anyone else ever felt like thinning their collection?


New member
hello all,
this weekend I took a number of guns to the local firing range and spent a good 2 hours there. as the day progressed I found myself asking myself why I would ever need a particular model and when I would actually use it. I made up my mind that more than one firearm are not worthy of my time, money, and effort are going to the next gun show. now please do not mistake this as a "nobody needs more than one rifle" thread nor is it a "nobody needs an SKS15/47" thread. this is a thread about guns that you just no longer shoot or bought and found out you hated or are horribly innaccurate.

anyone else ever come to the decision to sell guns because they serve no purpose?
Not yet. I've recently placed an order at my LGS for an exact replacement of the only gun I did sell in my younger days. I imagine as I get older, I'll get to the point of selling what I can't pass on but that is a ways off. Hopefully.
I'm sort of there. I don't have any that I hate, but I do have a couple that have been gathering dust for awhile. One is a P17 Enfield that I haven't shot in years, the other a Persian mauser. I just don't enjoy shooting irons anymore and I don't have any good places to display them either. Seems a shame not to let them go to someone else that would enjoy owning and using them more than I do.
old scot,
assuming it hasn't been sporterized and the price is fair I would love to take that 1917 and give it a good home:D
Yep, I'm thinning my collection, but I'll get to shoot them over and over again. I'm giving them to grandkids. Every child gets a firearm. Every teenager gets a center-fire firearm. If one of the grandkids shows up, wanting to borrow a shotgun, we go to the safe and find one that suits them. I let them "borrow" it for the duration.

Of course, my grandkids are all well-schooled in firearms, are coached frequently on safety, and know that Four Rules apply always and everywhere. So, my guns are going away, one at a time, and they come out for the family shoots. I'll see them again, so it's not like they're lost.

Here's a family photo from the last family shoot.

I've recently had to pack, store and unpack all of my guns.

I've come to the conclusion that some major thinning is overdue and will happen soon.
For me it's an old age thing. I've been laying off those guns that aren't particularly important to me. What I try to do is find families with teenagers just starting out. I can make a good deal on the price and make a kid happy.
I sold 53 rifles a couple of months ago...some I'd had for 30 years, and never fired.

Used the money to buy a new 4x4 truck (Nissan Frontier crew cab)...I decided a few years back that I was gonna sell them because I just didn't need them, and didn't really want them anymore either...all Remington 700's, all at least 15 years old, most never fired...sold every one in less than 3 weeks...I still have all the rifles I'll ever need (30-06, 243, AR15, and a 270 for the wife...and a few 22's)

Less money spent on tinkering with various rifles...more money spent on perfecting 1 rifle (the 30-06).
Always in the market

If you people are thinning out, I'm always in the market... :D

Looking for some bolt action guns that I can re-chamber.
Had to when I lost my job and the money was tight. Sold all but 2 handguns (minus 16). Slowly rebuilt to where I have a good collection of 45ACp semis and revolvers. This time around though, I bought quality (IMHO) not quantity.
No hate to this thread.

I believe you do go through phases. When I started buying I would never dream of selling - not even a bb gun.

Now I have hundreds of guns and am thinning out, rebuilding etc. to the ones that I want. Since I have limited time, too many is getting in the way of shooting the ones I like.

So I just got my Glocks back from factory with new frames - nice, rebuilding an old Mauser, but selling off some that I don't need and do not use.

Have an Ak-47:), Mosins:), Mini-14, SKS and M1 carbine. Might sell off the later 3 and get and build a nice AR.

Also have many shotguns, but might sell off some of my Remingtons to get a newer Versamax? All in the name of time. Last time had my 1100 and a few pumps out. Trying to match up all my Dad's piles of shotgun shells along with a slight trigger on the pump made me want just a new Versamax rather than dealing with all these guns that all had maybe one issue.

So, I guess I agree and have listed a few on Gunbroker as we speak.:(
Passing them down

Agree with focusing on the few. Gave one '03 '06 sporter to my son, 1941 Win Mod 70 '06 to my wife, 1941 Win M94 to my daughter, and Marlin 336 to my daughter-in-law. In our house, weapons are shooters, not interior decorations.

Now have more people emptying loads, so that I can enjoy reloading. Focusing on my great-grandfather's Marlin 1894 in .25/20 and my own new Savage M11 in '06.

P.S...Score Family vs deer in 2014 = 6-0...Daughters and wife all firsts, son 2, me 1...Avg shot - 200 yds...ALL drop and stop - no movement, no tracking, none lost - meat on the ground...30/30's Speer 110gr HotCor 36.1gr 3031...30-06's Sierra 125gr ProHunter 53.4gr 4064.
anyone else ever come to the decision to sell guns because they serve no purpose?

I did, starting a few years ago. I lost access to some prime hunting land so those guns, both rifle and shotgun, went. Also, I was the only one who liked wild game so it seemed such a waste to kill something that wasn't going to be consumed fully by me or my family. Aging eyes spoiled any fun target shooting so those guns went. I've kept several handguns, rifles, and shotguns for HD or possible survival hunting but that's about it.
I've sold or traded more guns than I own today. That's normal for folks who have a lifetime gun hobby.

I've recently decided to sell my Rimfire Benchrest rifle because I'm tired of the game and getting out. Been doing it for over 20 years and the shine is gone! It's a custom Rem 40X with Lilja barrel, Hohen Tuner, Jewell Trigger, and McMillan stock.

I shot a 749/750 at an Unlimited IR-50/50 match with it a couple of years ago, but haven't shot much since. Sometimes you just have to let go of a great rifle.