Anyone See Rosie On "Today" This A. M.

Whoa, folks!

While Rosie's ideas may be 180' off, she is not "crazy"; she's wrong. Calling her names (ie, "fat", "whale", "nuts", etc.) does nothing to advance our argument. It merely serves to demonstrate to the anti-2nd Amendment crowd that we are out of control and threatening.

Perhaps the most frightening response was from Claemore70: "If allowed, I would waste a bullet." Please don't tell me this means what it seems to mean.

We will win this fight (and it IS a fight) if we keep the moral high-ground. The people of this country WILL respond to facts and logic. People that I know have re-thought their anti position since the bodyguard incident became public; they now understand more clearly the whole idea of self-defense. We must not allow our position to be obscured by the muck that is always within reach.

Sorry...hope I haven't started a flame-war.

[This message has been edited by Cobra 4-6 (edited June 03, 2000).]