Anyone hunt with their SBR?

"My question is this; can you hear a more pronounced bullet strike in a suppressed firearm?"

Yes quite distinctly most of the time. With a 22 or the 300AAC, there's plenty of lag time even @ 100 yards to hear the whack at the backstop. With full power .223, that would be about 200. I shot a deer @ 175 with my 6.8 using full power ammo and a Harvester last fall. The sound of a broadside chest hit was unmistakable and all the other deer turned toward where the stricken deer had been standing. Hitting a coyote with a suppressed .223 is less distinct as those fast little bullets don't seem to have the "thump factor".
"how would the 270AR or 7mm Valkyrie compare to the 6.8 and 6.5 Gren?"

Ed308, you got me on that one. I have no experience with those 2 cartridges.

What is easy to do is to know how well they will work on game by simply comparing their striking velocity at any given distance to the same bullet at the same striking velocity from another shell. I knew exactly what I'd get from my 6.8 with a WW 130 grain bullet, because I have used that bullet from my 270 Winchester. I reasoned that the kills I made with it from my 6.8 at about 250 yards would be the same as the kills I made with it at 450yd from my 270 Win. Yup, worked exactly the same.
If we look at the BC of that bullet and know the 270 Win starts it at 3100 FPS and the 6.8 started it at 2500 FPS the velocity at 250 yards from the 6.8 is the same as the velocity of the same bullet shot from a 270 Win at 450 yards.

Function and velocities from short barreled rifles are questions I think you'd have to ask the owners of the rifles. Everyone that comes up with something new is going to tell you "it's the best". Ask the owners, not the makers.