astrodome ceiling is painted because of sun's glare, this causes the grass to die
April 20, 1920 Tornadoes kill 219 in Alabama and Mississippi
Not into baseball, but I'm sure some care about the Astrodome. :rolleyes:
i never knew hitlers birthday. not that i am going to celebrate or anything. the only thing i knew 420 to be was a supposed day for potheads to smoke on it. it was like their special holiday a few guys at work were talking about it on thursday. i told them they were nuts.
Foiled - Bomb Plot in South Carolina HS

See! There was gonna be some sicko inspired by Columbine.

18-year-old SC student accused of plotting to bomb school

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A high school senior collected enough supplies to carry out a bomb attack on his school and detailed the plot in a hate-filled diary that included maps of the building and admiring notations about the Columbine killers, authorities said Sunday.

Ryan Schallenberger, 18, was arrested Saturday after his parents called police when 10 pounds of ammonium nitrate was delivered to their home in Chesterfield and they discovered the journal, said the town's police chief, Randall Lear.

The teen planned to make several bombs and had all the supplies needed to kill dozens at Chesterfield High School, depending on where the devices were placed and whether they included shrapnel, Lear said. Ammonium nitrate was used in the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 that killed 168 people.

"The only thing left was delivering the bombs," the police chief said.

Schallenberger kept a journal for more than a year that detailed his plans for a suicide attack and included maps of the school, police said. The writings did not include a specific time for the attack or the intended targets.

He also left an audio tape to be played after he died explaining why he wanted to bomb his school. Lear wouldn't detail what was on the tape except to say Schallenberger was an angry young man.

"He seemed to hate the world. He hated people different from him — the rich boys with good-looking girlfriends," Lear said.

In his writings, Schallenberger said he admired the two teens who killed 13 people at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999 before committing suicide, Lear said. The attack happened nine years ago Sunday, but Lear said investigators do not know whether there was any link between the anniversary and Schallenberger's plans.

Schallenberger was one of the top students at the high school of about 580 students and had not caused any serious problems before his arrest, principal Scott Radkin said.

The school's Web site lists Schallenberger as a member of the 2007 academic bowl squad. He won an academic award from Newberry College in the last school year.

The teen was in the Chesterfield County jail Sunday night, charged with possessing materials to make bombs, the police chief said. A bond hearing was scheduled for Monday. Other than the bomb-making material, no other weapons were found at his home, Lear said.

Lear said Schallenberger did not have an attorney. His parents could not immediately be located Sunday by The Associated Press.

Security will be tightened at the school when students return Monday. Students will walk through metal detectors borrowed from a courthouse, and bomb and drug sniffing dogs have been called in. Lear said he does not expect any problems.

Chesterfield is a town of about 1,500 people in northeastern South Carolina near the North Carolina line.

No tragedy! Foiled! Emphasis on the first bolded paragraph - the parents seemed to have gone snooping around the kid's stuff; they invaded his privacy. Parents acting like parents instead of "friends."
No tragedy! Foiled! Emphasis on the first bolded paragraph - the parents seemed to have gone snooping around the kid's stuff; they invaded his privacy. Parents acting like parents instead of "friends."

What is the heck is up with this post??? Do you prefer the parents act like his friends and just talk to him about his problems? This guy has serious problems and he has the ability to kill many people. He needs professional help. Frankly, I'm glad the parents intervened. Parents need to get more involved in their children's lives. In fact, think many of society's issues are a direct result of poor parenting.
Had my sidearm with me all day and night, nothing to report other than inlaws finally getting introduced to the CCW concept.
April 19
- 1993: Waco
- 1995: Oklahoma City Bombing

No surprise these were on the same date since the Oklahoma City bombing was an act of revenge against the Federal Government for what they did at Waco. The OCB was not a terrorist act. It was an act of revenge.

Do you really consider it revenge?

I know that is what Timothy McViegh considered it. (May he rot in a extremely warm and unpleseant place.)