Apples vs Oranges. Savage vs Sako. Worth 3x the cost?

Dang, some pretty crazy replies comparing Sako's to Savage's regarding how well one might be built than the other or difference in cost. I bought my Sako from an older fella I knew for $400.00. At that price, I considered that way over a Savage. Or a Remington and some others for that matter. That was an opportunity I was not going to pass on.
LOL! When he talked to me about it, we were both hunters in the Bridgeport/Bodie area of Ca. Him waaay before me, but, that is how we came to know each other. He showed me that Sako; oh, how I liked that rifle. But, I had a Ruger MKII I was using, so, I was good. When he could no longer hunt, he gave me a call and made the offer. I was at his retirement home the next day. We talked about old hunts for a bit, then he brought out the Sako. The last deer I shot was with that rifle. In Bodie. I still take it to the range. It isn't going anywhere. RIP Chuck. And thanks for great memories and a great rifle.
In my opinion, both Sako and Savage are good guns that are worth buying. So how to decide? Ask yourself what you want. If you'll be 100% satisfied with the Savage, then buy it and be happy. If you really want the Sako and it will make you smile every time you use it, then buy it and be happy.

The comparison to luxury vs commuter car is a perfect analogy. Both get you from point A to point B. Some people just get more enjoyment out of doing it in style... others couldn't care less.

Both are right.
Thanks again for the replies.
I wasn't looking for a direct comparison between the two brands (hence the title "Apples vs. Oranges"). Was just asking what made a Sako 3x more and was it truly worth it.

Sounds like the net is Sako has better fit & finish, better barrels and maybe prettier (in the eye of the beholder). Accuracy at the distance I will shoot (sub 250 yards) will be comparable given my shooting skills. The Sako will probably hold its value a little better long term, but then again, you're only paying $500 or so for a Savage.

Thanks for the education!
+1 on the Tikka. I don't think Sako is worth it. I think the Tikka T3 series rifles are the best rifle in their price range and are consistently well built and accurate rifles. I've had two Savage centerfire rifles (6.5x284 and 30-06) and they both had average at best accuracy. I've owned and currently own two Tikkas (6.5x55 and 300 WM) and they are scary accurate. Very smooth bolt travel. They are just well put together guns. I've been all over the place with rifles. Savage, Remington, Weatherby Vanguard. None of them really come close to the Tikkas that I've handled.
Dufus, I agree. While I agree that most Savages out of the box are going to be pretty accurate the fit and finish leaves a lot to be desired. I've had a few that had very rough bores and chambers that left marks on spent casings. High volume shooters are going to notice these issues much more than the guy that fires 10 rounds a year. When you shoot several hundred rifle rounds a year you have to clean it frequently and thoroughly and a bore with a bunch of tooling marks doesn't clean out so well.
Cheapest rifle I ever bought was a savage axis in 308 Couldn't stand the thing--kept shooting sub MOA and one hole groups, had to get rid of it.:D