Anyone else concern with Russia's increase military presence?

all it has to do is call in the debt owed on US bonds it bought from America.

And all the US would have to do is copy the USSR, China, Cuba and many other countries when they found themselves in debt, rule the debt null and void and nationalize all Chinese holdings in the United States.

As for the Russians, we went head to head against them on a regular basis back when I rode submarines for a living and the USSR was a real threat. Even at their height, we beat them hands down. Now I merely scoff in their general direction. They aren't worth bothering with.
I suspect that Russia is more worried about the US than we are about them. After all, the US government and its cheerleaders have forgotten that the Department of Defense is supposed to be about DEFENSE. So the Russians might be sending a message with demonstrations such as this one, as well as some military exercises they've done in the recent past.
I liked it better when it was called the Department of WAR.
Really? :confused: You think it's a good thing to have a department dedicated to fighting wars as opposed to dedicated to defending our country? I hope you realize the difference is that the former implies we go out and start wars while the latter implies we're supposed to be peaceful unless we're attacked.

But I guess it's silly to think that we should strive for peace. Nah, let's go conquer.


If China REALLY wanted to f*&k up America's world, all it has to do is call in the debt owed on US bonds it bought from America. And THEN send in a massive land army. Many foreign countries that do busniess with America buy treasury bonds.

Um. Their economy depends on selling stuff to us. That'd be as effective as blowing yourself up in a car bomb to injure the guy next to you. They're injured, you're dead.

Won't happen.
How many WARS did we lose when we had a Department of War vs. how many have we lost since, due to political correctness, is was changed to Department of Defense? Hell, we're still fighting the Korean war.

War is a nasty business and something to be avoided. If we go to war, then it should be WAR with all that it implies.
I can top this.

Putin dissolves Russian Government.

MOSCOW, Russia (AP) -- President Vladimir Putin dissolved the Russian government Wednesday in a major political shakeup ahead of parliamentary elections in less than three months and a presidential vote next year, news agencies reported.

The dissolution is expected to result in a new prime minister, who will be seen as Putin's choice to succeed him after he steps down next spring.

The newspaper Vedomosti, citing unnamed Kremlin officials, reported Wednesday that Sergei Ivanov, a first deputy prime minister and a leading contender to succeed Putin, could be appointed prime minister in the near future.
How many WARS did we lose when we had a Department of War vs. how many have we lost since, due to political correctness, is was changed to Department of Defense? Hell, we're still fighting the Korean war.

War is a nasty business and something to be avoided. If we go to war, then it should be WAR with all that it implies.
None because we haven't fought any legal WARS since the 1940s. Everything else has been a "police action" or some such bull. I don't give a damn about political correctness but it was changed because we shouldn't be encouraging a bloodthirsty, warmongering attitude.

Yes, war is a nasty business but the only reason we should ever go to war is for our own defense.
If Russia is going to arm itself to fight, I think China is a more likely adversary.

As long as China was the "redheaded stepchild" of communism, the old Soviet Union was more than happy to underwrite their adventures. Remember, China once stole then plans for a Boeing 707, and their copy--made of steel--couldn't even get airborn.

That relationship is long over. The two of them have had border disputes for years.

Russia might take to the skies, but with its own limited resouces, I believe China is the true target.
IM more concern with the invasion from Mexico. Living in L.A. aka mexifornia we are changing so fast it's hard to believe. They will bankrupt us. You cannot have thousands of uneducated people coming into the country who have no loyalty to this country. I guess the bottom line is we the American people have been sold out and we the number one super power is kissing the but's of the illegals. It's sad to see what's going on in this country and for all of you who live in states that are not affected yet, you will and then it will be too late. Keep on sleeping America. :mad:
ESI. No offense to you personally. But California politicians have succeeded in making the national political power house of California into a population of manipulatable voters via marijuana, freebies, and minority baiting and calling it 'enlightened'. This is self enforced by the culture by means of castigating anyone that doesn't subscribe and conform to the tenants of 'enlightenment'. It is broken and California is viewed from the outside as whacked out when it used to be viewed as Utopian.
China and Russia are historic enemies, and not very likely to build a lasting alliance. Russia has a huge source of oil on China's doorstep and China is going to need that oil really soon.

Putin's sabre rattling may convince Europe that we're not the real enemy.
Putin's a thug.

Sorry, folks, but the man was a high-ranking KGB officer, involved in the suppression of the dissidents, among lots of other nasty business. The Second Chief Directorate guys were a nasty bunch.

Nobody who knows anything about the KGB would ever trust anyone who was able to rise to significant rank in that organization. The kind of person that would even want to join the KGB is not someone that you could ever trust with any power at all.

We're talking about one of the two or three most ruthless agencies of State power that mankind has ever known. In their various forms, they killed more people than the SS.

A guy like that, in total control of a country with the largest resource base on Earth, who's building a large army should concern you. It scares the hell out of me.


PS - The Soviets lost the Cold War because their economic system was fundamentally doomed. Regan helped speed things up, (it's the only thing I admire him for), and Gorbachev pushed those basic conflicts to the final breaking point, but it would have happened anyway. The kind of authoritarian capitalism that Russia is now practicing seems to work much better. Ask the Chinese... they invented it.
I liked it better when it was called the Department of WAR.

War Department? I thought that was my wife!

She determines when the hostilities will begin, the theater in which they'll be carried out, the weapons permitted for deployment, the duration and fierceness of the battles waged, the final outcome of the conflict and the extent of any reparations due!:D
Putin is "pining" for the old days....


* S: (n) pining (a feeling of deep longing)


* S: (v) ache, yearn, yen, pine, languish (have a desire for something or someone who is not present) "She ached for a cigarette"; "I am pining for my lover"