Anyone ever get ammo in the tin?


I got some surplus .45 in a 756rd tin but cannot find how to open it! The only way I see is maybe with a chisel and hammer. I see no strip like on a spam can, and no key or other opener. would appreciate any hints or magic spells!
Uhh, I had some Russian 7.62x54 that came that way. I used a pnuematic muffler cut-off tool. Sorry, I couldn't figure out a better way (just be careful!).
To open the tin, the Force must be your ally. You must feel it- between you, the floor, your cat, the tin. Clear your mind of power tools, they can deceive with their torque. The Force will guide your hand as you strike the top off with your lightsabre....

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.
Oomodo's bit about the cat gave me this idea:

You know about the buttered-feline perpetual-motion (BFPM) machine, right? If not:

-Buttered toast always lands butter-side down.
-Dropped cats always land on their feet.
-Ergo, if you tie a slice of buttered toast buttered-side-up to the back of a cat, then drop the cat upside-down, the cat will spin in place, balanced by two opposing forces.

Now, what you do is place two BFPMs on opposite sides of the tin, facing opposite directions. Tie the BFPMs to handy mounting points on the tin, with about a 36" length of stout hemp rope. Pick up the BFPMs, turn them over, and drop them (level III armor may be indicated here). Within seconds, the slack in the rope will be wound around the BFPMs, and the resulting torque will pop the tin right open.

You're welcome. :)

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
I have, 7.62x54R 2 dif cans one had a really nice opener that worked just like a p38 us army issue, the other one had a "pull tab" and key like sardines, which broke about 10% done the rest I used Visegrips(tm) and some elbow grease.
You should have also been sent the opener--it works very simply. Insert sharp pointy part, ratchet your wrist up and down while pushing forward and pretty soon the can will be open.


[This message has been edited by Lucas (edited September 10, 1999).]
I wasn't sent the opener. When I asked the seller, he said he didn't get one either. anyone have one that comes with a sealed tin that can lend it to me? I only need it to open this one tin. Failing that, I guess the only thing to do is use a chisel and hammer along with plenty of bandages! :(
Do not use the hammer/chisel!
Try a swiss army knife can opener..failing that I'd use a Dremel with the cut-off wheel, work slow, don't heat up the work and deeply score it around the area of detachment..then pry off

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
OK no hammer and chisel. I don't want to set off any primers. I don't own a dremel, and will try to find my swiss army knife. This ammo sure is turning into an adventure. I hope it's worth it! :)

This is the funniest thing I've seen all day! I can't help but wonder if we would have been more helpful if our quizzical friend wasn't named BilltheCat? I think it's hilarious to think of the real BilltheCat trying to open a tin of ammo.

My 2/100 of a dollar.

Take the tin to your friend Oliver Wendel Jones and ask him to help you. I'm sure he could invent a robot that would have that tin opened in a jiffy. Unfortunately the robot would probably also be equipped with twin turbo shoulder-mounted semi-automatic .45 cal gatling guns which would rip both you and Opus a large quantity of new @$$ho!e$.

Seriously though, try going to your local Army/Navy surplus store and ask for one of those G.I. can openers. They probably cost about $0.29 and you can throw away the thing when you're done and bandage your fingers with the paper wrapper. Hope you actually have .45 ammo in the tin and not an M.R.E. :)


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale

I look to--later today and see if I kept mine--if so I'll send it to you.

I was able to use a P-38 to open several...
about 10 years ago...

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

I don't believe your BFMP's will work... Using logic... the closer to the ground the BFMP's get the faster the rate of rotation will be... As the distance approaches 0 the rate of rotation will approach infinity. After the rate of spin exceeds the speed of light... it is anyone's guess what will happen then... My theory... it will open a door into another demension and the BFMP will just disappear though the floor... :) DC.. this is more your field, what will happen?


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Thanks Lucas! Opus wants us to take the tin to the ATF and tell em that radical Militia junebugs with plans for global conquest and anti-governmental bikini parties are hiding inside, but I think janet Reno has enough troubles for this week! Acck! Pfft!

besides I want this ammo to come out *alive*.
If this is U.S. GI, are you sure there is not a little tab on one end of the can? There should be a slotted key on top, but they get broken off and lost. Anyway, if there is a tab, grip it with a pair of needle nose pliers and twist until the seal breaks then keep twisting to wrap the strip around the pliers.

The Force be with you.


P.S. If that stuff is WWII GI, why bother? It is corrosive as hell and almost guaranteed to rust out any barrel you shoot it through unless you clean like crazy.
