Anyone heard of the rapes in the Chicago area?

Miss Demeanors

New member
I'm not sure if this is a nationwide story or not, but here in the NWST suburbs of Chicago, there has been 7 attacks on women, in their homes, during the daytime. To top it off, it is all happening in my area! The last one was yesterday and that attack was about <10 min from here. The others were all within a few miles as well. He is attacking Asain women but whose to say he may change his taste.

Anyway, (onto the point of this story) they were showing residents comments on the news last night and I couldn't help but to let out a big DUH! The ladies were saying "Oh I NEVER thought it could happen HERE" :rolleyes: That is the mentality of this neighborhood, while a good one, stuff still happens occasionaly. If ONE of these women were armed that guy wouldn't be around to continue his evil little sick perverted joys. This guy is still running around the area and it is just a matter of time before he strikes again. While I am obvioulsy not armed yet, I have been carrying my knife on me at all times, have the pepper spray right near the door and two more cans hidden throughout the house. They are also offering a $10,000 award for this guys capture.

Do you think this is going to change some people's minds about firearms? Do you think some of the sheeple will leave the herd and start arming theirselves? Or do you think they will just 'keep their doors locked' and pray he won't come to their home?

I am also curious if they are talking about this in other states or is IL just keeping it to themselves?


Sandys' Homepage
RKBA forums
We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
I'm right next door in IA and this is the first I've heard of it.

And no, I don't think this will change anyone's mind on gun control.

If some unfortunate woman does shoot this guy to thwart his attack, expect the initial news report to imply that the necessity of lethal force is in question.


[This message has been edited by Hi-n-Wide (edited July 21, 2000).]

From what you said attacks have been at home. I know that hand guns are illegal there, but what about a nice shotgun? One shot to the crotch...hold perp at gunpoint for 5 minutes...dial 911..."Hello, operator I just killed an intruder"...Click...Blam!!!

I'm next door the other way (Indiana) and also have not heard of this before your post.

I'm not very familiar with IL gun laws, other than the fact my hubby says we are NOT moving there any time soon :D. Can you own a gun for personal protection? As you can tell, I am fairly new to TFL.

I do hope this makes people more aware of their safety and maybe rethink some of their opinions on gun control.


NRA Millenium Life Member

What R. Varn said is good advice. Check out "Shotguns" for more info. They are cheaper than handguns and excellent home defenders, even in the smaller gauges.


Unfortunately, I'm sure there are now 7 women who are rethinking their stance on gun control (provided they were for it to begin with)

I highly recommend a 20 guage pump shotgun!
Guys, it's not that simple for Miss D. She can tell you as much or as little as she wants but the important part is that if it were up to her, she'd have several guns in the house by now. It's not.

Ruger, gun ownership is perfectly legal in Illinois, but you have to register as a gun owner by paying for a FOID card (Firearm Owner ID) and submitting to a background check. It takes 2-6 weeks to get the card unless it's close to deer season, when it stretches to 6-12 weeks. Without the FOID, it's illegal even to touch a gun. You must be 18 to touch a long gun and 21 to touch a handgun though there's apparently an exception for hunting now (it ain't gun control if they let ya hunt deer...)

Carrying of firearms is strictly forbidden unless you're a cop or government official. There's no CCW license even in theory and guns being transported must be unloaded in cases.

It's a lot more complicated than that but you surely don't want the whole dissertation. Oh, and some places, like Chicago, have stricter laws. Chicago requires registration of each gun, I think, and handguns are illegal there as well as some suburbs like Morton Grove.

Truth be told, if Chicago fell into Lake Michigan tomorrow we'd probably have CCW within the year. It's a festering boil on the butt of Illinois. Does that help? :D
Don't expect even this kind of threat to change the way of thinking of most of these folks.
I sat on a board meeting for a grant/funding request from a Domestic Violence shelter. The gal presenting the request for money said she had just come back from Oklahoma and was appalled that their(the uncivilized hicks) answer to violence against women was to give them GUNS! It is such a foreign thought to them, never to be cosidered. Just make all the guns go away.
Don, I was gonna say the same thing you did. Sandy lives in a suburb, so she is not subject to the handgun ban in Chicago. Down here in southern Illinois the attitudes are pretty liberal, but we still have to follow the same laws as the people up there.
I'm in St. Louis, Misery, and we had a serial rapist a coupla years ago... Then last year, when we had CCW on the ballot, SACMO had an ad running, with one of the guy's victims coming out in favor of CCW...

The antis just up and said that having a gun wouldn't have helped her... And that's what the TV stations ran...

Personally, regarding self defense, I'm pro-choice...
Keep your knofe handy, Sandy, and get that SIG.

Sorry for the inadvertant double tap!

[This message has been edited by Hard Ball (edited July 22, 2000).]
YGBSM! 2-6 weeks?!
Haven't heard squat in Va. Stay safe, Miss D, I'm sure I won't be the only one to save a prayer for you.

Those who use arms well cultivate the Way and keep the rules.Thus they can govern in such a way as to prevail over the corrupt- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
AAD, mine took more than 6 weeks. But I got it when I was 13 right before deer season. Most gun owners in IL are strictly hunters, it seems, and hunting season stretches the wait for a FOID. My wife and my sister both got FOIDs this past year and neither waited more than 3 weeks.

Keep in mind there's an additional 3-day waiting period for a handgun and (I think) 24 hours for a long gun.

And today, the local paper's editorial page had an article about how Rod Blagojevich is forming fundraising committees for a run for Illinois governor in 2 years. The sick thing is, as the reporter pointed out, he's a very typical Illinois Liberal Democrat in the Daley tradition and so stands a pretty good chance.
Wow I thought this made national news for sure, guess I was way off on that. I guess you have to be a serial killer, not a serial rapist to get on national news.

Oh btw, I may not have a gun here but do have other things on hand. I am not afraid of this guy, in fact I wish he would hit this house, I could use the $10,000 reward...and trust me I'd get it :D

Sandys' Homepage
RKBA forums
We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
If I were that nasty serial rapist I would stay a long way away from Miss D. She is likely to do him grave bodily harm if he tries to annoy her!
Sandy, those incidents were reported on two radio station news reports, in Boise, Idaho. Of course, Idaho is a bit more conservative than Illinois, and LOTS of people carry guns (shall issue state), and even far more own guns.

By the way, not that I'd advocate anything such as this, but given that during a home invasion, if you're in the kitchen, that new can of Easy Off Oven Cleaner, on the counter (always!), is a formidible product with which to dissuade the pukes.

I assure you, a load of Easy Off in the mouth/nose/eyes of an attacker, guarantees he will NEVER attack anyone again. (He'll be sucking the foam down into his lungs, if you know what I mean.)
