Anyone had to sign a new form when buying a gun from a gunshop?

I know the form you guys are talking about....some versions have you check of a bunch of boxes that you read it...etc.

Like the guys said it says stuff like the ffl dealer has no way of knowing anything about you other than what you put down on the 4473 and his NICs aproval...etc.

This form was compiled and produced by a private company at the request of large group of ffl dealers and distribtuors.

You have to join the Association, and purchase the forms from them for some godly amount of a couple a hundred bucks per thousand.

You cant reproduce it yourself....and they think it's going to protect them from a lawsuit....If some seemingly normal Joe buys a gun from them and then goes nuts......

It asks a whole bunch of questions, and makes you attest to an equally large number of drivel statements....and exhonerates them from everything including plague,famine,blight,ugly women,pox,New DA's with a mission from G-D,Janet troll face Reno,His Emperial majesty ruler of the known universe of his own mind, would you like to touch my willy? Bill C......etc.....

Have a look at one some makes for a disgusting read....can't for the life of me remember the name of the thing,who puts it out, or the number they asighned to it.

Same as Gopher.45. Literature, no seperate form per se. I did have to initial that I recieved the additional safety literature though.-At Store "A"

4473 and some stuff thrown in the bag- At Store "B".