Anyone bought a gun lately?

I just bought a gun about 3 and 1/2 weeks ago and the check only took about 10 minutes. I have a common name and have had to wait long periods of time in the past, but not since I got my CCW. Because of the law (one gun a month), I have to buy another gun in a week. Hopefully, it'll be a quick check.

"Time changes everything"
I've got the system down now. Back in January it started with a delay and and NICS never called back and again in February. Since then I just go in three days early, determine if this month its a handgun or longgun, then come back three business days later and pick out what I want and up to three in one transaction (only three lines on the 4473) or they have to call again. They check the "no response" box, I sign it, pay and I'm out the door. I have seen it happen instantly, but its never happened to me. I have seen people I know get denied and get it changed two months later. But thats another subject, what it says in the NICS "guide for appealing a firearm transfer denial" and what really happens are two different things.
Is the CCW issued by 11/30/98 a federal or state thing? FFL's in my part of Georgia are accepting CCW's issued after 11/30/98.
Well, I did it. Kind of made up my mind and bought both an 870 (12 ga.)and a Browning BPS
(20 ga.). NICs took about 5 min to approve the sale at 7:30 EDT. I had no reason to belive it would be delayed, so I can't say I am surprised. Just thought I'de post an update.(Maybe brag a little about how great my wife is too ;),check out the shotgun forum)

Read the title of this thread... "Has anyone bought a gun lately"? Please take this in the humerious way it is intended.... but do ducks fly? lol.... Asking that question of this group? Like asking if we have taken a breath today.

Anyway, although I have bought three over the past couple of months, I can not tell as I live in CA... 10 day waiting period and all that. Our FFL's out here only call them in once a day and we are not around when they do.

yeah I did,,,,I get to pick up the postban bushmaster a2 carbine next week(time delay is for me not the gov.), the best part of this.....the rifle is going to cost me about $900 total cost, and out of pockett is only going to be $250---I was fourtunate to have a dealer who is affiliated with a reloader and I was able to make the difference up in brass.......It put me a little light in the pistol calibers,,,,,but I can make that up.......fubsy.
I've got no clue as to how long the NICS takes here in the "Peoples Republik of Kalifornia" as we've got this stupid ten day waiting period so instant means nothing to us. Thank the lord I transfer out of here next summer.

Yup, bought a Witness and was delayed for an hour bought a Winchester 1300 the next day and was delayed again for an hour and I have a class6 FFL. I can't sell firearms but I had to go through the same background check as any other FFL does. I really think they are just backed up. What did ya'll expect.

Just got home from a gun show. I saw some of the dealers there storming mad at the delays. One guy with a five or six table lay out of handguns was going nuts on the phone when I walked up. Of course it's a weekend and there were two gun shows in town at the same time, so that may have been part of the problem.

BTW, those guns were flying off the tables there today. Must be that Y2K thing, or are people just stocking up in case Klinton pulls the plug?
3 pistols since the beginning of the year. First one took about 3 minutes, the other 2 have taken less than a minute each. And if you look at MY name, you would assume that I am a prime candidate for deferrment.
Bought a handgun yesterday during my lunch break. While filling out the 4473, I explained to the seller that I chose to not provide my SSN, as it's optional.

He looked doubtful and said that I'd probably be delayed.

Yeah, like there are hundreds of guys with my name in the YooEss.

Anyway, I ranted for a minute, then put my Citizen Identification Number on the form, mostly to save time.

And was delayed anyway. Why?

It was noon. Seller said that transactions between 1100 and 1300 are nearly always delayed, when most of the droids go to lunch.

Our tax dollars at work. Sheesh.

BTW: they called back 20 minutes after I left; just as I was getting back to the office. Don't that just figure.

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
Ever since NICS began last November, I have purchased a lot of guns..... never once delayed. A few weeks ago I did buy a new Bulgarian Mak, and the my FFL and the NICS operator were cut-off as she was dictating my approval number...... after my FFL called back to get the number again, the NICS folks threw a fit stating that I "just purchased a handgun a couple minutes ago and your calling back again!?!?!?!" Took the NICS lady a minute to calm down before she figured out what happened.

Recently purchased a pair of Argentine Hi-Powers for 200 smackers.