Anyone bought a gun lately?


New member
Did NICs *approve* the sale or defer it? I just wonder because I have spent the last week looking hard at shotguns. I looked at 4 different stores in the area. I admit, the times were Saturday afternoon, and evening hours, which I have noticed are bad times to get instant approval. However, the rate of deferred,on other buyers, was 100%. I really wonder if NICs is dragging their feet to impose an illegal waiting period.
I've bought 4-5 guns since NICS has been implemented. No problem here, but I don't have a very common name.

If your name is something like Juan Martinez or John Smith, NICS will most likely delay you. When names like that are submited to criminal databases such as those that NICS uses (NCIC, [State]CIC, etc) it spits back tons of "sound-alikes" whether it be due to similarity in names or dates of birth.

"Society is well governed when the people obey the magistrates, and the magistrates obey the laws." - Solon

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited May 27, 1999).]
Bulldog: Ditto for me. I have bought 4 guns since last fall, but none in the last month. What I am seeing though, is a marked increase in deferrals, over the last few weeks. It may just be an overload of the system, but,,,,

Maybe I should have asked if anyone has noticed a higher rate of deferrals in the last few weeks.


[This message has been edited by Hal (edited May 27, 1999).]
Well, I just bought a couple of handguns about 3 weeks ago and had no problem. One was on a Saturday, the other on the next Monday.
Yeah, that's what I'm looking for. I guess it is just me being paranoid, but nowdays it doesn't hurt. I don't mean to infer I am leaping at shadows, but I hate to ignore a red flag. I noticed that the buyers were all being deferred, and found it strange. Prob just a big rush kind of thing given the recent impending restrictions, Y2K, full moon, China nukes or whatever. Nics and their *Trash 80* state of the art system is prob on overload.
My most recent purchase was about 3 weeks ago, the approval took about 10 seconds. I do have a common name and have always expected a delay, it's never happened. I think it may have to do with the FBI check for my CCW.
No problems here, but AFAIK, I'm the only Coinneach Fitzpatrick in the US.

They have been asking for SSNs lately, though. I just politely refuse, noting that it's optional.

I've only ever had one delay, and that was on a Friday evening.

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
Buddy of mine picked up a 1911A1 a couple of weeks ago. He was deferred for 3 days. However, Louie Smith might have been the issue.

God I love how the CHL keeps me out of that loop.

IDPA# A04739
I bought one about 3 weeks ago. The dealer was on the phone 2 minutes, tops. No problem. It was the middle of the day on a Friday.
Bought a rifle back in December and walked out with it as soon as the scope was mounted. Bought a Ruer Single Six two weeks ago and was appoved immediately but had to wait Maryland's seven days to pick it up.
Just my .02, but I picked one up last Friday, with the NICS check taking about a minute all told. So far all of my checks have gone through easily.

Now, I did notice a few weeks back that one Saturday afternoon everyone was getting deferred in one of the shops I was just browsing in. I assume that if there's a problem with the system they 'fail-safe' and just defer everyone for a time. Somewhat irritating for those attempting to buy at that time I imagine-I know it would be for me.
I've also benefited from having a CCW / CCL. Show the license, fill out the 4473, pay your money and you're out of there. Much better arrangement.

And, I've also switched to buying one gun per month. As I recall, that's becoming the law! Now, I have to admit, I'm a little surprised Clinton and HCI would want to require us to buy one gun per month, but hey - I'm flexible. ;) (this legal advice is for discussion purposes only ... consult your own attorney to determine how many guns you should buy per month ...)
I have bought 8 guns in the past 6 months and have been delayed on every one, from 15 minutes to 3 days. I guess my name is common or at least that is what I'm told. In AR with a CCW issued on or before 11/30/98 the NICS check is waived. Unfortunately mine was issued after that date. There are rumours that all will be exempt in August, but I'll believe that when I see it.

"GottaShoot30, GottaShoot27, GottaShoot23, GottaShootKimber - I just wish I had more time"

[This message has been edited by bluesman (edited May 27, 1999).]
I'm one if the fortunate ones who are exempt from NICS which means my last 2 purchases have been no problem. We have had the one handgun every 30 days law in SC since 1976. I've only had a problem with that law one time. I'm not saying I like it, but no one around these parts seems to want to change it.
No, I had a childhood buddy named Coinneach Fitzpatrick, and that's my uncle's name, too - maybe your middle name is different from theirs, though. ;) And my best friend is John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited May 27, 1999).]
I live in MI, and we do it almost the same.
To buy a rifle or a shotgun there is the phone in check takes about two min.

Then the handgun purchase you go to the sheriffs department get a permit-bg check takes about four or five min, then you can go buy your new gun, buy it, bring it back to the sheriffs department for a safty inspection then your done. It takes all together about a half hr. No finger printing no five day waiting period nothing your done

I don't know, maybe I'm just unluckey. Bought a gun about two weeks ago and the check was delayed four hours. But then again everybody in the store who purchased that day was delayed. We were told the system was backed up and had been for several days. Some people who made purchases in the afternoon had to wait until the next bussiness day. Since this was saturday and the shop is closed sunday and monday, they had to wait until tuesday to pick up their gun.
I just bought a shotgun last week (7 days ago) and to be honest I don,t think they even checked. I filled out the paper work and walked out of the store right after that. This was a sporting goods store that has been around for a while (10-15 years or so). I bought this weapon on a thursday afternoon, so if they did check it, it did not take 3 minutes because that was about the length that I was in the store. I already had made the deal for the shotgun. I just had to do the paper work and pick it up. I guess I was lucky or something.