Anyone know what cooking Meth smells like?

What is Ephedrine, Ephedra and Ma Huang?

These terms are used to refer to the same substance derived from the plant Ephedra. (There are many common names for these evergreen plants, including squaw tea and Mormon tea.) Ephedra is a shrub-like plant that is found in desert regions in central Asia and other parts of the world. The dried greens of the plant are used medicinally. Ephedra is a stimulant containing the herbal form of ephedrine, an FDA-regulated drug found in over-the-counter asthma medications.

Primatene® is the #1 over-the-counter medicine sold for the relief of physician-diagnosed, bronchial asthma.
Each tablet contains ephedrine hydrochloride USP "bronchodilator", 12.5 mg and guaifenesin USP "expectorant", 200 mg.

The package of primatene tablets, that I picked up this time has Ephedrine in it.

I made a mistake in which one had which, the one you mention is actual adrenaline.

I misidentified which type of stimulant was in primaten Mist. You said it isn't even in primatene. It is, according to them. I just went by the pills. So explain what is not true, exactly.

PS I haven't been able to get the mist. I don't have asthma?, I can not breath in deeply because of a back problem, these meds help to clear up my congestion in my chest,and sinuses. Pseudo-ephedra doesn't work anymore, and my pharmacist recommended theses meds. The guaifenesin helps to keep my sinuses from drying out. The govt is banning these drugs, because they can act just like prescription meds, and help people lose weight. That would be a shame, if americains with disabling conditions, were allowed to buy meds that were not $10 a pill, and have the pharmaceutical indusrty lose money. They are all sympathetic amines.
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Yo Dan

Unfortunately it's not only the dregs of society that are addicted to meth. This is a different breed of drug. I have personally spoke with meth addicts, and I mean regularly at a few rehab centers I am involved with, that are MD's, attorneys, teachers, nurses, accountants, etc. These are or were, educated, hard working folks. They quite obviously underestimated the chance of addiction. I know most thought they could handle it. The average successful rehab is in thier 8th attempt. 6% of users do not become addicts. I've had Docs tell me that meth is second only to nicotine in addictiveness. None of these people said, hey I think I want to spend all of my savings, max out my credit cards, bankrupt my family, lose said family, lose job and/or career along with losing weight, staying up 10 days straight without a shower , teeth brushing, or change of clothes. Rotten teeth, Supporating(sic) sores on my body, easily broken bones, etc., etc. As far as being a victimless are quite obviously more educated and intelligent than that. I won't start on the war stories I have pesonally witnessed. Rant mode off. Ciao.
Trust your instincts about that house, too! In Illinois it's all too common for "unoccupied" houses to be used as meth labs. These people have the entire "lab" worth of materials and equipment in the trunk of a car and can move it pretty quickly.

There's got to be a way to contact the owner. If it's a for sale by owner, they've got to have a number for people to call, or something. . . . or maybe they don't, but that's a heck of a way to sell a house.

Would you mind telling us what town this is? No need, really, but I am curious.

Seb5, I've heard what you're saying, but I've also heard there's a "silent minority" of normal, functioning people out there who do their jobs and take care of their kids but still take meth. Have you had any experience with this phenomenon? I realize you might not see someone like that at a rehab center even if they're out there.

Frankly, meth (or whatever's next) is only going to get worse until people have a better reason not to make it than to make it. Right now it's just awfully profitable.

It would be ignorant to say that is not possible. I have dealt with some that are still functional but most (99%) of the time they are short time (less than a year) users. I think there have to be a small percentage of our population that for some reason do not become addicted to anything. It took me 10 years of off and quitting cigarettes to succeed. Eveyone knows the person that will pick up or put down smokes whenever they want. But they are few and far between. The problem is it's impossible to predict at what point a person becomes addicted, and to what degree. A casual user is playing roulette with thier life. I've spoke with people that told me they were hooked the first time they used. I think it's more likely that some folks tried meth and never went back. As far as casual users go I know it has to be possible, but they are few and far between. I would not use even if it was legal, and I mean meth ,coke, weed, take your pick. But if my 15 and 13 year old do some day experiment I hope and pray it's not with meth. Anything but meth.
In California and New York, in the face of escalating cigarette taxes, they're starting to see the kind of violent crime formerly confined to the illegal drug trade.

A cigarette warehouse was robbed, and its security guard attacked, by a gang of armed criminals - they made off with a truckload of untaxed smokes and a few rolls of tax stamps worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Smuggling of cigarettes from low-tax to high-tax states is big business.