Anyone tried this

Sundance - does that lee neck crimp come in the 45lc hand reload kit? The one you have to use a mallet with? The whole reload kit is only about 20 bucks online.
Talking along the lines of crimping, lyman sell
poterble hand held 3 in one loading tool for out
in the field, i can not remember the cost but i
am sure its cheper than a die set.:D
Noelf2 the Lee hand loading kit ..won`t do a good crimp period best it`s off center and will affect the shot I use to load with one untill I broke down and bought the Lee Turret loader and some good carbide dies ..sure made a difference in my hand loads ..
Thanks. I'm looking at the lee hand press kit from Cabelas. It's like a single stage press but doesn't have to be mounted on a bench (would be great for hand load experimentation at the range to really tweak in the best load). Uses all of the regular dies. Thing is, I don't really want to buy a bunch of dies just to experiment with loading round ball in 45lc cartridge (call me cheap) just to find out that accuracy is crap anyway. If I have problems without a crimp, I wonder if just using a factory crimp die in the hand press would work to crimp over the round ball and keep it in there? Also, I'm sure the brass won't last long if I have to keep crimping it.

I guess I'm putting the cart before the horse here. I need to go to the range and see if I even have a problem without crimping them. :rolleyes:
Where in Stafford are you at?

I'm in Orange co. my self & when I do go shooting I do it over at the Izzak Walton League "mostly Archery but on occasion BP.
Another problem with the hand loaders ..they won`t do a full resize on your brass best just the top will be resized ..after reloading a few times your shells will stick in the conversion cylinder and you`ll have to knock them out ..the conversion cylinders are built with tight tollerances , if you do a full case resize the shot cases will fall out in your hand ...just another reason to buy a good loader ...check Midway Lee loaders ..they seem to always have the best deals on the Lee loading equipment .
Raider - I'm about 5 miles west of Garrisonville (610), off Joshua Road. I'm a member of the IWL also. Shoot there quite a bit, weather permitting. They have a nice archery range but I haven't carried a bow in years. I'd just embarrass myself. Come on out and watch me destroy my remmy with these hand loads! :D

BTW, I saw on a website how a fellow used a 45lc shell and made some snake shot loads. I figure 15-20 gr bp, over powder dry lubed felt wad, some lead shot, then top it off with a ball. The ball holds in the shot and helps it keep a better pattern. Leading could be a problem.
Raider - I'm about 5 miles west of Garrisonville (610), off Joshua Road. I'm a member of the IWL also. Shoot there quite a bit, weather permitting. They have a nice archery range but I haven't carried a bow in years. I'd just embarrass myself. Come on out and watch me destroy my remmy with these hand loads!

BTW, I saw on a website how a fellow used a 45lc shell and made some snake shot loads. I figure 15-20 gr bp, over powder dry lubed felt wad, some lead shot, then top it off with a ball. The ball holds in the shot and helps it keep a better pattern. Leading could be a problem.

The IWL I'm at is on rt 600 not too far from Rt 20 sortof between Fredericksburg & Culpeper.

A good Shot load that has worked for me in years past for my Remmy is:
15gr. FFFG
over powder wad
using the 15gr. measure, measure out #7 or #9 shot
over shot wad
a little wax over that to keep it all in place.
Great, thanks for the load info. The IWL I go to is the Alexandria chapter that is actually in Stafford county about 8 miles west of Garrisonville on rt 610. Didn't know there was one out near rt 20, and I thought I knew that area well !
Oh yeah, out near Brock Rd. I have some friends out that way. Does your IWL allow guests to use the ranges? Ours doesn't anymore.

I ordered a lee single stage hand press and a 4 carbide die set for 45lc yesterday. I guess I'm getting a bit paranoid about the crimp over the round ball. I'm determined to try without it though, but can't get to the range quick enough. Work sure gets in the way of range time!
You`ll be glad you spent the extra bucks for the carbide die set ...they`ll last alot longer .....makes a good neck crimp too ..looks like a factory crimp .
Case sizeing will be easyer with the carbide die too .
Oh yeah, out near Brock Rd. I have some friends out that way. Does your IWL allow guests to use the ranges? Ours doesn't anymore.

I ordered a lee single stage hand press and a 4 carbide die set for 45lc yesterday. I guess I'm getting a bit paranoid about the crimp over the round ball. I'm determined to try without it though, but can't get to the range quick enough. Work sure gets in the way of range time!

I've heard conflicting info in that subject, there is I'm sure still a lot of members bringing friends over & stuff though...

one day I'll buy my self a R&D conversion cylinder for one of my Pietta 1858's & ofcorse buy a .45 colt die set because I'm too cheap to buy factory but so much...
Range report...

I finally went to the range and shot the 10 rounds of uncrimped handloaded 45lc cartridges. I loaded 5 rounds in my r&d cylinder and fired one, took the cylinder out and checked the rest of the cartridges and none crept out of the uncrimped cartridge even a little bit. Accuracy was good too, 2 inches low and left of the bull at 15 yards. So I fired 2 more. Checked for creep again, and the remaining two cartridges were just as they were when I loaded them. Accuracy was still very good. Fired the other 2 for effect, still hitting around the bull. Then something happened that really pissed me off. I put the other 5 cartridges in the cylinder and let my wife fire them (for some reason she wanted to - I checked the cartridges for creep after two shots, still no problems, not worried any more at that point). Her accuracy was better than mine :eek: She was spot on at 15 yards with the first 4 rounds, so I moved the target out to 25 yards. She hit 2 inches to the left of the bull. I'm still not hearing the end of it. All in all I'm very happy with these.
When I was dating my first wife I decided to teach her to shoot. She whupped me.........................really bad. Never try to teach a country girl to shoot. She already can.
No wasted money really. I'm expecting I'll have to resize the cases anyway. I'm sure they expanded quite a bit after the 36 gr bp loads (impressive recoil). The .451 balls might not fit as snug anymore. I also want to start playing with my own CAS loads using smokeless powder, so I'll need all of the dies eventually. At any rate, I think I'll take these bp handloads hunting with me next time. If I can get a 25-30 yard shot, I'm sure I could hit a deer in the vitals.