Anyone else out there also think Fred Thompson would be a good President?


New member
Definitely more of an authorities imposing guy than the other candidates.
I'd like see him standing next to and talking to that idiot little squirt in Iran!

And I have a friend from Tennessee who knows him.
He says the guys is a "straight talker", honest, great guy and just what he appears to be. And not a phony politician.

He's getting MY vote.
Anyones thoughts?
Perhaps he’s not an ideal candidate but head and shoulders above his competition. (At least the ones that I think are electable.)
At this point his chief advantage is his last name is not Bush or Clinton.

Rest of it remains to be seen. He may be honorable, but I still want to see who he selects for his administration. The current president has ended my practice of paying attention to what they say. I go only on what they did.
He looks like he has real potential. The nomination process should help us to see if what we think we see is really there.
In the way my friend describes him in person and character, he is exactly the kind of guy I'd like to have as President.

Who ever is an "ideal" candidate, before assuming the office, and proving himself?

I'd also like to see him standing and talking to that little swaggering napoleon Putin!
(and that little dictator in North Korea)

And sitting negotiating with the French, Germans and every other countrie's head of state
Don't really know enough about him at this point to make a definitive choice, but I'm not at all impressed with any of the Democrats and not much more impressed with any of the Republicans so he's a definite possibility.

His acting career gives him a chance to show some charisma that many of the others are lacking. It will be interesting to see what his positions are on the various issues (immigration, Iraq, gun control, the economy, etc., etc.).

The initial impression is good.
from what my friend has said, he'd be great on all those issues!

An intelligent patriotic uncommom common man.
Who'd make the wetbacks and fence jumpers Really think long and hard about coming into this country illegaly to suck up all the free social services that citizens have paid taxes to get all their lives, but are not able to because of the flood coming in and overloading the system.

A guy pun intended...believes in law and order. And private citizen's right to own guns and defend themselves buy buying handguns legally(unless they are "mental" like that idiot at Virginia Tech).
Here's Tennessee's "Castle Doctrines" similar one just passed here in Texas:
Although the wording just says in this article "wherever you legally have the right to be" is a bit vague, I presume it includes in your car, if attacked(just like your house), as our new law clearly states.

And increase the numbers and budjets for Special Operations troops, to not get our kids blood shead in the middle of religeous wars. And Get BIN LADEN....and no screwing around about it anymore.
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Not really. Doesn't seem too bright, basically a Bush clone that's good in front of a camera. Immigration policy sounds strong but aside from that I see very little appealing about him. :o
He has some good points. He can read the teleprompter. He's last name isnt Guilliani or Bush.

Bad points he just continue to follow the same plan Bush has used.

His interviews where he rants on about the evils of dissent and disagreeing with the government helps the terrorists and enemies speech really disturbs me.

He seems obsessed with carrying on the Iran is the source of all the violence in Iran and need to be dealt with, ala Cheney approach, despite the lack of any evidence and his talking about the nuclear option on Iran is rather scary.

He also has voted regularly for the Incumbent Protection Bills.

He has that authoritarian tint to him that should concern people, especially the conservative types.

His support of the 2nd ammendment is rather jumpy. He voted against mandamentary background checks for firearms, but voted for ammendments by John Kerry to other acts to make it harder to get black and smokeless powder, make gunshops responsible for selling ammo to people who would then use that in a violent crime and various other antigun acts while he was in the senate.

I guess the only thing he supports for the Republicans is the wanting to ban abortions, even if thats hardly a conservative issue and more a get the people round up. Everyone knows nothing is going to change after the election.

Does he have any other policies? Maybe we can get more time off and federal holidays. That would be nice.
Strange how the fact that Republicans fighting Islamic fascism while Democrats fight Republicans might get interpreted as Democrats helping terrorism. I think it goes to the principle of "My enemy's enemy is my friend". If the Dems hated Islamic fascism as much as they hate Bush and were are ardent and passionate to speak harshly against Islamic fascism as they are against Republicans then people wouldn't draw such conclusions.

Today's Bin Ladin tape has Bin Ladin excoriating Democrats for not doing what they were elected to do and get the US out of Iraq. When Bin Ladin and Democrat leaders have the same perspective it becomes telling.

And don't cry 'dissent is patriotism' as cover for the behavior. Offer up an alternative strategy of engagement not a withdraw strategy. Is the enemy not real? Will they stop if we do? Descent ends at the waters edge. Unity need to be the what the outside sees when they look at the US. When the enemy comes to the realization that we will not be divided internally against them then their last hope for survival is gone.

There should be no doubt that we are engaged against a determined enemy that only address political grievances with killing.The only way to deal with any situation where your death is there only goal is to kill them first. As people that are in agreement that firearms are our right as self defense against just this type of threat then the premise ought to be easily understood.

We can only be defeated from within by our determination being undermined. Huckabee said something profound in the last debate, "Our victory in honor is more important then the Republican Party", are Democrats ready yet to have that same sense of purpose? If so then start fighting Islamic fascism AS HARD as you fight Republicans.
Fred Thompson just seems like Bush/Cheney in a folksy down-home package. If you like how things are going now, Thompson is your guy.
Better Fred than Red

I don't think any of us are going to see our "dream candidate"(whom ever that may be) elected to the presidency.

If it comes down to Fred and Hillary in my mind there really isn't any choice, but Thompson.

I may disagree with him on alot of issues, but I wouldn't be able to take four years of Hellary's droning speeches and the media fawning over her.

Furthermore any Dems out there who think that Ms. Clinton if elected will pull the troops out of Iraq are living in a dreamland.

For that matter if you think it's even remotely possible that a presidential candidate could even be nominated, more less elected, who would(or could) abandon the oil and Israel.

You should seek psychiatric care immediately.
Until Thompson started talking about running, there wasn't a single candidate in either party whom I would consider voting for. While I've voted Republican almost exclusively for decades, that doesn't mean I wouldn't vote for a Democrat.

Right now I have a Thompson sticker on my car. Whether it remains there depends upon what he has to say.
I would prefer Paul. But knowing that his chances are slim and none, I would accept Thompson. He is decent second choice, he is a much better choice than remainder of the others in the GOP.
Redworm said:
Doesn't seem too bright, basically a Bush clone that's good in front of a camera.

I don't agree. He would be another Bush on foreign policy, but the man actually talks, writes, and thinks about federalism and the limits on federal power. I think that distinguishes him from Bush and every major candidate.

I've been a Paul supporter since the 80's and would like to see what would happen under a President Ron Paul, but if Fred Thompson is nominated I will seriously consider voting for him. I live in Florida, where it might actually matter. If I lived in a state which was guaranteed to go D or R, I would write in Ron Paul. I might do that anyway.