Anyone else concern with Russia's increase military presence?


New member
Anyone thinks that the Red Bear has been doing some military grand standing?

They just tested the worlds largest airdropped non-nuke today:,2933,296441,00.html

They've are flying their strategic bombers on routine patrols again. A first since 1991.

They have more money to spend on their military with all their oil revenue and they seem to be beefing up their war making abilities and narrowing the technology gap.

What Redworm said. They would be foolish to try to start another arms race. We bet them out of the first one and we can do it again, not to mention the USSR doesn't even exist anymore. China is the one I'm worried about.
Putin, ever the KGB man, is saying "Look at our fifty year old propeller bombers!"

If they were sneaking around with the supersonic ones, I might worry...that, and they're mostly broken down or outright abandoned for lack of funds. This is outdated "Soviet" diplomacy.


"We had an air force, comrade, but it doesn't work anymore."
They have imitation B1's. They use the Bears because they work, and have the legs to make long runs. The supersonics have less range and likely have not been maintained so well. The Russians seem to have a problem building larger aircraft that are supersonic. Tu-144 was a abysmal failure even with all the info they stole about Concorde. The Tu-160 (I think that is the a/c) was built by the same guys a little later on, again with stolen/imitated data. The plan forms of the respective aircraft are too similar.

Their fighters and strike aircraft are among the best there are, and innovative. Expect the same thing to come with UAV's and perhaps a manned bomber.

Putin wants to affect the missile defense plans of the US and sway Europe, which gets most of its natural gas from Russia. He thinks the Russians are grander than they are and is trying to prove it as his elders did.

I dunno that we will tangle with them, but they are sorting out their aviation businesses, getting on with upgrades. Not current on subs and ground forces, but their newer anti-tank missiles worked fine on the Israelis, progress has been reported in lethality of newer SAMs.
Russia AND China do JOINT military training.
This is something the concerned need to be paying attention to.
The last PUBLIC release of info was about 2 years ago when an article about them doing JOINT land assault training from the sea.

Remember the P3 that had to ditch after colliding with a Chinese fighter? The crew was held for quite some time and the aircraft was stripped.

P3s are primarily used to hunt submarines. They are packed with avionics and the bulk of them are level 2 clearance to even see. A few are 'Naval Research' retrofitted.

Many times people have wondered why we are so willing to be give China a pass on issues. The trade imbalance is the most noted.

It should be remembered that they have a standing Army that is larger then the US population, nuclear weapons, and a sense of natural superiority.

Lastly, how many Chinese illegals you think are in the US?
If they'll start taking out some terrorists so we're not footing 100% of the bill I'm all for it, if that is in fact their attention. There's a lot of troublemakers and small time thugs in the world that need to feel the smack laid down upon them, and having a couple of other powers doing it that aren't handcuffed by the PC idiots is most welcome.
In order to be relevant on the world stage, one either must be an economic giant (like Japan or Saudi Arabia) or demonstrate that one has the means to project power. We have both.

Russia is just showing that it can project power. In light of their historical expansionism it is consistent.

WildimissrussianpowerbipolarpowerpoliticsaresomuchmorepredictableAlaska TM
I'm more concerned with americas constantly shrinking military prescense.

Seems like no one is willing to fight for their country anymore. Bunch of sissy liberals. :barf:
they have a standing Army that is larger then the US population

A standing army >300,000,000? Wow. I see why they're standing. No room to sit down.

But Russia's got nobody to fight. And hardly nobody to do the fighting. Unless they can borrow some guys from China's giant 300 million plus (hee hee) army, their imploding demographics kind of makes them resemble Iran. Doomed in the long term, but shaky and unpredictable for the next 25 years.
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After training Russian trained troops in FSU countries and seeing the quality of their basic/initial and advanced training as well as attending the Ukraine Flight Academy which was their premier flight school for Soviet aircrews. I'm not the least bit worried. They hamstring themselves with an unusable bureaucracy as well as a corrupt one. Their training standard is among the lowest I've seen. I spent my first year of advising there wondering why we were ever afraid of them.

To Yellowfin's comment,

I saw this on a foreign news source (and I don't mean BBC), the most recent Russian/Chinese joint military exercise was a counter terrorism one, I think it was mostly the special types so it wasn't large.

It's good to see the "anti terror" label for these two nations. It may help us in the future, but I'm not sure if the radical Islamists have any beef with China. There are a few of them way out in the westernmost parts of China who have gone to fight with the Taliban but I don't think even Chinese officials go out that far in their own country.
300,000,000 may seem ridiculous (actually more like 230,000,000) but it is only about 17% of their population of 1.35 BILLION. And military service is mandatory in China.

Did you discover that the size of the PLA (Chinese military) wasn't something you could find on the net?

Russia makes the package as with Russia you have American looking allies that have all the resources China doesn't and vise versa for Russia (except for the American looking population).
The Russians are acting like jerks because the people who run the country are all ex-KGB guys who miss the Scary Russia of the Cold War. Ultimately the Russians can only go so far before they run into the old problem of how to deal forcefully with an opponent with nuclear arms.
Truth be told...

If China REALLY wanted to f*&k up America's world, all it has to do is call in the debt owed on US bonds it bought from America. And THEN send in a massive land army. Many foreign countries that do busniess with America buy treasury bonds.
