Anyone consider Airsoft as a viable HD weapon?

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But you must admit the Vulcan is the coolest toy ever (wheras the 870 and all other real firearms are not toys, even if we love to play with them).
dave R, try having them hit you with a modded airsoft gun using the steel BBs, you may want to wear something heavier than a T-shirt though, like a plywood sheet. :)
Airsoft HD weapon?

Why would you even consider a toy as a self defense weapon? Like using Tinker Toys to build your Home. But if you don't value you life or the lives of your loved ones enough to use a real gun then go a head. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p :( :eek:
My friend's father once shot at a burglar with his pellet rifle, missed the guy but managed to hit and shatter the sliding glass door. As it was recounted to me, it was the braking of the glass that scared-off the intruder.

Perhaps you should shoot out all of your windows in a HD situation in hopes that the noise will scare him away.

If you want to flash your toy in hopes of deterring an intruder, this might work. -I wouldn't recommend shooting it and letting him know that it isn't a real gun. There may even be legal disadvantages since the "perp" will live to sue you for damages.

Real guns and bullets oftentimes aren't enough to stop an aggressor -what makes you think that BBs or plastic pellets will?

Some people may run away if they got hit by BBS, but I know of a few childhood friends who are still carrying BBs inside them from fooling around. It never stopped us from having our BB-gun wars.

If someone tried to spray me with a faceful of BBs, I would respond with 230gr hollow points.
No offense, but this is probably one of the silliest (and possibly most dangerous) ideas that I have heard.

We are always told that if you ever need to draw your gun on someone, make sure you are 100% prepared to pull the trigger. Why is this? Because you are essentially forcing the attacker/intruder to make a decision - fight or flight. If they decide to flee - fine. But if they decide to attack you need to make sure can do what you need to stop them. An airsoft gun does not have the capability to do this, and the fact that they do look like real guns can only make the situation worse if the attacker is armed. In a situation where they attacker may have just been after your physical possessions (and no, I am not advocating anyone simply roll over if they are ever confronted by a criminal provided they have the means to stop them), you are now forcing them to make a choice, one of which is to cause you physical harm - perhaps lethal. If they had a real gun or even a knife you'd likely be on the losing end, and there really is no way for you to know for sure whether or not they are armed until it is too late.

I think some of us watch too much TV...

A bluffs only good if they they dont call you on it. Then you'd be up s**t creek without a paddle.

I've got somewhere around 30 to 40,000 6mm plastic bb's, NIB's gathering dust if any one wants them. Make me an offer for the lot of em' and they're yours.
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