anyone else ever felt like thinning their collection?

I just counted and photoed my collection for insurance purposes and made a log of serial numbers. I own 69 powder burning rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders and handguns along with 10 air rifle/pistols.

I just don't shoot that much anymore. And when I do go shoot at my buddies land my ruger 22/77 is what usually goes along. I have a few guns that belonged to my dad and grand dad I want my sons to have.

I need to sell several I don't shoot. The problem is that I like them all. Thats why I bought them in the first place. I have way more than I need but what does "need" have to do with it?

Oh the hell with it. My wife can figure out what to sell after I croak.:rolleyes:

A few guns will do just as well as many for what I need/want to do. I can have just as much fun at the range with a few guns as I can many. I can enjoy fondling a few as much as I can many. Any more I'm all for the KISS system of doing things and this goes just as well with guns.
I just gave away my 870 Wingmaster 28 gauge and my six inch Model 57 Nickel to my two closest friends. Along with nearly 2,000 rounds of .41 magnum.
Definitely thinning out. My cousin, who passed away about a year ago told that "We don't own these guns; We're just the custodians."
When growing up back in the dark ages, my Dad and my uncle were the big hunters in the family. We had friends and family that were ranchers and all believed in being practical. Everyone I knew owned three guns, a rifle, a shotgun and a .22 rifle of some sort. I developed an interest in handguns as I got older, but kept the same battery of long guns. Over the years many, many guns of all types have come and gone, but I keep thinking back to that basic group. I now have many more guns than I will ever need from a practical sense, but some I just like.

I had a friend who passed away a long time ago. He was a working cowboy his entire life. He owned a Colt .45 SA, a Marlin 39 in .22 and late in life he bought a Winchester 30/30. He said it was all he needed and all he wanted. Sometimes I think he had the right idea. I may never cull down my accumulation to the few that he had, but there are a number of guns I own that were purchased because they were the fad or because of an impulse buy due to the impending apocalypse. The one thing I am doing is reducing the number of calibers I own and if that reduces the guns, that will be a good thing.
I've bought..sold..traded guns since I was a teenager....I'm middle age now....I'm thinking more now of what I will leave my kids and G-kids....I have guns that I've never shot....
Yes I have culled a couple of times. Mostly the routine stuff went each time. Now it is more culling things that I don't shoot much anymore. I don't like getting beat up at the range so my next culling will be the big boys. Pretty much anything over the 308/25-06 power level will go when I get around to it.

Age has caught up to my willingness to abuse the shoulder and call it "fun".
i have only sold a couple guns that turned out to be total junk, i am still young, but i would love to have a large collection to leave for family when im old and crazy

if there is another AWB craze and i can sell an sks for a grand, maybe ill sell a couple
anyone else ever felt like thinning their collection?

All the time, just never get around to it. I've swore I'd not buy another gun unless I sold one or traded it, but that hasn't happen yet.

One day...........
I think about it every now and then, then I take something out that I haven't shot in awhile and the thought of thining is gone...
It is a little different for me. I feel like "standardizing" at times. I feel the with a couple firearms in .308, .223, 9mm and .22 could do it all.

It is tempting to sell some firearms and put the money into more ammo for the "standard" calibers and setting them up with nice optics and accessories.

I also realize eventually I would kick myself and go right back to where I started. :rolleyes:
anyone else ever felt like thinning their collection?

You bet!

I have done this a few times, and I'm sure I'll do it again.
The practice allows me to refine & fine tune my collection.

None are or were family heirlooms with sentimental value, so no regrets :)
What I always keep on hand:

.22 rifle
.357 Smith
Short, pump action shotgun
30 caliber center fire rifle, not automatic

Those cover all my needs easily. I've tried several auto pistols & rifles & after the new wore off they went down the road. Only recently has my rifle battery expanded to three. Dad gave me his Swedish mauser & I bought a handi rifle in 30-30.

The handi rifle will probably go down the road soon as will a w. German Sig 220 & my old wingmaster.
I think about these things before I buy, and therefore rarely end up with something I don't want (need is another story). In the current and likely future environment, any reliable, useful gun is something to hold on to! That said, I don't have dozens of guns like some people here. I don't see the point of having multiple versions of identical guns for example. There are other things I can do with that money...
I'm still young, and barring any unforeseen financial difficulties, my guns aren't likely to be thinned out. The thought has crossed my mind, but I don't think I could ever go through with it.
I need to sell several I don't shoot. The problem is that I like them all. Thats why I bought them in the first place. I have way more than I need but what does "need" have to do with it?

Oh the hell with it. My wife can figure out what to sell after I croak.

You are so right, ratshooter. I buy guns because I like them; not because I merely spend my money on a frivolous whim. And I still like them, even the "dusty" ones that aren't shot much anymore. So, like you, I'll keep them and let my wife "sort 'em out" after I'm gone.