Anything besides guns in your house?

Probably a year or two ago there was a great article in the Wall Street Journal about the Punkin' Chunkin' contest. It was hilarious. I couldn't find it on the web site, but I remember one part about how a pumpkin traveled a bit farther than expected. As I recall, it darn near demolished a small car!
I can go just about anywhere in my house and be close to a weapon.

In addition to guns, I have several knives, a crosswbow, my grandfathers Mason sword, a mother-in-law killer (reproduction of a spiked ball on a chain that I bought at a gun show
),a 12th century battle ax (also a reproduction), nightstick, 100,000 volt stun gun, blow gun.
That's about all I can think of for now...
Cooking up a pot of beans, polish sausage, onions, garlic, etc., will result in something, if not lethal, which will make most people and the dogs leave the house. Does that count as a weapon?

Bruce Stanton
Boy Gary, nice to know im not the only pack rat in here, this is gonna be fun!...Well, ive got a pretty good knife collection. Including a pair of early Mad Dog ATAKs.Ive got a Scottish Claymore, books, a bunch of guns, deer horns and deer heads and lots of turkey feet and beards. I also have a nice collection of Indian artifacts. Man i need to have a yard sale! Keep up the fight, you are not alone!
Hmmmm.... well, despite the laws here, I have a 70lb compound mounted on the wall just outside the bedroom, a smaller recurve downstairs, what we call a fish fu..... {ahem!} ... a fish "donger" beside the bed (it's a turned piece of very dense jarrah, same shape as a baseball bat only two-and-a-bit feet long -- used for delivering the coup de grace to big fish so they don't suffer), numerous knives from fishing/filleting knives to a couple of razor-sharp chef's knives, and a Colt 1911 replica if I only want to scare the bejaysus out of someone.

Oh ... plus some cans of spraypaint and felt-tip pens (come and get me, boys -- but I'll spray a few of you before I go!!)

A Buck Special, a hatchet, and a ball-pein hammer.

(cut to: long shot of Coinneach beating the living snot out of a goblin with a Craftsman hammer and humming "Mississippi Mud" in time with the impacts)

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
Girlfriend, cat, bunch of Fender guitars and basses. Amps,recording equipment. 600 or so CD's couple thousand LP's. Art books, geography books, novels. TM's, FM's reloading stuff, tools.Randall knife collection. BIG gunsafe.
maybe we have a new self defense weapon here....the veggie launcher...complete with its own bushel basket magazine and shopping cart out b a t f ---I here them pockett grape shooters are deadly, especially the vest penetrators aka the seeded grapes......wh0oooeee....of course the well turned out veggie terroist has to have a carrot assualt knive, a parsnip folder with clip, a squash bludgeon, and a cucumber sap also for the more advanced there is lettuce/cabbage gilly net and the asparagus flail and there is the depleted plum projecticles for shot gun type devices...and the list is literally endless there is no end to what these veggie terroists will use....
cornered rat,
Thank you for adding the link to your Memorial Day weekend. That was very enjoyable. You're right about the photography/gun link. I have found that many who enjoy one, also enjoy the other.

You, sir, have an artists eye when it comes to photography. I especially liked the sunlight-on-blinds photo and the ostrich. You could put together a mini-show based on your photos from that weekend alone. I have lived around expert photographers all my life (my dad worked in the National Geographic photo lab after retiring from the USMC and my mom was an editor there) and your photos are as good as any I have seen that take high level awards.
Let's see, besides things that go *bang*:
A number of sharp pointy things, Busse, Rinaldi, Reeve, Benchmade
Early Browning Bushmaster compound bow (with the nice laminated handle, no alloy here
Bear "Minuteman" take down recurve
Few dozen Easton alloy arrows & asst. tips
Pair of 21" ASP expandable batons
Plans for a trebuchet

For some serious spud gun links and ideas, please see:

Included here is ideas for Spudzookas and, let's all get giddy, now, a Gatling Spud Gun. Alternative propellants are also discussed. Tim Allen would be proud. Arrr, arrr, arrr.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

[This message has been edited by DonL (edited June 07, 1999).]
Gee, you guys make me feel like a dud. In my house, other than things that go bang, there's a baton, the kid's baseball bats and a couple air guns.
Of course if I wanted to get real nasty I could just go to the garage. Gasoline, propane, axes, saws, tools of all kinds, a wide variety of blunt instruments and a couple of chain saws.
And if I wanted to get really, really nasty I've got an Italian mother of two that Goldberg would think twice about taking on. Of course that would only be as a last resort. She does qualify as a "weapon of mass destruction"!
Since we have just moved to a new server, I don't want to use up all the bandwidth it would take to answer this question.

Leadfoot, the reason my wife and I didn't marry back when we first fell in love was that I didn't want a 20th Century battle axe around the house...

Find an auto driveshaft; cut off one end; drill a hole by the closed end big enough for the end of a welding torch; another about halfway up, with a wire stuck through as a "stop". Drop beer can down tube. Let an oxy-acet mix flow into rearmost hole for a while. Ignite. Watch...

The most exotic weapons I have are 1. A hollow-handled double-edged 12" bolo from northern Luzon. Since the natives couldn't carry spears, the hollow handle fits well onto a walking stick...(Spear-control laws)

2. A "Barong" from down in Mindanao; a 20" blade handmade from a truck spring. It is somewhat palm-leaf shaped, and the briar-root handle is curved for either a stabbing grip or a slashing stroke. The blade is 3" deep at the mid-point and the back is 1/4" thick. A truly serious piece for social work.

Got a basic Nikon body, with a Takuni 28-200 zoom lens...Mostly for casual color prints. Desert sunrises and sunsets make for spectacular scenes.
I keep a Himalayan Imports 15" Ang Kohla khurkri knife nearby at all times. I've tried the other knives and this one has no peer. When you are tired of fooling around with inferior blades this is the one to have. I will stake my life on it any day of the week!
I have a 400 year old Japanese katana which I am expecting back from the restorer sometime this week. It has been polished, new saya and new tsuka.