Anyone Use Metalform 1911 Magazines

I have three, 7-rounders that I've used for twenty years. Probably a combined 5000 rounds through them. No issues at all.
Their traditional, GI-type 1911 magazines have always performed well for me. That is, until they started squeezing 8 rounds into 7-round tubes by shortening the vertical leg on the follower. Since then, not so great. I keep a stock of GI-design followers on hand, and I convert all 8-round mags to 7 rounds (6 for the Officers ACP). However, I don't know if Metalform still makes a GI-type magazine, at least for Colt. I think Check-Mate supplies Colt's full-size mags and Metalform supplies the shorter Officers ACP/Defender mags. The latter all have wadcutter feed lips.

Metalform has, in the past couple of years, come out with some newer, non-GI design mags. As far as I'm concerned, the jury is still out on those.
I use Metalform mags in my 1911's exclusively. Have three of them that have worked flawlessly for over 20 years now. Well, almost flawlessly, but I can give them a pass. Quick story about Metalforms customer service. I bought these 3 mags back in 1998ish for Bullseye completion. During a practice session, rapid fire if memory serves me, the base of the mag in use popped off, the spot welds broke away and the mag spring, follower, and remaining cartridges dropped onto the bench. At first I though my pistol went Kaboom. Scared the you-know-what out of me. Quickly found out the mag failed. That evening I emailed Metalform customer service. The next day while at work, the President of Metalform himself called me and asked me about my problem. He said to return the mag for inspection. It took me a couple of days to get it packaged and mailed off. The very next day I got a package from Metalform with a new magazine, and a check that more than covered the cost of shipping. They sent this to me before even receiving the faulty mag for inspection. They trusted my judgement. That is excellent customer service! Like I said, still have and still using those 3 mags. Tens of thousands of rounds total, still working like new.
dahermit said:
It is apparent that John Browning knew what he was doing.
Yeah. Whoddathunkit, eh?

As I have commented before, as recently as a day or two ago, the 1911 magazine holds 7 rounds because that's the most John Browning thought would fit and work reliably. And they worked, for about 80 years. Then people who thought they were smarter than John Moses Browning decided that they could fit 8 rounds into 7-round magazines by shortening the vertical leg of the follower and tinkering with the spring.

And then the fun began.

"If it ain't broke .... don't fix it."
I have used the 7-d. .45 magazines with rounded followers for years. Also their 9-rd. 9MM Front ramp type, and a couple for 38 Super. They are excellent magazines IMHO. Were I buying new 1911 magazines, I'd buy Metalform again.
rock185 said:
Also their 9-rd. 9MM Front ramp type,
Those 9mm magazines with the "integral ramp" front are an interesting animal. IIRC, I think they were Rob Leatham's idea. I have a couple of them. They're a curios anomaly ... I have seen some pistols that will run with those magazines and nothing else, and I've seen other pistols that will run with just about anything else, but definitely not with those.

1911 and magazines are like .22s and ammo -- often, you just have to keep trying until you find which one your gun likes.
I have some 10mm 1911 metalforms. Yes, yes, very good mags. I have read they are Springfield's M1A supplier. rc
Yeah. Whoddathunkit, eh?

As I have commented before, as recently as a day or two ago, the 1911 magazine holds 7 rounds because that's the most John Browning thought would fit and work reliably. And they worked, for about 80 years. Then people who thought they were smarter than John Moses Browning decided that they could fit 8 rounds into 7-round magazines by shortening the vertical leg of the follower and tinkering with the spring.

And then the fun began.

"If it ain't broke .... don't fix it."
I couldn't agree more when you're talking standard length mags. However, I've had good luck with the 8-round mags that are slightly extended. I've tried extended 8-round mags from Checkmate, Metalform, Wilson, Tripp, McCormick, and ACT. They've all been good.
I was, indeed, speaking only about the original, GI-length, flush-fit magazines with the flush, pinned or welded steel floor plates. (Or, of course, their shorter analogs for the Officers ACP and Defender size pistols.)

Here's a comparison of the followers. The one on the left is a standard, GI-spec follower. The one on the right is the same design if viewed from the top (flat, with dimple/pimple), but with the shorter leg to allow fitting 8 rounds into a flush-fit magazine tube.


For reference, although they don't show up well the graph paper divisions are one-quarter inch.


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As others have pointed out, Metalform is an OEM supplier to Colt (along with Checkmate).

I have two Colt 1911s, and I use Metalform magazines (including four OEM examples, which were suppled by Metalform) and Mac-Gar magazines, and they have all performed flawlessly.
I have a couple in 38 super and they work fine, never had any issues with them. They are of good quality and you are right they are reasonably priced.
I have been pretty lucky with magazines or jamming problems , could be I'm not shooting as much as you guys , was shooting 50 per week until this virus hit . Is it a mag design , spring , follower or timing problem the causes problems . I'm shooting Colts , a government 1911 and a New Agent both are 45acp. I clean after every range trip even the mags . I flush the mags with charcoal fluid , removes the grim and leaves a very light lube , maybe helpful . Works for me . Hope everyone's in good health , here in NY were getting slammed so take it serious . Be Safe .
