bp can be set off with static electricity, very wrong.
That part is true, VERY TRUE. Black powder CAN be set off with static electricity.
Static electricity is nothing more the electricity generated by the friction of two items rubbing against each other, and to get to the ground, a spark jumps. It that spark hits black powder, it can in fact ignite the powder.
That's why NON sparking tools are used when working around black powder.
The rest of the show's BS is for drama effect as most of these shows. You cat tell that by the targets they use.
Shooting isn't much of a spectator sport. You don't get much of a drama effect punching holes in pater several hundred yards away so they have to shoot big targets that break or blow up.
Another thing you want to look at in this and other shows, is all the mistakes or mis statements. I think that's done on purpose, after all, look at all the post these shows generate on Internet gun forums. Point out misstatements or mistakes, and others read about it, they turn on the show so they can catch the misinformation and join the rants.
BUT the show was correct about static electricity and black powder.