Anyone from OHIO? A question.

I have spoken with Mark. He is a nice guy.

Open carry is still legal in Ohio. Of course, you are not allowed to go walking through a shopping mall with a Glock on your hip. There are rules that apply to open carry just as they do with concealed carry. For example, you are NOT allowed to concealed carry while hunting. Only one firearm is allowed per hunter. Game wardens WILL check you.

Regardless of what anyone tells you, whether they be a State Highway Patrol Captain or the head of a gun club that teaches CCW. The law is still being defined. That means that it can change abruptly. I would not carry a firearm on you while in an automobile period. I would lock it in the glove box or go out and get a locking case that fits in the consoul.

Ohio lawyers are going to make a bundle off of these cases. Any time you carry a concealed weapon you are opening yourself up to tons of liability. Of course personal safety is paramount; however, people are going to have to be extremely careful considering the cost of retaining a lawyer. One simple incident could drive an average person into financial ruin.
You're exactly right

...about the liability issues. The first hour of my CCL class consisted of the instructor YELLING at us about what WILL happen if we ever draw on/shoot at/maim/kill someone. He has been an expert witness in many court cases, both for civilians and police, including the famous case in NY where the foreign guy drew a wallet in the dark after not obeying orders to come forward because he didn't understand English and was shot by police. Then we had a smoking break and a couple of people looked like they wanted to leave right there. The only reason I considered CC for myself is that I am my elderly mother's sole caregiver and I had trouble with a threat from a co-worker once (I work at a different place now) and am sometimes treated like a target because I am a woman alone. I guess they would have to let Mom stay in jail with me! Do modern jails have mother-in-law suites? :rolleyes:

I'm glad I had the instructor I did, so many people think/wish killing a bad guy is easy. I am not really sure what I would do in that situation and our instructor told us of when he was a rookie cop and was once taken hostage by an armed teenager cuz he froze. Made me feel a little better about my own ambivalence. :eek:

I'm also glad he yelled at us and harassed us like in boot camp cuz when the live fire part came, we were all excited and it made it more stressful. He had us practice some CQB techniques besides just plain target shooting. For the record, he said I shot well even though he hated my snubby and said nobody can shoot well with one! :)

I intend someday to get a semiauto and take his advanced course to get qualified with that gun too. :D
bleh if i lived in Ohio i would move as soon as i could... too much BS in that state... thats my advice =) move to Texas =) Texans love guns... carry a shotgun in your back seat no one cares =) concealed carry is by far not frowned upon... seems the cops in Ohio are the kinda guys that think their the only ones allowed to have a gun... and hide behind their badge and gun... just the kinda cops i hate. MOVE get out of that crappy state !!
No way

There is just no way I could ever move to a place like Texas. My life doesn't revolve around guns, they are tools for me to hunt and protect myself but I have other interests. I would definitely not fit into the culture of Texas. To say nothing about not being able to duplicate the kind of job I have here.
hmm have you been to texas? the culture in texas varies greatly on where you are... but the laws never change... it really is a great place.. =)

and speaking of culture what kind of culture is there in Ohio? ive only driven thru it so i dont know too much about it, only heard bits and pieces as i have an uncle that lives there.
You're right

then the scenery would all go away, replaced by strip malls and condominium developments! (eeeuw)

Gotta keep those wide open spaces free.
Ohio stinks as far as anything to do with its legal system in ANY way.
Other than that I guess its just as bad/good as anywhere else you live.

And as far as the CCW goes, the highway patrol are the ones REALLY pushing it. (And the state is so chock full of bleeding heart, whining, liberal maggots, its hard to move) :D
I was away for a while and didn't respond. I would have to disagree with most of

"Ohio stinks as far as anything to do with its legal system in ANY way.
Other than that I guess its just as bad/good as anywhere else you live.

And as far as the CCW goes, the highway patrol are the ones REALLY pushing it. (And the state is so chock full of bleeding heart, whining, liberal maggots, its hard to move)"

I've lived in 8 different states and they were all different from each other as far as the scope and depth of the legal systems, etc. Ohio is no better or worse than any other state. At least Ohio's laws are more consistent than those in some other places I've been. It does have a problem with being a mainly agricultural state with a few large urban population centers.

All the CCW horror stories I have heard of here have been caused by the highway patrol. Their senior people are very against concealed carry. :confused:

I would disagree about Ohio being "full" of liberals, that has not been my experience at all. In fact when I moved here, to a near suburb of the capital, I was shocked by the amount of sexual harassment I could get just walking down the street. I ignore it but it's very difficult sometimes. That was one of the nice things about northern California, I was never harassed by anybody about anything and people respected my personal space. :)

I like the fact that everywhere you go in the world, things are different yet the same. You get enough variety to make life interesting but the differences aren't so much to make you disoriented! People all the world over have the same needs and desires, more or less. We all have the same DNA!

sequencing mine,
I live in Michigan and traveled to northern Ohio for an autocross with my Miata. With an IWB holster, bucket seats, center console, seatbelt, race tires in the passenger seat, there is now way I can keep the gun in plain sight. I opted for a plastic gun case with a three rotating combination dials, two set for ahead of time and the other one number away from the opening combination. Silly law!
I had to park away from my racing buddies so I could transfer the gun to my holster without scaring anyone. Also, the more you handle a gun, the bigger chance that you can have a negligent discharge.
DarkKnight, . . . we have a common bond: your uncle is in Ohio, . . . my nephew lives in Tx.

My brother lives near Big Spring, . . . home of Big John's barbecue, . . . I've driven the 2 days down/2 days back, . . . thinking of that barbecue. :D :D

While you don't have much to do, . . . how about politiking some for us, get your government folks down there to recognize our CCW. Bad enough to have a lousy one, . . . but then to not be allowed to use it elsewhere :mad:

Anyway, . . . may God bless,

Lifelong Ohio Resident,

Ohio from what I have seen is a good place to live. I live near dayton in the southwest part so half the people here came from kentucky. The thing about Ohio is the north is liberal (Cleveland, Toledo), and down south(dayton, Athens) we're mostly conservative. Lot's of farm country out here. The reason Cleveland and Toledo are so bad is Michigan keeps rubbing off on them!

Go Bucks,