Anyone having luck and what species & season?

Muzzleloader opened Saturday in central NC. Cold, rainy & windy, but that didn't stop a ~2 y/o cow-horn from walking past my stand. He's hanging in my processor's cooler now :)

240gr XTP absolutely anchored him. 2 bounds & piled up less than 5 yds away.

Not many big bucks around, so looking forward to putting a couple more head of "forest veal" in the freezer.

Squirrels are thick as thieves all dear season long, only to disappear come January 1st. Hoping to get my deer in early & surprise a few tree rats this year.
took a last chance goose hunt in the moosehunt break and did something I never done before

I ran out of shells:D I only had 30 but 23 canucks fell, my mate got 19 with 25 shells (a box)

my labrador had her work cut out for her and had to wrestle a few

we never gotten more then 10 a day before

scared the gf with them all hanging in the garage when she got home:p
Got a spike, so meat is now in the freezer. Been watching my 'herd bull', which is a nice 9 point, spreading his love and his love children among the does. I passed on him some 3 or more years ago, then I thought maybe I should have shot him since somebody else would. Well, nobody shot him. Years pass and he puts on weight and the antlers get a bit heavier. Fun to watch him. I'll let my grandson take him if the opportunity arises. One of his sons, a nice 8 point, has been following him around, even after the rut started. He can be my new herd bull.
Lots of luck, all bad so far. Last hunting season was very limited for me. I've already been in the woods more than last year combined. I'm seeing sign of a pretty nice buck, but he isn't moving during daylight. A full moon and warmish days so far haven't helped. Supposed to cool off and rut start in a week or so.
Friday (the 7th) no action at all. Saw a couple does on Saturday evening. Sunday morning was hot saw a couple deer and then had a 2.5 year old and a 1.5 year old doe come up with a yearling spike. Shot the bigger doe. I took her home and cleaned her up. Went back out and got in the stand a little late, it was just about 3:00.

I wasn't even set and saw a buck coming towards me. He was down in a creek bottom. I watched him make 2 scrapes. Turned out it was a decent little 6 pointer that I let walk. About 20 minutes later I saw another small buck. Watched him for a bit. About 4:10 I heard something and saw a deer coming and then I saw white antlers. Nice 8 pointer walking up along the side of the hill going down to the creek. He walked past my tree at about 10 yards. I waited for him to pass and when he went by a big tree I drew and took a 20 yard quartering away shot. He didn't go far.

First year we can hunt on Sunday and it was my first Sunday in the woods hunting this season. Can't beat that
Got my first MS deer on Sunday morning - doe about 100lbs. Best day in the woods yet for seeing deer. I still haven't had any bucks at shootable range (archery only so far) - only does.
Last weekend I worked at a managed hunt, held the week before regular rifle season here, and in areas not open to "normal" hunting. 25 or so hunters took a total of 30 deer with several decent bucks among the take. Weather was fabulous, cool and calm in morning, a little warm and windy during day, but calmed down just before dark. 30 deer was a new record, many happy hunters.
I had a great opening day here in WNY. Shot a doe with my trusty Win Model 70 30.06 in Wyoming County in the morning, and another doe with my Taurus M44 revolver (which has accounted for about 10 deer now) in Niagara County (my home area) right before dark. What a day! Now the hunt for a big buck is on, since I have no doe tags left. I've had a slow few years (not coming home empty handed, but hard hunting for very few deer), so this was a treat. I feel like the curse has lifted a bit.



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Shot a 7 point on opening day last Saturday with my savage model 10. It was probably about 85 yards quartering away with 150 gr sierra gameking on top of 44.4 gr of varget. Bullet entered behind the left shoulder and exited in front of the left hip. Those gamekings do a number on whitetail, took out the heart and a good chunk of the liver. He ran about 50 yards and flopped.


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I was able to get a small doe opening day. I will probably be going back out next weekend.

Wife is happy, freezer is full of meat.
Been skunked since ML opener. Dunno if numbers are down this year or what, but nobody's seeing deer on the property we hunt. Everybody's gotten 1 deer each (basically every deer we've seen/gotten a sight picture on), but this property used to give up 5-6 deer per hunter, per season.
We have three deer in the extended family. Two grandkids, a 13 year old granddaughter got a 144 lb doe and 13 year-old boy got a 127 lb. spike-horn. On Nov. 21st, when I was hunting with him, his father shot a 116 lb. doe.

The kids used my rifles and .243 Win handloads that use Hornady GMX 80 grain bullets. My son used 150 GMX handloads in his .30-06, threading the bullet through about 60+/- yards of thick hardwoods. All bullets resulted in perfect expansion and full penetration. I'm using them in my .270 Win and got two deer with them in the past. Great performance and no lead in the meat!

I don't have an Any-Deer Permit this year and though, I've seen several does, no bucks yet, despite spending a lot of time in the woods. Still hoping, but if I got one, there may not be enough room in the freezer, since we're storing some of the meat belonging to the others.