Appendix carry vs Hip

That's one of the videos that started me down this path actually.

And while I agree with you that for the vast majority of situations a quick draw probably isn't going to be a factor, aren't we always stressing the idea that we must be prepared for the worst possible situation? And couldn't one of those really bad situations necessarily involve the need to get your gun into the fight as rapidly as possible? I mean, yes the odds are extremely low that I might even get into a gunfight, ever. And that means that the odds of needing a quick draw-stroke are even that much lower. But it could happen, right?

And the reality is that my draw-stroke is pretty slow or average at best. I'm never going to be accused of being a fast draw guy. So it just seems to me (and I freely admit I might be wrong here) that to reduce the time it takes to get my gun working, knowing I'm not Quick-Draw Mcgraw, it might be in my best interest to look at a faster system.

Which is part of how I came to this point.

The other major reason I like the idea of appendix carry is the security. No one is going to reach into the front of my pants and grab my gun without me knowing about it, and if it did happen, I'd be able to use both arms to fend the attacker off. With hip carry the gun is just more exposed.

Here's another video from Rob Pincus that addresses appendix carry issues that I found interesting:

I guess it is possible you could find yourself in a situation where you need that extra .25 of a second but when I think about the odds of that being the difference in winning or losing it is way down the list for me.

When I weight that against a possible ND in the appendix position I think the odds are higher here than me needing that .25 of a second. I fully understand that others feel differently.

Security of the gun is often sighted as a reason to carry appendix but I also think that situational awareness also goes a long way to keeping your gun secure.

If you think it can work for you then give it a try. Get a good rig and give it a try. If you hate it all you will be out is a holster which you can most likely covert to hip carry or sell.
each has its pros and cons, but most of it will depend upon how you are built and what type of activity you will be engaged in.
Glenn E. Meyer
Looked at the video , very good . EDC is one thing , from watching those videos , some are equipped for all out war, only thing missing , frags , smoke an pressure patches .I ordered a Vedder LightTuck IWB kydex holster , has an adjustable cant belt clip . Never used a kydex holster , should be interesting . Be Well .

That's one of the videos that started me down this path actually.

And while I agree with you that for the vast majority of situations a quick draw probably isn't going to be a factor, aren't we always stressing the idea that we must be prepared for the worst possible situation? And couldn't one of those really bad situations necessarily involve the need to get your gun into the fight as rapidly as possible? I mean, yes the odds are extremely low that I might even get into a gunfight, ever. And that means that the odds of needing a quick draw-stroke are even that much lower. But it could happen, right?

And the reality is that my draw-stroke is pretty slow or average at best. I'm never going to be accused of being a fast draw guy. So it just seems to me (and I freely admit I might be wrong here) that to reduce the time it takes to get my gun working, knowing I'm not Quick-Draw Mcgraw, it might be in my best interest to look at a faster system.

Which is part of how I came to this point.

The other major reason I like the idea of appendix carry is the security. No one is going to reach into the front of my pants and grab my gun without me knowing about it, and if it did happen, I'd be able to use both arms to fend the attacker off. With hip carry the gun is just more exposed.

Here's another video from Rob Pincus that addresses appendix carry issues that I found interesting:

It seems like you are a Pincus fan so I wanted to post this. He is also a fan of appendix carry but for him it is not just about speed. In fact I think likes "centerline carry" because it is protected, easy to get to and he believes it is "just as safe". I get it but its just not for me. It maybe entirely physiological but it is what it is. If I am going to sweep something I would rather it be my hip, knee or foot then my junk.

You are considering carrying the appendix to gain speed. I will use another video of Rob Pincus' to refute the idea that a faster draw of half a second or even a second is really necessary in a defensive handgun situation.

I think that this video illustrates why I am trying to get across better than I have explained it. The point I am trying to make is that if we ever have to use a gun in self defense it is going to be a dynamic incident. It is not to going to be "shooter ready????" You will not be putting 2 shoots into 3-5 predetermined targets. You standing their waiting for the buzzer to go off and shoot a known and studied course of fire. It is going to happen fast and it is going to be "RANDOM".

