Anyone having luck and what species & season?

Any meat gathered folks?

I've gotten really lucky so far this year - 1 archery whitetail (crossbow), and 1 fresh roadkill whitetail - a big fawn. Both in the freezer. My first batch of chili from the archery buck was fantastic, even though it lacked the nopales (prickly pear leaves) that I usually put in it - couldn't find them for sale.

Heading out for muzzleloader hunt tomorrow morning.
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Whitetail. Archery season. Small doe and a decent sized young 3 point.
A friend has a nuisance male black bear on his property, going to purchase a bear tag tomorrow, and go check out his land.
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Muzzle loader season is over and we get a good 11 or so weeks of rifle season for white tails here in Eastern NC. I got a decent doe in early Muzzle loader and a basket racked 8 point in rifle so far with my Savage 11 in .308 win. There is a lot of hunting left to do.

Early black bear season opens in 9 days and we are seeing a lot of them.
I got 4 pheasants and a quail. Only 20+ more days till firearm deer season.

Even though I didn't shoot them in the last 3 weeks I have caught 11 king salmon, 4 coho salmon and 2 steelhead while waiting for pheasant/rabbit season to start.

That one was 36 inches long 21 inches around and 19 pounds.
8 point and 2 sookies. Passed up quite a few others since the rut is starting and I'm hunting one specific buck. Lots of pig sign on the club but those dang things are completely nocturnal. We'll bring out the dogs and knives later after deer season and put the slaughter on them.

No luck yet on the two attempts for deer so far, I'm heading out tomorrow at 5am to pull an all day shift for a crossbow whitetail. I did bag a couple very nice gray and fox squizzles a few weeks ago.

Our muzzle loader season doesn't open till December :(

Nice pics guys! Wish me luck tomorrow :)
I haven't killed anything, not sure if I will. but there are so many deer in my yard it's ridiculous. I see 2 or 3 does and a buck almost everyday, seen some big ones too. not very sketchy around here, I can walk out on my porch and ust watch them, they'll look at me for a sec and go about their business. I can't see it being very difficult to bag one around here, more difficult to dodge them in the morning drive to work
I got 4 pheasants and a quail. Only 20+ more days till firearm deer season.

Even though I didn't shoot them in the last 3 weeks I have caught 11 king salmon, 4 coho salmon and 2 steelhead while waiting for pheasant/rabbit season to start.

That one was 36 inches long 21 inches around and 19 pounds.
I can't help but think "twisted transistor":D
Nice catch "BS":D
Muzzleloader season opened at 6:50 am today and my season ended at 8am when a spike buck walked too close to my tree stand and my trusty Knight muzzleloader. Here in NH we get just 1 gunpowder tag so I am done till I head to SC in a few weeks..
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I happen to be sitting in the stand right now... first day of general gun here, but still using the muzzle loader because it didn't score -or see- anything this year yet.

Shot what I thought was a does on a late PM bow hunt Tuesday, and upon recovery the dang thing had about 1" spikes. Never saw them. Legal, but I'd have passed him if I'd noticed. Gotta list him as one of my 3 bucks though.

Nifty shot, about the limit of my range (I don't consider myself a great bow shot). In behind the on shoulder, out low ahead of the other, classic heart shot. Deer went STRAIGHT down hill. Called bamaboy....a 19 yr old likes to show you how hard he can drag!!!! Otherwise, I might still be in that hole with that dang spike.

Kinda pleased, as last year I did not take a deer with the bow, first time in many years. So the bad luck is busted and I'm back in business.
Not a great start to my deer season...again. Several of us didn't get drawn for an any-deer tag, so have to shoot bucks.

Opening Day: Rain and a bit of wind all day. Didn't see anything, so I left the ground blind early afternoon. My buddy stayed for a few hours more and saw one deer, but couldn't determine whether it was a buck, because it came into the haul road and he didn't see it until after it turned away and walked with its head down. Then, it walked into the woods, head first, of course.
Had a great first-week, North Maine Woods, October grouse hunt...limiting out in 2 1/2 days (16 birds, 8 each), but the second trip the fourth week, we saw only 4 birds and got shots at one, which we got.

My theory is that heavy rains in the third week caused mushrooms to re-appear in the woods, so there was no need for them to go to the roads for leaves, nuts, and gravel for their crops.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. BTW, we saw lots of other critters on or near the roads, moose, deer, a huge and quite pretty honey-colored coyote, ducks, geese, and a beautiful coal-black fisher. That's the first fisher and it looked like a monster house cat, with a very long tail.
Well, I shot my first whitetail of the season on Saturday....with my cell phone camera :D

Three came walking 20 feet behind me, right behind my stand down the fence line. There's a barbed wire fence just out of view down the left side of the picture. They walked down to about 20 yards to my left, jumping the fence one at a time standing dead still broadside for several seconds, then walking off one at a time. The first one over that came into view was maybe 80 lbs and kinda scroungy looking, so I passed hoping what was behind her was bigger. No dice they both maybe weighed in a 50 lbs. All does....I snapped a pic to send to the wife.

Less than an hour later Two does (lead one looked like 150#s, tailing doe looked like 180 easy) came from my far north. Slowly wound in to 50 yards paying me no mind, but never got closer and went right into the big brush pile you can see in the 2nd pic above, before running off to the south. Ah well, at least I know there up there. Gun season starts in less than 2 weeks. But I'll be back out with the crossbow Tuesday.
Friday night and Saturday morning were pretty good. Passed on a 6 pointer and a spike Friday evening and saw a 4 pointer that was never in range, but I would have passed him anyway.

Saturday morning saw 2 doe that were never in range. Saw a 4 pointer and 2 spikes that got a pass. Around 9:15 had 2 yearling and a doe come by. Smacked the doe. She went about 30 yards and piled up. Archery only the whole season where I hunt.
I have three goats in the freezer and a whitetail hanging that I got on the last day in the last light. I still have a general tag to fill. That season opened saturday and goes to the tenth for buck deer.

I hate waiting til the last day to fill tags and swore I would never let it happen again, but still managed to fill two tags that day (last friday). The 22-250 saved the day. Two shots, two kills, after I dropped my 25-06 thurs night and somehow managed to improperly assemble the forestock on my m742 30-06 (which fell off while attempting a shot on doe antelope).
Great pheasant season so far with 11 roosters and 1 woodcock. He's my three-year old golden, Max, with our 2014 opening day take.

Just got the crossbow out last weekend. A few close encounters, but no venison yet.


I have gotten some squirrels put up I am waiting for the gun deer hunt in Wisconsin so I can hopefully get some venison in the freezer.