Anything besides guns in your house?

A common bond between us is our interest and ownership of firearms (handguns, rifles, shotguns and an occasional Class III). Does anybody have anything else?

Besides a couple of airshotguns and airguns, I've got a Civil War calvary saber, a beer can mortar, crossbow, compound bow and a tomahawk (which I'm still not very good at throwing).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Gary ... a 'beer can mortar'? You've got to be kidding. Don't you realize the BATF monitors this site, has their best nerds on it, and parks vans outside our homes each night. Don't you know that beer can mortar's were prohibited after the Beer Bill of 2002, limiting those things to a range of 10 feet, and only to be used in Super Bowl's? Sheesh! Better lay low, pal.

I'm a wimp. Only have an air rifle to 'plink' pillaging bunnies. However, I do have my eye on a felt tip pen. Since OZ is slipping off the deep end and making everything except plastic knives illegal, I want to make sure I stock up before this logic sweeps into Washington, DC. Ooops ... it has ...
nothing elsein the house, I keep all the GOOD
stuff in the Bunker

My knife collection (lots), my Dad's captured Japanese officer sword, a custom made sword on order, a potato cannon with interchangeable barrels (olive size up to grapefruit size) and a melon catapult. You can imagine what a hoot the last 2 are!

The cannon will boost a tater out to about 600 yds.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
This is really a crackup ... now 'a potato cannon with interchangeable barrels ... and a melon catapult'? DC, you can go on a picnic with Gary, and you can just have someone send over whatever you need!
INCOMING!! (lunch, that is)
A few guns a few bows and a few knifes everything else is strickly need to know.


[This message has been edited by Rew (edited June 06, 1999).]
Ammo and bourbon. One dog, (looking around the room) laptop, gunsafe, sofa (dogs other bed), dogs bed, my bed, alarm clock, chair, dog food, my food, katana, numerous other swords, tools, kayak, life vest, dog hair, paddle, table, fridge, stove (wonder if it works?), phone, ammo bourbon, tequila. Thats about it. If I can't eat it, drink it, cut with it, talk on it, talk to it, shoot it or sit on it, it ain't here. The dog is my one concession to civilization.


How did you get a tomahawk? I think we may still need couple of those in Kosovo. The Navy came and picked mine up the in lat april.

Oh.. not one of those Tomahawks. damn thats no fun.
Hey DC, Where did you get your melon luncher?
Please e-mail me thanks.....

Whoooosh! Now cut that out DC!

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza
Did you ever have that Japanese sword appraised, or researched to know the approximate age?.....about 5 years ago I came upon a time were I sold all of my firearms and custom knives and japanese swords....Ive since been able to just replace enuf firearms, but I havent found a good affordable katana in along time.......fubsy.

Yeah...its not worth much...its a gunto (one of those mass produced war swords). Its not even a looks like a standard Western cavalry saber. It's a one hand sword with an enclosed hilt. My understanding is that it would be worth around $200 in 90% condition...this is maybe 50%
I have a bunch of ww2 crap, german cross,a german 32. cal made in checzslovocia not sure how to spell that. I got a blackpowder cannon thats about it

4V50 Gary,

"Does anybody have anything else?"

Hmmm, never really thought about it. Oh yeah! my wife is here and believe me she is one deadly weapon. (G) Other that that the usuual Compound Bows, Cross bow, a few hunting knives. Other than the furnature that pretty well covers it. Oh almost forgot, a 17 year old step daughter that is breaking young mens hearts all the time. (LOL)

John - NRA - Lifer

[This message has been edited by John Hunter (edited June 06, 1999).]
I have a couple of Hoyt Bows. I also have a fusee (also called back firing torch)launcher. The launcher is really cool. It is nothing more than a five foot pipe, valve, regulator and compressed air bottle (like on air packs). You light the fusee, drop it down the pipe then open the valve. The compressed air then launches the fusee up to a couple of hundred yards. Yes, I do have a legitimate use for it. It is used for burn out on wildland fires.
Don't worry guys, your spud guns are BATF approved, believe it or not. See URL below.

( )
As for you melon heads, take a look at the 1998 Punkin Cunkin Contest. 1st place winner shot one over 4,026 feet. That is a long xxxx way. Take a look.

( )

[This message has been edited by Orion (edited June 06, 1999).]
'Delta Force' bowie (bought thru US Cav years ago, no longer available.) 10"X1/4" blade
SOG Tigershark 9"X1/4" blade
Al Mar tonto 10" blade
Randall No.1 8" & No.14 7" in a display case. (Break Glass In Case Of Emergency)
6C Maglite
24"X1" conduit (my arnis stick)
Rhode Gear bike rack for car. (looks very painful if hit by it.)
5' floor lamp
34" Kleen Bore rod
10" skillet
12" wok-type pot

- Ron V.

HOLY Keesters!

You gotta see the pics of the Punkin Chunkin Contest! That is some serious playware!

Man oh man I gotta git me some

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I wonder how far that sucker could launch Ted Kennedy?????????????


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.