Anybody tried these remake 1903s?

Chris, in your interest of safety and function, you might want to start a thread on proper loads for the Garand. Id be interested in seeing what is posted there, rather than hijacking this thread, which is, after all, about the 03 Springfield

You're overanalyzing to the point where you're losing sight of what is truly important in this discussion, and that's the fact that, in a properly manufactured Model 1903-A3 in .30-06, ammunition made and sold today IS AS SAFE TO USE as ammunition manufactured in 1910, 1920, 1930, etc.

Whether it's ADVISABLE to use it is another matter entirely; that can only be answered by the individual with the individual gun.

It's not so much that you're being "proven wrong," it's that you're throwing in items that really are of no practical consideration to the original poster's question of safety.

By doing so, you're confusing the issue in ways that it really doesn't need to be confused. The OP isn't talking about an M1 Garand, he's not talking about an Unobtanium Stealth Mark Naught Niner Squirrel Nut Zipper, he's talking about rifles built on the 1903A3 action.

For all intents and purposes, it really doesn't matter, then, that today's .30-06 ammo uses a different powder that wasn't obtainable during World War II. At no time did any of us either say OR infer that today's ammo is somehow identical to what was available in 1945 or in 1917. You read a clear statement that addressed the original posters question as written and read something into it that came from... well, I don't know where.

If you wish to bring this discussion up regarding the M1 Garand as a hypothetical exercise, I'd suggest doing so in a new thread, but not in this one, because again, it only serves to confuse what in this case is not a confusing issue.
Mike, I have politely, calmly, and rationally put forth my standpoint for the purposes of clarification multiple times in this thread

It is not appropriate for you to somehow make fun of me, and I'm surprised at you. Unobtanium Squirrel nut zipper?

Point taken to heart Mike. Have a good one
Chris, in your interest of safety and function, you might want to start a thread on proper loads for the Garand. Id be interested in seeing what is posted there, rather than hijacking this thread, which is, after all, about the 03 Springfield

I won't do it. I have just ceased carring if somebody blows the receiver heel off an M1 due to the info in this thread and I won't waste my time on the subject again.

I'm not mad at you (or anyone else) but this has gone from me trying to clarify a true point that seems to suggest something that is not what the person who made the statement probably wants to make, to me being the Bad Guy. If anyone here asks me if 30-06 is the same as M2 ball, I'm going to say "ask the experts, they know more than me"

Again, not mad at you or anyone; just very disappointed that no good deed goes unpunished:(
"I have just ceased carring if somebody blows the receiver heel off an M1 due to the info in this thread and I won't waste my time on the subject again."

:rolleyes: Drama much?

"If anyone here asks me if 30-06 is the same as M2 ball, I'm going to say "ask the experts, they know more than me"

You know damned well that NO ONE in this thread either said or claimed that.

This is exactly what I said:

"The fact is that .30-06 ammunition of 1906-1945 operates at the same pressures and specifications as modern (post 1945) ammunition."

Unlike what you THINK that says, it does not say that modern ammunition is the same as WW II era M2 ball.

If that is your level of reading comprehension, then I suspect that you should leave it to the experts. :mad:

"if somebody blows the receiver heel off an M1 due to the info in this thread..."

You know, I have been into guns for over 35 years now, and this is the FIRST time that I've ever heard the claim that someone could blow the heel off an M1 using a powder suitable for the .30-06 cartridge.

I have, however, heard that some of the slower powders, which CAN be used in the .30-06, but aren't exactly suitable for it, can cause higher port pressures in an M1 and lead to bending of the op rod.

I suppose, however, if one were to reload a .30-06 cartridge with one of the very fast pistol powders that one could blow the heel off an M1, but that would be by using a powder that is totally UNSUITABLE for the .30-06, and which is NOT, in any way, shape, or form, available as commercially loaded ammunition.

That's all well and fine, but once again this is not a thread about the M1 Garand, it's about bolt action rifles built on 1903-A3 actions.

Tell you what. How about we approach it this way.

Find us some modern .30-06 ammunition from one of the major manufacturer's that is not suitable for use in the M1 Garand.

But once again, let's do this in a separate thread that is about the M1 Garand, not about the 1903-A3 bolt action.