Rob L is a much faster and better shooter that Pincus. In the video in a static known environment Rob L puts 2 rounds in 3 targets in .40 seconds faster than Pincus. In the competition work that is a lifetime. No way Pincus will ever make up that time and win the match.

Yet when the scenario changes and you do not know the order, placement of targets or the number of shots fired the faster shooter Rob L is slower than Pincus. When you add in processing the information while shooting the absolute speed of shooting including the draw do not win the day. Even with that in mind the timer does not tell you that you won. It does not predict winning a gun fight. Pincus downed the targets with less rounds and faster than Rob L but who won? The TIMER does not tell you.

Don't get so hung up on the timer.
It seems like you are a Pincus fan so I wanted to post this. He is also a fan of appendix carry but for him it is not just about speed. In fact I think likes "centerline carry" because it is protected, easy to get to and he believes it is "just as safe". I get it but its just not for me. It maybe entirely physiological but it is what it is. If I am going to sweep something I would rather it be my hip, knee or foot then my junk.

You are considering carrying the appendix to gain speed. I will use another video of Rob Pincus' to refute the idea that a faster draw of half a second or even a second is really necessary in a defensive handgun situation.

I think that this video illustrates why I am trying to get across better than I have explained it. The point I am trying to make is that if we ever have to use a gun in self defense it is going to be a dynamic incident. It is not to going to be "shooter ready????" You will not be putting 2 shoots into 3-5 predetermined targets. You standing their waiting for the buzzer to go off and shoot a known and studied course of fire. It is going to happen fast and it is going to be "RANDOM".

Rob L is a much faster and better shooter that Pincus. In the video in a static known environment Rob L puts 2 rounds in 3 targets in .40 seconds faster than Pincus. In the competition work that is a lifetime. No way Pincus will ever make up that time and win the match.

Yet when the scenario changes and you do not know the order, placement of targets or the number of shots fired the faster shooter Rob L is slower than Pincus. When you add in processing the information while shooting the absolute speed of shooting including the draw do not win the day. Even with that in mind the timer does not tell you that you won. It does not predict winning a gun fight. Pincus downed the targets with less rounds and faster than Rob L but who won? The TIMER does not tell you.

Don't get so hung up on the timer.

Thanks for the video and your insights, I appreciate it.

Two things I should clear up. First, my interest in appendix carry is three part: 1) better concealment, 2) better security of my weapon in case someone tried to grab it, and 3) potentially quicker draw, especially if I had to draw with my left hand for some reason.

Second, I may have led you (and others) to believe that I use timers a lot in my training, which I do not. I don't own one (just have a timer app) and we use timers maybe 10-15% of the time in my training classes.

I did spend some time with my timer app just a couple weeks prior to my first, and maybe only, shooting competition (the Memorial Phoenix Handgunner Competition) back in January, more out of curiosity than anything else. I knew from watching videos of previous PHX Handgunners that the median draw-to-first-shot time was under 1.0 second. I discovered that mine was around 1.3 seconds. So I went into the competition thinking that rather than try to speed up my draw in that two weeks, I should focus on accuracy and hope to make up for my slow draw speed by not missing.

A couple months ago I broke out the timer app again because it occurred to me that my draw-stroke from my IWB concealment holster was probably necessarily slower because of the necessity of having to move my clothing out of the way and drawing from a concealed leather (not designed for speed) holster. I was right. My draw speed using my EDC gun and holster was around 1.75-1.9 seconds. I have improved this time by a few tenths since, but it occurred to me that just by moving the gun to a centerline position and replacing leather with Kydex I might gain a half-second or more. Which, as we've discussed, may or may not be important in an actual gunfight for my life.

But what really got me thinking was watching yet another video in which he showed the difficulty (and the radically increased time) of drawing from the hip if you had to use your support hand instead of your strong hand. Due to some back issues, I don't rotate about my spine as easily as I did twenty years ago, and this makes drawing with my left while my gun is on my right hip problematic. Appendix carry would make a huge difference in my case.

Of course, right now this is all theory; all I've done so far is order a holster. Once I begin drilling with it I'll probably know fairly quickly if appendix carry is for me.