Anybody using a derringer for a BUG or deep concealment?

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My Kahr PM9 is perfect for deep concealment or use as a BUG. Before I would carry a derringer I would drop my Baby Browning in my pocket. It's only 25 caliber, but up close and personal it'll get the job done.
Don't make too many assumptions.

I have a total investment of $28 into my .22 LR derringer.

Please show me where I can legally obtain a reliable firearm for the same price, that meets your stated criteria: "...a gun that can fire quicker with one hand, more accurately, often times lighter and smaller..."

Remember: $28.

if $28 is your gun budget I cannot assist you.
I have a total investment of $28 into my .22 LR derringer.

I would be interested to know when that was and under what circumstances. I haven't seen any prices close to that. I believe you, but at the same time and with all respect I can't say that such a deal would be commonly available to most of us.
Not all firearms are purchased.
Not all firearms are new.
Some things come in trades.
Others show up in pieces and need some love.
Some come as part of a group of firearms.
And, once in a while, someone gives away their "garbage".

It is still quite possible, in today's world, to 'horse trade' your way into something for a minimal investment. (Or, in the case of the $28 derringer, to horse trade my way out of a bunch of crap that came with it, to reduce the investment.)

Always thinking about MSRP or retail pricing on a firearm is a sure-fire way to always price yourself out of the market.
And, in this case, the question wasn't whether or not it's worth buying a derringer for BUG duty or deep concealment; rather, the question was does anyone use one.

For me, the answer is yes:
When, for whatever reason, I feel that even the LCP is too big to carry, the little .22 LR derringer comes out to play.
OK, if I am reading you right you bought a batch of stuff that included the derringer, then sold off and traded the rest of the batch. Makes more sense in that context. This part of your previous post, though:

Please show me where I can legally obtain a reliable firearm for the same price

had my thoughts going a different direction. Good job on the trading. Not sure I would have had the foresight or the time to pull it off.
I like the design of the old High Standard .22 magnum derringer.

But I consider my NAA Black Widow vastly superior for carry.
I would choose a Ruger LCP for deep concealment before ever choosing a derringer and I even consider that to be too small to be a serious carry gun for most people.
Once upon a time a gangbangers robbed a bank. An older gent was heading to said bank also. Banger comes running out of the bank with a hand full of cash.
Older gent pulled his 45acp derringer and ordered the gb to stop. When the gb continued to advance, the little 45acp derringer rang out. Gb down, the end.
I am not a believer in 32acp for SD, but I would much rather have my P32 in my pocket with seven rounds (IIRC) than a two-shot SA derringer of tbe same size and weight.
I have a Bond 45 Colt CA Papa Bear. The CA models are for 45 Colt ONLY and will not chamber a 410 shotshell ... and they have more rifling in the barrel. I can keep both shots center body mass @ 15 yards easily. I carry it with Buffalo Bore heavy standard pressure loads. Once you understand to pull the trigger back and down, the trigger pull is great. Recoil is relevant. I am used to shooting heavy-caliber handguns, and with this load the Bond derringer is just a big mouse fart.

I feel safe carrying it for a main concealed carry gun. To me, self defense is a last-resort, up close and personal affair. The likelihood of needing more than two rounds is about zero. In a serious up-close attack, you aren't going to have time for more than that anyway. A 45 Colt round will STOP a big man in his tracks instantly. A 38 won't. A 380 is a joke. Unless you stick the gun in his ear. And while you're sticking it in his ear he'll be shoving a blade between your ribs, or if you've shot him once he can still kill you with his own gun before he goes down. A 45 Colt will put him down instantly and he will stay there. And any SANE perp that isn't mentally retarded will stop in his tracks soon as he's staring down those two big bores. The Bond derringers are built like tanks, utterly reliable and safe to carry.
Jimku, you leave a lot to be commented on. I agree the 45 Colt can be a good defensive cartridge but it is far from a guaranteed manstopper. No cartridge is unless you do your part and hit the CNS and that can be acheived with a lowly 22rf. The 38 can and is a good defensive round and has the history to back it up. The 380, while I agree with most that it is at the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to a reliable defensive round, it is far from being a joke. A CNS hit with a 380 will drop the biggest of the big. I like my little 9mm derringer but I won't rely on it for 2 rounds being enough for my main carry. I feel it could be used as a backup to a CCW. Derringers are fun guns to shoot and their size allows you to hide them better than most but there are lighter guns out there that hold 5 to 8 rounds. I do think that Bond Arms makes the best derringers out there. Their weight and size puts them in the same classes as other guns that hold more, better trigger and better accuracy.
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The Bonds I think are tremendous PDWs.

Friends dad carries one in .410 shot. They have some OOO loads for them now that will pick a man up off his feet and knock him down.

Two shots? Who cares. Once the other guys see what happened to the first two, they won't have any interest in fighting or raping.
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Carrying a gun that holds 5 or six 45 Colt cartridges means it is not concealable.
If you ever have to use a gun for self-defense and shoot the perp five or six times you're going to be in litigation for months trying to prove WHY and will most likely end up doing time. If nothing else, the legal costs will most likely bankrupt you. Skill is just as important as the gun. I can flat guarantee you that I can use my Bond 45 derringer and put the first shot squarely center upper torso ... if not squarely in the center of his forehead.

The history of the M1911 begins in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War, when U.S. soldiers and Marines found themselves locked in fierce combat with the Moro, a knife-wielding native insurgency that combined religious zeal and potent drug use.
Much of the fighting was close-quarters battle and the hopped-up Moros took round after round from U.S. .38-caliber pistols while they continued to hack away at Americans.
If anything positive came from the bloody 15-year guerrilla war, it was the realization that the U.S. military needed a better pistol.
A look back at an older weapon pointed the way to a solution. In desperation, the Army had issued Colt Model 1873 .45-caliber revolvers—dating back to the Plains Indian Wars—to soldiers fighting the Moros.
The heavier round began to turn the tide. It often took just one well-placed shot from the .45-caliber pistol to kill a Moro.
I've closed another derringer thread down, and will close this one down for the same reason. There is no reason to read statements that are out of touch with handgun and self-defense reality concerned long dead threads.

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